Forum Post: You know what's kind of funny?
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 30, 2012, 3:52 a.m. EST by Brandon37
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The media is still unwilling to admit, and many in the general public are completely unaware that Occupy is a designed attempt to start a violent revolution on the path to an anarchist society, And you are just flaunting it right in their faces. The LA Times ran a story today with a huge picture of a cement barrier with the word "revenge" spray painted across it. Right next to that was the anarchy symbol.
Yet the story talked about inequalities and people out of work. As if unemployed people instantly turn to rioting and spray painting anarchy symbols all over the place. My God, they showed videos of marches with people carrying shields decorated with more spray painted anarchy symbols. Not only did the story leave out any mention of actual anarchist organizations, the comment section was littered with more useful idiots talking about corporations and the 1 percent. Then you look at their location, they live in Indiana.
LOL right now Occupy, I will admit it's kind of amusing to watch you fool the gullible in our society.
Where do you go from here? Is the plan to take Oakland and make that your command center? Maybe attempt to manipulate the GOP primary or the election process as a whole? What's next?
Tomorrow should be a good media day for you as people in DC get arrested. Then you can get the idiots more mad at the police. Pretty clever plan. It's probably not going to work, but it's interesting to think about why anyone would think that way in the first place. I have a few theories to run by you. Is it being young and bored? Maybe jealousy of countries that have violent uprisings because they are actually being oppressed? Maybe you long to be a part of some kind of revolution. One that reminds you of that movie you saw stoned last Saturday. Nothing wrong with that. I think it is simply that you have idolized generations before you and now feel inadequate. Gen Xers before you re-revolutionized popular music and pop culture. Their parents were Woodstock anti war hippies who also revolutionized popular culture. Now here you are feeling like you must make your mark. Why not start a riot.
"Occupy is a designed attempt to start a violent revolution on the path to an anarchist society..."
Wrong. Some might be interested in this. Most are not.
Look at the hierarchy. You never know you just may be dancing with the devil. I agree that most are not but be careful who you follow they may just lead you somewhere bad.
you know what's kind of funny?
Is that if you are correct, then it would seem the anarchists know more about the mood of the nation than you - or anyone else in the repelican party . . .
Who is so fucked?
bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .
Great dialog....Learn that plowing snow?
actually no
I learned it in solitary confinement
lol. Good comeback!
At the Mental institute I am sure.
well you would in fact be wrong
too bad, huh
I used to get drunk and do dumb shit - all misdemeanors -
Spent a hundred days in the hole the last year I was in.
Later became a volunteer with the corrections dept.
go figure . . .
"Later became a volunteer with the corrections dept.
go figure . . ."
No i believe you love the system, makes sense
believe whatever you want. Recidivism is a serious social issue. It is a trap composed of various habits and beliefs that must be understood and overcome if an individual is to break the cycle.
A resolution on our War on Drugs will go a long way toward that end - not that it is the total solution to the issue of recidivism - it isn't - but resolving it one way or the other will reduce the numbers of human beings herded into that cycle.
BannedForTruth - what is that? What truth were you banned for? Expressing the deeper, darker nature of your own bizarre assumptions and freakish need to control and dominate others . . .
. . . no doubt . . .
"BannedForTruth - what is that? What truth were you banned for? Expressing the deeper, darker nature of your own bizarre assumptions and freakish need to control and dominate others . . . " You have never been banned for telling the truth? Also to you calling ones self BannedForTruth is somehow the sign of a control freak... that is messed up and speaks volumes about you.
I agree with you about ending the drug war and i think they should be legal. Yes jails are indoctrination centers "crime schools" if you will. Much needs to be done to fix it.
I haven't been banned from here - I'm not sure what that says . . .
I was banned from the Coffee Party forum - several times. It had little to do with dissemination of truth and everything to do with being a rabid fuck -
which I am.
I hate repelicans
Their policy is consistently such that they must exploit prejudice and lie about it if they are to have any hope of generating popular support.
It makes me rather . . .
Do you hate demograbs too?
I'm from Vermont - most of our reps are individuals of integrity. Jeffords was the last repelican I voted for - he switched and became independent, 2002.
I also vote for Leahy, Sanders and Welch. Two dems and one independent.
