Forum Post: Zeitgeist Federal Reserve Movie
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 4, 2011, 9:02 p.m. EST by rin1
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The Zeitgeist Movement is pretty much doing the same thing as OWS, and their movies are really great as starter discussions the best one is probably Zeitgeist FEDERAL RESERVE which you can see all for free online.
It would be great to spread the word on this, just share it with everyone you know, it really opens your eyes. You can read books like Secrets of the Temple for more info
Also you can google the information found in the movies and it usually comes up
We are a generally indentured nation. Great documentation of how it happened. Interesting that as the awareness of the significance of this grows, we are seeing it clarified so that it is not so esoteric for most people to understand it. The movie "In Time" for instance, is not so far from the truth. We do not have the technology to make time a currency, but if you consider that the citizenry has a finite amount of time on this planet, and generally must repay a central bank for debt based currency at a rate, it makes it clear how important it is that a debt based currency is managed fairly. That is why political discussion of what the Fed should do is a sensitive topic. The Fed must never be influenced by politics, such as politicians of today who want to tell the Fed how to manipulate markets based upon the political mantra of the day, suppressing inflation. Even on OWS, which is one of the more intelligent politic forums around, you hear people bashing the Fed for creating liquidity right now even though unemployment is vastly over the more productive 5%. The Fed must use its' great power solely for the purpose of promoting productivity, not market manipulation and price controls no matter how PC they sound.
Did you watch Zeitgeist Federal Reserve? It's a great movie, other movies to watch are Inside Job, American Casino, and books that are good are Secrets of the Temple, and websites such as occupy the fed are great.
The Federal Reserve is not at all influenced by politics and is a separate body from our government, despite what it says it is a private entity made up of 1/3 of the banks in the United States so I doubt being influenced by politics is a problem. The problem is that a bank is controlling what is happening with our taxes dollars. All of our taxes, all the money in govt is controlled by banks. In fact Congressmen have been asking the Bernanke for years where all of our tax dollars are, however, he simply answered I don't know. He won't even say how much money there is in New Zealand and Japanese Central Banks, and that's just to name two out of a hundred. The Fed has been loaning American tax payers money to other central banks willy nilly with no oversight, it's time we start telling them to open up their books because it has gotten way out of control. Not to mention they loan out money to banks Interest Free, while those banks charge 20 percent interest to the tax payers who bailed them out, and foreclose on them without a thought after they screwed the American people in the 2008 mortgage crisis.
Its not influenced by politics, it runs them.
If only the Federal Reserve was more separate from our politicians. Then we wouldn't be in this liquidity crisis. Unfortunately they can remove Fed Chairmen and for the record our elected representatives can legislate/administrate anything that is physically possible for our country to do, aside from removing power from the Courts. Also the banks are loaning at historically low rates today. We do have some problems still with the way the Federal Reserve operates, but if you ask me I'll tell you that the problems are not that the Federal Reserve is too separate, it is that the Federal Reserve is not separate enough not to be influenced by politics. Also, the Federal Reserve mandate has been corrupted to support market manipulation under the guises of price stability and bubble bursting when it really should be worried solely about productivity.
Yea i mean i don't actually think the venus project will work until we have a massive awakening happen. I don't mean anything mystical here. But like has been said, problems can't be fixed in the same state of mind they were created in. We have the knowledge and resources to change it all, we just lack the vision. peace can't be achieved by force, but through understanding. ect.ect.
i agree with what you're saying, but we need to make that "awakening" happen - which is why i think telling people about the movie really helps
I agree
im actually surprised i dont hear many OWSers talking about the venus project
A lot do, including myself. Hopefully, the idea will pick up.
yeah i think the ideas are similar, i've seen the ows people working on a similar project
At a particular camp?
at the open space meeting in OWS nyc - they were trying to come up with what the ows movement meant or was about and some of the same points as the venus project came up
Cool. Glad to see it's being brought up. I live in nyc and thought about going down there, but I never did.
Anyone who gets excited about the Zeitgeist thing needs to read Brave New World.
just thought it would be great to share this movie with people outside of the OWS movement because its very informative and makes you want to join
great video, put out by a cult...
how is peter joseph a cult? he only supports a movement with a vision for a new future, just like OWS - meaning OWS is a cult, but it isn't - it's just trying to find a future that already built by corporations for people, but by the people for the people
Now now, it's your wiki that's gonna grow up to run the thing with some help from metapolitik , Spanky, and likely some others. BTW, your last couple of posts rocked. And I still haven't got email veri from the site. I am registered right? Call me naive but i'm doing for my kids as best i can. I'm still learning.
i don't know what to say about that. i think sometimes it lags in the mail as long as a day or two but usually shows right up in under 30 minutes.
others have reported lag issues also?
i am not the techie, just the information officer?
to contact the techie use the provided chat system?
I should mention given that the movie is called Zeitgeist:Moving Forward and this topic was posted by a troll who i don't bother replying to, I was referring to The Venus Project in my above reply to you and assumed you were referring to TZM/TVP too. I think the wiki is the system that runs the cities in TVP. Or is there really a movie called Zeitgeist Federal Reserve?
it's a movie you can find it on youtube
agreed. tzm/ tvp is a problem, a cult. They do have a long winded presentation or two about ending the federal reserve. A lot like RONPAUL, tho, just because they have some good ideas on the one hand doesn't prevent them from being a giant mess of a con scam on the other.
That movie is full of false claims. It is considered a conspiracy theory by scholars and has been debunked in painstaking detail on this site:
I'm not going to debate this issue. I just posted the information for those who want to hear the critics.