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Forum Post: ~~ ZenDog Status Update ~~

Posted 11 years ago on April 15, 2013, 12:27 p.m. EST by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

that's right,

status update

It's nice outside, so I am turning off my computer. I have things to do, they are outside, and for the first time in weeks it really is nice out.

So. Why a forum post on the matter?


  1. The profile page is so highly functional that it just doesn't have space for it.
  2. I can't help myself.
  3. I'm a subversive prick, although I'm not at all sure what we might subvert too, I simply must be subversive.
  4. After all, MySpace and Facebook have status updates - why don't we?

there is the what, and there is the why. As for the how, that is simple.



But while I'm away, do try to keep in mind, won't you, there is a boycott afoot.

How Long




Read the Rules
[-] 0 points by maggiepie35 (15) from Weehawken, NJ 11 years ago

You're a good boy. A good dog. Like a well trained Labrador. Rabid? Subversive? No. A very good boy that's always ready to serve his owner - Obama. A status quo dog. Static dog. A sleepy cozy dog, not a revolution dog.


[-] -1 points by maggiepie35 (15) from Weehawken, NJ 11 years ago

Using F words don't make you bad or subversive. It just makes you impolite. If you want to be subversive you'll have to be courageous and challenge the status quo. Drop Obama and join Occupy. Libertarian socialism is the future. Go out for a walk without your leash. Just once. I promise you won't get hurt.


[-] -1 points by maggiepie35 (15) from Weehawken, NJ 11 years ago

I don't eat meat. I care about animals. There are a lot like us. I promise, if you drop your leash and go off the beaten track for a bit you won't get lost or hunted.

The fact that you claim you are a "subversive prick" makes me believe you do long for some real subversion. Deep down inside you want to be against the status quo. You do want to join Occupy. You just don't have the courage yet to drop your leash.


[-] 0 points by maggiepie35 (15) from Weehawken, NJ 11 years ago

No lie. I promise you that if you get off the beaten track you won't get hurt. After exploring other avenues, you can always come back to Obama if you are not satisfied. My feeling is you might be surprised that there are other possibilities than Dems and Republicans.


[-] -2 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago

yes you do!

You lied in that thread I responded to you in.

I just didn't call you out directly.


[-] 0 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 11 years ago

I've played Jeeves many time



[-] 0 points by maggiepie35 (15) from Weehawken, NJ 11 years ago

I'm a subversive prick

Being a pro-Democrat on an anarchist forum is the opposite of subversive. It's uber conservative.


[-] 0 points by maggiepie35 (15) from Weehawken, NJ 11 years ago

A real occupier. An anarchist. A true subversive spirit. Going against the system, against the grain. Not one to love members of the 1% whether Democrats or Republicans. A lone wolf. Fighting for change and community, not for voting for the supposed lesser evil. We don't need representatives, we can build a better world ourselves.

Subversives abhor the status quo. And, last time I checked Democrats were in office.

[+] -5 points by GirlFriday (17435) 11 years ago

So, the pr firm strikes again.

[-] 0 points by maggiepie35 (15) from Weehawken, NJ 11 years ago

No, I'm not part of Occupy Solidarity Inc, I do agree with some of the things those anarchists are saying, but not with everything. I'm more in line with libertarian socialism than anarcho-communism. What about you?


[-] -2 points by GirlFriday (17435) 11 years ago

You're a lyin' conniving PR libertopian shill.



[-] 3 points by flip (7101) 11 years ago

there is no such thing as libertarian socialism - are you kidding? you need to get a grip - let me guess your response - fuk you??


[-] 4 points by flip (7101) 11 years ago

Better than usual but you really should use google sometime


[-] 1 points by flip (7101) 11 years ago

So you can use google. Nice job backtracking dog







[+] -4 points by maggiepie35 (15) from Weehawken, NJ 11 years ago

there is no such thing as libertarian socialism.

Is that why you banned struggleforfreedom80 yesterday? Because he was explaining libertarian socialism. Is that something the Dems fear?


[-] 8 points by struggleforfreedom80 (6584) 11 years ago

I've never been banned. Liar.


[+] -4 points by harrythetroll (-32) 11 years ago

Are you this "trashy" guy?


[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 11 years ago

you're a dem?


[-] 0 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 11 years ago

I thought so


[-] -1 points by maggiepie35 (15) from Weehawken, NJ 11 years ago

Not a moderator? Right. If you weren't a moderator you wouldn't be allowed to go around the forum swearing at others and threatening others with death threats or others forms of violence. You certainly are a moderator or very very very good friends with one. A friend with benefits perhaps. The benefit to break all forum rules and other rules of decency and keep trolling along like nothing every happens.

Notice, the only one using the F word here is you. I don't use insults.

[-] -1 points by GirlFriday (17435) 11 years ago

Somehow you began to believe that your multiple ID trolling tactics made you a better type of person. Not even close.





[-] -2 points by odinson (-10) 11 years ago

This is what happens when you discontinue important medications.


[-] 0 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 11 years ago

but people like beer

what if social working requires it ?


[-] 0 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 11 years ago

people drink socially when hashing out business details.

[-] -1 points by maggiepie35 (15) from Weehawken, NJ 11 years ago

Too many beers...