WPTZ news is reporting - 2/1/2012 - the maple sap is already running, and there is no snow, haven't gotten half of last years snow.
it's the second warmest year since 1890 - raining and high temp in the 50s - average temp:
this is VERMONT
From here
To make a climate skeptic sputter, you need to as ask him for real evidence — published in a respected, peer-reviewed scientific journal and authored by a scientist with a PhD in climatology — that atmospheric concentrations of CO2 can rise above 450 parts per million (ppm) without affecting global temperatures. No expert will make that claim. The overwhelming majority of climate scientists believe that a global tragedy is drawing nigh.
CO2 Now stands at 391.80 ppm
there is not much to debate -
It's about 48 F here in Vermont right now.
And NBC reported last night:
I think you are right...ALL drugs should be legal. It would certainly strengthen the gene pool.
I'm really not trying to slam you or make fun of the Movement. I am finding humor in the whole thing. The media. The People. Everything.
It really IS great entertainment! I'm with you, Brandon!
At least you were going from point a to kind of point b at one time. That reads like 2 plus 2 equals kittens. Don't post when you're high.
guess what . . .
But you used to, right?
and that would be your business, how, exactly?
It's none of my business at all but I'm like the drug-sniffing dog of writing, I can detect it by your 'style'.
then I guess you better get you're nose checked,
cuz it's obviously broke
I was halfway through posting my prediction about your 'Oh yeah?' expected denial but I deleted it. What was the point really?
then look left, at the editorialization.
I don't use.
I don't advocate for or against, using.
Either we must enforce the law, or we must change the law.
Gosh, you sound like bored and angry young man yourself.
I think you should start a one man riot, "right" in your own basement.
I promise, I won't tell mom.
Sounds kinda like George Carlin to me....and George Carlin made good money being bored and angry.
George was rarely bored, angry, but not bored.
I'm reading his sortabiography, at the moment..
Don't cut out the four letter words. might not be much of a biography without them.
are you seriously denying it? Come on man. Might as well just be open about it. You have fooled the uneducated and gullible. Certainly you understand that some can see what is actually taking place. I am not angry. Just curious and a bit amused.
are there videos ?
Of the marches with anarchy shields or the Flag being burned outside City Hall? Yes to both. And the media pretends we all think it's a bunch of unemployed or laid off workers. LMAO And the comments with people just sitting there going "yeah, it's the damn racist GOP and the rich Koch brothers 1 percent tyrant fascist banks......."
Then you get the mandatory Ron Paul supporter chiming in with more insanity. "If we just legalize drugs and make friends with Iran. Why are we spending all this money on prisons..blah blah."
Then we all know this guy. "We need to do away with money altogether. Me must break the shackles of the monetary system and replace it with hemp" or some other ridiculous suggestion. Then off course the CNN liberals must find a way to somehow make it the GOP's fault. It's just bizarre.
Occupy has created chaos. But only on the net. The media sure is an interesting animal.
of violence
please don't wrap it in a flag
that's burning.
stop being mean to ol' glory.
Here's the information on the true and divine "alleged" antichrist....
It is time to stop believing in hocus pocus of one paticular man saving all of humanity. We have to learn how to save ourselves and help one another. When you can't feed your family or pay your bills or get a job, it is not the almighty that makes it so...It is the greed of the llusionary powers that people have relinquished to others in order to have them rule instead of us ruling ourselves!!
"Maybe jealousy of countries that have violent uprisings because they are actually being oppressed?"
Ya! I wonder why they haven't worked. I'll bet there's somebody else who's oppressing them besides THEIR government! Maybe it's a dominant economic paradigm.. or some powerful foreign government! Somebody should REALLY rise up against those jerks wherever they are... or... oh wait...
"Maybe jealousy of countries that have violent uprisings because they are actually being oppressed?"
Ya! Too bad they haven't managed to end oppression there. Somebody should really rise up and try to stop the jerks who are REALLY oppressing them! I'll bet it's some powerful foreign government... or... oh wait a minute...
what does living in Indiana have to do with anything? you dont know that there are 9.9% unemployment in Indiana as well as anywhere else? do you think that the economic crisis is only affecting certain parts of america? or are you saying midwesterners are not suppose to have the opinions?
The point was that they were no where near what was happening in Oakland, have no idea who is behind it but supporting it anyway. They are unaware that it isn't as it seems. Why? Because too many people cannot perform their own research.
The anarchists are running this movement and have a stranglehold on it. Their goals are not the same as the majority of the regular protesters.
Clearly Oakland is totally out of control with their violence.
