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Forum Post: Your Government is bought and paid for... and the supreme court and congress have made it legal.

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 6, 2011, 1:37 p.m. EST by TrevorMnemonic (5827)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

The supreme court is as bought as congress. Check out mccain feingold, the first time they tried to reform campaign financing. They called the reform unconstitutional toward corporations because it bans free speech. It's not unconstitutional because the constitution exists for people. Banning corporations from financing politicians is not banning freedom of speech. Because 100% of US citizens will still have the freedom of speech once the financing ban takes place on corporations. Why isn't the limit at least the same level actual people are limited to? That inequality is unconstitutional. It gives them an advantage over actual US citizens. The whole route how corporations attained the rights of people is unconstitutional. It's no different than giving my house the rights of people. A corporation is not a US citizen. It has US citizens working in a building. But the building is not a US citizen. Which is why I and so many others suggest adding a constitutional amendment clarifying that only US citizens can participate in government. And to be a US citizen you also have to be an actual human being that has attained citizenship through birth or the process already set in place for citizenship.



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[-] 1 points by drunkenmonkiees (18) 12 years ago


dedicated to the movement

[-] 1 points by Oldone (4) 12 years ago


Where are the ethics and rights of US Citizens, when your right to vote is terminated without due process!