Forum Post: You will get no change from fantasy
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 13, 2011, 5:57 p.m. EST by fredastaire
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
All of these huge political changes are nothing more than mental masturbation. I'm not sure if you are intentionally derailing the movement by dragging people to the fringe or re just so inexperienced in life that you actually believe that it will happen this way. The power of this movement is in the people as a majority to take back the narrative and set new social boundaries. Restructuring the social perception of executive and corporate value to society. Right now, these middlemen are living on a distorted perception of their worth to society. As I just mentioned, they are glorified middlemen, that is it. This is only one perception that you as a majority can change.
I support this movement and have with phone calls to politicians, my own project to support our narrative, and money. But if anyone takes violent action against my government, I will respond in kind. I seek to end corruption in my government and restore control to the people, not the overthrow it. There are many like me.
Look at the nations that have no government. Are they living the dream? They did what they had to because there was no other way. Do not be so full of angst that you forget, we do not live in those countries and the people you seek to overthrow, have been elected. There is no electoral college for the senate, house, or local government. You do not have to bribe the cops to protect you.
Anonymous: If you are on this forum; You have effected my work for days at a time while targeting others. You are not a band of heroes. Like all terrorist, you catch the innocent in your rampaging tactics. You are faceless cowards.
"You will get no change from fantasy"
Correction: No change has ever occurred without fantasy. Never.
the last is my fav.
Revolution, even a social one, is not for children.
Agreed,100%, to this:
how is the vertical line posted ?
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if one lives in peace