The minority is leading the majority. It's as if regular protesters have been brainwashed. So clouded by their legitimate frustrations that they will use any device - a revolution by anarchists - as if this were a solution to anything. Too many regular protesters are either unaware or don't care - the methods, tactics and goals of the anarchists.
The anarchist methods can only serve to continue to turn people off to this movement. Until there is nothing left of it but a few anarchists in the parks, just the same way it started.
I truly feel sorry for people who just want things to be better and have been caught up in a bad image created by the actions of others. I will give you that no problem. Anyone with a brain knows that not everyone wanted the actions that took place in Oakland.
We're stuck between two kinds of crazy. The government on one side and the anarchists on the other.
The anarchists are clearly taking advantage of people. Maybe people that are vulnerable. Or is the majority of Occupy Oakland crazy out of their minds? I don't get it. I don't understand why the majority of Occupy Oakland supporters are not outraged by this whole thing.
Then why is Occupy not speaking out against this?
I think OWS ptb likes the violence. Then there's the group think - consensus building through group manipulation towards a predetermined outcome. And the rest are just along for the ride I guess, hoping something will change.
I doubt seriously that the people leading Occupy into a brick wall are the anarchists. More likely to be one of the bankers from the NYCGA found in a few news articles. The anarchists are visible on the web because like me, they are dorks. The people in charge of meetings and cash, most likely corrupt self serving dip shits.
If thats the case, we're all dorks! lol. Not just you.
If anarchy doesn't lead to a brick wall, where does it lead to?
One of the bankers found in news articles? What do you mean?
If you're right about the "self-serving dip shits", as if there's only a few, then how come there is not a complete and total condemnation from Occupy Oakland for the violence that took place there? Those people are totally out of control. The city has estimated that to date there is cost and damage in the millions of dollars. Occupy Oakland has no problem with property destruction, vandalism, trying to break and enter onto someone elses private property. Then cry innocent and police brutality when there are consequences to those actions.
Seriously richard. Who do you think these people are if not anarchists behind this. Regular law abiding people behave this way? Or anarchists who do not believe the "state" has any legitimacy?
I'm not saying they don't deserve due process. They can state their case and plead innocent. I don't really care.
You cannot invade private property and expect no consequences. They knew there would be consequences with the police. By destroying property and attempting to invade property they invite confrontation by the police. Thats exactly what they want. It's complete and total crap that they want to "help" other people, create homeless shelters or whatever their intentions were trying to take over the empty convention building. If this is really truly what they wanted to do, there are more productive and less destructive ways to go about helping the less fortunate in their community. Their actions were absolutely wrong. And to try to wrap it in some sympathetic excuse of helping the less fortunate is just their handy excuse.
if the government deems these people a threat,
they can be held without disclosure
Good. As far as I'm concerned they're total freaking lunatics and should be kept off the streets.
Idk, maybe not being able to feed and cloth their kids has something to do with it. maybe...
I understand there are some desperate people out there. But honest to God, people that are struggling to care for their children - are caring for their children! Not running around in the streets causing anarchy and destroying property!!
People like us do not act this way. People that have a fundamental problem with authority and do not believe in the legitimacy of our government are the ones that act this way!
I have always challenged authority, but that doesn't mean I would behave like that. All I'm saying is this has historically been the public response when human dignity and sustenance is tossed to the way side for the benefit of the few. Lucky for people like you and me that those type of people do exist or the quality of life we enjoy today would not be possible.
Yes, I thanked them down below somewhere, but I'll do it again here.
Thank you, darling anarchists for being oh so proactive and opportunistic, for starting this movement. Well done! You have successfully managed to take advantage of the general discontent in our country today.
Now it would be nice of you to move out of the way so that the majority can take over with a regular protest that would be far more effective to make the changes our country needs. Because, truth told, you're not going to overthrow the government. Your methods are just turning people off. And if this continues, the movement will end with a few anarchists left in the park, same way it started.
I'm sorry April but the idea that the entire protest boils down to anything but individuals acting on their own free will is just not reality. You have investment firm employees living it up on donation money, people out west trashing buildings, and working groups that are holding meetings and consulting with businesses to solve problems and try to close the gap. I myself have a project with a few writers and free website banners. There are so many personalities and approaches involved, the kind of directional leadership you imply is just not going to ever come from this. What you are asking, that the anarchist turn over the keys, they already have. You are here in a political forum, speaking up about what you believe in, exercising free speech. You are protesting on your terms under the atmosphere they created, and you now own. You know I had major concerns about the issue you raise. But there is no way for me to see all of what is happening and still have that concern.
