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Forum Post: You represent me?

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 22, 2011, 10:40 p.m. EST by MVSN (768) from Stockton, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I agree that a lot needs to change in this nation. But you people do not represent me, or much(if any) of the so called 99%. I have nothing in common with you. So bang your drums, shoot up your dope, rape women. Quit saying you represent me.



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[-] 5 points by LSN45 (535) 13 years ago

I have no problem with people making lots and lots of money - as long as they don't subvert our democracy and disenfranchise the American voter in the process. For the sake our our children and future generations of Americans, we need to take back our democracy from the rich and powerful who are using their vast sums of money to "speak" as if they represent millions of Americans. They are twisting our laws and manipulating our policies in their favor at the expense of the average American. The $50 or $100 a normal American may give to a political campaign becomes meaningless when corporations or other special interests are handing our millions to buy political access to the decision making process. Here's my 2 cents on what we need to do:

For decades now the corporations and special interests have had our "representatives" bought and paid for (both on the right and the left). Don't get distracted by the symptoms - we need to address the root cause. Concentrating our efforts on getting the money out of our politics is the best way we can create an environment in which further reforms can be realized. Until we end the current system of legalized bribery (campaign donations) and paid lobbying our politicians will continue to be the LAP DOGS of the corporations and special interests. What we need first and foremost is real, loop-hole free CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM!!!! If the corruption is not dealt with first, the chance of any other meaningful reforms becoming a reality is almost zero - the special interests will just use their money to buy votes and put forward bills that create loop-holes or otherwise twist the law in their favor. If we want our children to live in a country where there vote matters, we need to get the money out of our politics, otherwise they will increasingly become the 21st century version of the "landless peasant." Spread the word - End the LEGALIZED BRIBERY!!! CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM needs to be THE main goal of the protests!!!

[-] 1 points by Joyce (375) 13 years ago

All true yet the subversive elements continue to rise to the top, and guess what, all the mic checks in the world will not motivate middle America toward OWS

[-] 1 points by monjon22 (508) 13 years ago

You on the money! So right.

[-] 0 points by MVSN (768) from Stockton, CA 13 years ago

Well said!

[-] 1 points by hchc (3297) from Tampa, FL 13 years ago

the media loves easy minds like yours

[-] 0 points by MVSN (768) from Stockton, CA 13 years ago

So enlighten us with you self proclaimed genius. Tell us how to makeover minds in your complicated image.

[-] 1 points by stuartchase (861) 13 years ago

I want you to go to this post. I want you to speak truth to power!. Say it once, say it twice. Say it loud. Say it proud. I'm down with the KTC. The Revolution starts here!



The Revolution starts here! No one can silence the Revolution!

[-] 1 points by alouis (1511) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Muslim New Yorkers are the 99 %.



[-] 1 points by monjon22 (508) 13 years ago

Some are and some are not. The 99% is an economic division. Very wealthy Muslim New Yorkers are in the 1%.

[-] 1 points by alouis (1511) from New York, NY 13 years ago

I didn't say "all Muslim new yorkers" I said "Muslim New Yorkers." You're right. And So are Jewish new yorkers.

[-] 1 points by monjon22 (508) 13 years ago

OWS protestes certainly should be able to identify strongly with the many Muslims who are protesting oppression in their own countries. I know I identify with them. And I am very impressed with their bravery. Imagine protesting in countries where there are no First Amentdment Rights.

[-] 2 points by ScrewyL (809) 13 years ago

The first amendment describes a right which all people have. There are no "people without first amendment rights".

[-] 1 points by monjon22 (508) 13 years ago

The First Amendment is an amendment to the U.S. Constitution. It applies only to Americans.

Now if you are saying that every living being automatically has the right to freedom of speech and assembly, that is a horse of almost the same story.

[-] 1 points by alouis (1511) from New York, NY 13 years ago

And I admire the Muslim New Yorkers who came out to OW because in their communitites the FBI and NYPD run berserk with spying and cooking up frameups.


[-] 1 points by monjon22 (508) 13 years ago

OWS gives the police and anti-terrorism task force yet another object of their attentions. It is horrifying.

[-] 1 points by alouis (1511) from New York, NY 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by monjon22 (508) 13 years ago

I mean they have all these new anti-terrorism toys and tactics. They are practicing them on OWS. Before that they were limited to spying on Americans -- mostly Muslims.

[-] 1 points by alouis (1511) from New York, NY 13 years ago

They do have terrible weapons and thugs all too eager to use them. They also have more ways to spy on people than I for sure could imagine. It's a hard fight ahead.

[-] 1 points by monjon22 (508) 13 years ago

All the surveillance cameras with the face recognition are scary. They can pick a person out of a crowd. Scary.


[-] 1 points by monjon22 (508) 13 years ago

Who does represent you?

[-] 1 points by AnonEMouse (10) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Hear hear!

[-] 0 points by MVSN (768) from Stockton, CA 13 years ago

At present no one. Not the republicrats that's for sure.

[-] 1 points by monjon22 (508) 13 years ago

Unfortunately, unless you are very wealthy, no one is going to take your needs into consideration. You may not want to work with the OWS movement; however, there may be some other movement that you do want to work with toward reform that will result in our elected officials supporting you and me and everyone.