Forum Post: Your thoughts on this global phenomena
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 1, 2011, 4:13 p.m. EST by JoTerrence
from Palmdale, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
David Graeber, a longtime anarchist, joined the protests in the very beginning on a whim and quickly set it on a new course to make government less corrupt. If there is an endgame to the protests, he says it's to "delegitimize" the current political system to make way for the kind of radical change that would create a more open and fair democracy unshackled by the interests of big money.
This course to make government corruptiopn proof was accomplished 200 years ago by Scandinavian countries. 99ers over there in 1809 developed the New Guard system from our Declaration of Independence. After refining and testing for 150 years 25 OECD nations adopted this system along with two of our states. In brief we the people commission Jason Bourne to investigate corruption for our future security as a duty given us by our founding Patrons. Jason pounces on police abuse. Reverses corporate personhood, delegitimizes the current political system, brings our prison rate to world norms and unshackles interests of big money with no detractors. Jason is seen and embraced as a father figure in the 39 nations who adopted this system. What are your thoughts of this global phenomena? Do we play their rigged game going in with our queen game piece? This would avoid much as our man has all the protective power he needs to keep us all safe. Should we commission this plenipotentiary to protect us from police abuse as we occupy?
we need to claim the legal system back from the oligarchs who now weild it abusively as nothing other than the labor of the caste system.
this global phenomenon needs to get organized and if it does not it will fail. anarchism is a problem, not a solution, and ows is a leaderless, not name dropping movement.
I have been active here since the very beginning, and since the very beginning I have been trying to make some core points. These points clearly have not been digested or fully understood by the mob, and so I'm going to try to make a further attempt here again.
For these reasons, I beg of you to please immediately join me on the wiki. We need to have all of these details and all of these ideas put together in an organized fashion, rather than posted in a long scrawl which will never be read.
Okay I'm on the same page and logged in as 579 in wiki. The only way to restore civility, sanity, democracy, or stop the assorted emergencies our civilization faces is to end the corruption and to do that you must remove the corrupted. I found this from your links. This is what I'm saying. You talk of article V getting 3/4 of states to legislate outside of the corruption. Their is an easy way to remove the corrupted.
yes, tho article 5 alone is dangerous because it just opens the genies bottle without putting a fire under the butts of the reps. Its got to be a new political party under a 70 percent or more coalition... ie; our job is to waken the sleeping 98 percent at least to 70 percent on our side. As soon as we know we have 70 percent, we can't really lose an election.
If you are worried about the false dualism game the other way hop the fence and go with Ron Lawl. come back to the actual election in time to guage it. if there is still only one percent then fighting against one percent with 98 percent not getting it; vote your conscience. But if we can form a coalition of 70 percent between now and the election, and i think we can, then we owe it to ourselves to step off the oligarchy merry go round once and for all.
A new political party is possible with the loss of America. Boulder got a 76% vote passed on reversing corporate personhood. A vote on commissioning new guards to accompany article V and personhood has 100% passage throughout the world as there are no detractors to this guard stopping police abuse and corruption. This is the queen piece in chess. Do we go into this game being played on us with or without this piece?
holy wall of text batman, i guess you haven't learned about the 'paragraph' yet
holy programs, robin, this one deletes formatting.