I'm glad that you're involved, I truly am. And I know that there are other good people involved.
But it is the structure of the movement that is the main problem. The fact that it is leaderless and uses direct democracy, which is easily manipulated by the few that attend GAs regular and are making the decisions for the whole movement.
It's the decision making that is bad. And the structure leads to bad decisions. The latest incident in Oakland is a perfect example. Who decided it was a good idea to invade private property?! The GA in Oakland. Too many kooks and nuts are running the movement and making the decisions. Why are there so many kooks and nuts? Because its a leaderless movement.
The proof is self-evident. This is a tiny, tiny little movement, that will not gain support by a broader crossection of mainstream America, because it is a leaderless movement run by kooks and nuts. It's like a self-fulfilling prophecy. Have a leaderless movement run by kooks and nuts, and you will get a movement filled with kooks and nuts.
April i agree with you on most of what you say in regard to this subject. I warned people about black bloc and black bloc tactics and where it would lead. At the same time we should not get mad at the people doing the rioting because it is really the people at the top that caused it. They have robbed most of the westernized world while waging ww3, causing mass poverty and social conflict.
they are responsible for their actions
and should not be committing violence
and I still want video proof
where are the police cameras ?
Tell me what you want proof of?
The police cameras, they are in the trash bins. . . I don't know.
Talking like this is so childish.
What did I do?
I don't have a post in this thread,................................Til now.
wow you came out of the shadows quick.
It's my old soft shooz shuffle.
I saw my name in an active thread, and I hadn't posted in a while.
So what did I do?.
Just leave this ... IDK Nothing ............
This Thread , i was replying to MattLHolck ..............
MattLHolck, are you shooz? ..... ....... .........?
MS BOOT SHOOZ . CFG .......... . .. ....... . . . .
C:\MS.BOOT.SHOOZ.CFG >>>>>>>>> ARE <<<<<<<<< YOU >>>>>>> THERE?
Yes, but whatever wrongs committed by those at the top, needs to be handled in an appropriate manner. Lowering our standards of decency, and OWS destroying property is just wrong.
Did you see the post yesterday - "Wear Black to Fight Back", now OWS wants to become the Blackbloc. Nice. Occupy Oakland is out of control. Crazy anarchists.
I never said i condone them i am only for peaceful protest.
We're stuck between two kinds of crazy. The government on the one side and the anarchists on the other.
LOL, yes two heads spawned from the same beast, with one unknowingly working for the other.
It won't do much to change things. The Republicans are spewing their same old toxic rhetoric stronger than ever. And the religious right will show up in force at the polls.
Why does it have to be one or the other?
The Repub or the Dems? Because OWS won't get political. If OWS had their act together, we could coalition behind someone like Buddy Roemer or Rocky Anderson. lol I know you'll love that idea for candidates. : )
I won't support anyone that supported Obama or Bush ever even if they are now "awake".
Did Ron Paul never support Bush's policies? I honestly don't know. Seems like both Buddy Roemer and Rocky Anderson are about as far from establishment as you can get and still be presidential candidates.
Tighten up your wig. The new world order is here.
Your logical fallacy is stupid as it asserts that if it's not "Regular law abiding people", then they must be anarchists.
That could be just angry people who were previously beaten up, paper-sprayed and arrested doing their civic duty. Not everybody can withstand such abuse.
All your posts show severe MSM brainwashing. Stop watching that indoctrination box.
Your logical fallacy is stupid as it asserts that people who disagree with you are brainwashed and indoctrinated.
They could be just sincere people concerned that an otherwise just organization is being subverted and perverted by those with ulterior motives. Not everyone can stand by and watch a good thing crumble.
All your posts show a severe lack of self-reflection.
What logical fallacy are you talking about?
And what "good thing" are you talking about?
I'm not asserting that people who disagree with me are brainwashed and indoctrinated. I'm stating that a person is brainwashed and indoctrinated based on reflection in his posts from his perception of the stated events.
I'm in no way advocating such actions as pictured above, I'm just resolving the logical fallacy that suggests that all other then "law abiding people" are anarchists including terrorists, provocateurs, criminals, etc.
The logical fallacy you are using is called an ad hominem. Instead of counter-arguing the April's arguments, you attempt to discredit her by stating that she has been brainwashed and indoctrinated. This logical fallacy is also known as Poisoning the Well.
When April is talking about anarchists, she is talking about those who are self-proclaimed anarchists.
