Forum Post: You're All SEVERELY Demented
Posted 12 years ago on March 7, 2012, 12:39 a.m. EST by DiMiTri
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
But i am to so its all good and no ones fault! :)
Everyone is to various degrees. The greedy among us who lack empathy and strive for power and control over the masses are likely the most damaged and there is info from many fields to back this up! There is a massive pile of evidence for this and many academics are showing they're support for this scenario. Heres a general video on it
It would be extremely convenient to just dismiss this outright, but paradoxically that's just what a mind suffering from dementia would do. A sane mind would at least check out the integrity of the organ that is directly involved in orchestrating not only our perceptual world but our very sense of self
"problems cannot be fixed from the same state of mind that generated them"
I've talked about this here as well
this explains it briefly:
i always knew I wasnt the one who was demented, it was everyone else. It could be cause I grew up eating fruit. I had nearly every kind of fruit tree to pick from either from my yard or my neighbors yards, as I wondered the streets as a boy.
lucky dog
Hehe..sorry but this affects everyone regardless of the diet after birth. Although in theory it could be prevented in a generation if the chemical environment of the womb 200,000 years ago or so before we left the jungles was mimicked. But even that would take more than just fruit since our endocrine system, and things in general would be running extremely different and thus producing a different flood of molecules.
what is the short version of this theory, that our diet is making us dumber because we stopped eating natural plants, and are eating too much junk food? if so, i have believed that naturally. I always craved wheat bread, not white bread, I always craved butter not margarine, fruit drinks, oh but i have been drinking about a 2 litre of pepsi every other day now for 5 years or more.
The forward by Dennis McKenna explains the general idea
so do these links:
this picture explains it
Once upon a time in America... keep at it; writing is good for the soul.
oh the stories we have to tell: like how not listening to others about going to college so that I can get a good job. (I know some college grads that hate their mundane repetitious jobs), while I go to work each day excited about the variety of work I get to perform, meeting new customers, and the hopes of making a huge profit in a short time. Thank God I dont listen to others like government and brainwashed souls to teach me what the meaning of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness means to me.
The independent mind suffers greatly; when we are up we rule the world, when we are down there is no one to blame but ourselves. Even so, the world has need of the independent mind. I've always kind of gone my own way...
What do you make of people who expect others to support them?
this is a coverup for the rich who have taken the abundance of the earth and wont share it.
Well whether or not this is right or wrong, the only logical thing to really expect for sure is people to NOT support it for the most part either way
depends on the context, no?
"If humanity really is afflicted by a serious case of dementia there will be no lack of behavioural symptoms or biological evidence. However there will be perceptual difficulties in recognising the condition and psychological difficulties in accepting the diagnosis."
Truth versus fiction: I am cold, I must warm myself; I am hungry, I must eat; I am tired, I must sleep; I'm a horny muthafucker, and, well, you know the rest. Everything else is but the fictions we create for ourselves as a "rationale" in relation to environmental circumstance.
There is no such thing as "rational." We are all, particularly on the individual level, at times, emotionally driven, impulsive, and quite irrational. The symptoms, due to the lack of effective behavioral control, as cohesive bond through common mindset, are everywhere in America.
If this were not true, we would not be here debating and discussing the need of an appropriate response to issues now. We are of competing interests, and debating the course of proper response, or the development of a cohesive and appropriate rationale.
Truth is, we are a rather sick society.
So then wouldn't the existence of evidence for a species wide neuro-degenerative condition be the most likely candidate for the root cause behind our collectively insane behavior?
It's not degenerative; we've always been like this.
You just described every single society in human history.
Yes, but the more diverse and the greater the competing interests, the sicker society gets.