You mean counter arguing this argument?
Then I already did it.
Therefore it's not "Poisoning the Well" as I'm already done with the argument, unless you or she has something to counter that without "Poisoning the Well".
And the rest was not about the argument, it was another argument about first argument's origin.
Self-proclamation doesn't make them anarchists, therefore they should not be referred to as such, unless it's done with intent to straw man anarchists and then to generalize it to all anarchists.
Anarchists are running this movement and inciting people to violence. It's that simple. My view has nothing to do with the MSM. This movement by its very own words and pictures, in the News Articles everyday, seeks to demonize authority and incite people towards violence.
And you have some proofs to back your words up that "Anarchists that are participating in running this movement are inciting people to violence."?
The movement was started by David Graeber, an anarchist. It uses a leaderless, non-hierarchical structure and direct democracy. These are anarchist principles. It uses Direct Action as its main tactic. Also, closely associated with anarchy theory. If this movement isn't anarchy, I don't know what is.
Reread the question. The question is about the violence part.
Reread my response. Read the articles on the News page here.
Here's an example.
"Wear Black Fight Back" above an image with an explosion under the word "cops". That's a marketing folly for a protest that wants to be remembered as non-violent.
Can I ask you a question and get an honest answer?
Why do Occupy organizers write such press releases when they very well know that Occupy protesters such as yourself fight so hard against the claims that Occupy is a violent movement?
Shouldn't it be obvious that asking protesters to wear black bloc's color, black, and that doing it just over a photo of an explosion just under the word "cops" is perhaps not the best strategy at a time when so many people are accusing Occupy of being violent?
Perhaps a better marketing strategy would be to distance Occupy as much as possible from the black bloc instead of asking protesters to wear their colors?
I see, well, I agree with you on the title. The title doesn't fit into definition of non-violent protest.
Regarding your question, you should keep in mind that this movement does not have leaders.
Also as stated in about page of this forum:
Perhaps one of the moderators of this forum supports this kind of tactic. If you disagree, then tell him that.
"This movement by its very own words and pictures, in the News Articles " April that is the MSM, I don't see OWS inciting people to violence, I see us sharing ideas. Check these posts filter out for yourself good from the bad. Don't depend on the MSM
I'm talking about the OWS articles on the News page here. Almost all of them show violent pictures, demonizing authority.
The article about the incident at Oakland when the Blackbloc was there smashing windows. Instead of condemning those actions, the News Article spoke of those actions in a positive tone as if it were a good thing that the Blackbloc was there. Something to be invited.
See the Solidarity Sunday article. Wear Black? Now OWS wants OWS to be like Blackbloc. The article says "resolve to overcome repression" - who's repressed? This is not Egypt. We don't live in a dictatorship.
Read the News page. OWS ptb wants incite violence by demonizing authority.
How dare they show pictures of police biting them up and paper-sparing them to get rid if protest, it's absolutely normal reaction to peaceful protests!
PS Just in case you didn't catch the sarcasm.
The latest Oakland incident the protesters were trying to break into and invade private property ( a convention center) and went into a municipal building, destroyed property inside and burned flags. Hardly peaceful.
There is no need to depend on MSM. Occupy is doing great work at shooting themselves in the foot with their very own press releases.
"Wear Black Fight Back" above an image with an explosion under the word "cops". That's a marketing folly for a protest that wants to be remembered as non-violent.
I think you forgot that it was the 'anarchists' that had the balls to start this operation. The media only covers broken-windows, so the anarchists gives the MSM that which they love, ... its too bad that only violence will get you your 15 minutes but this is the real world, and not the make believe pussy world where carrying a sign in the forest will get you media time.
You're right! I didn't forget, I just didn't happen to mention that. Let me correct my glaring oversight!
Thank you, darling anarchists for being oh so proactive and opportunistic, for starting this movement. Well done! You have successfully managed to take advantage of the general discontent in our country today. - How's that?
The media does what the media does, and if sometimes that means highlighting violence, this is nothing new.
Anarchists will do what anarchists do. To imply that they behave in a violent way only to feed the media, is twisting the truth. Their goal is revolution, which is violent. Not to feed the media. The media coverage they get from it is just the whipped cream and cherry on top.
Violence will only serve to destroy this movement. Not the "state".
And since you're an anarchist (correct if I'm wrong), just curious. What would you like to see come of this movement? If you were the non-leader lead anarchist - dream big! - what would be your ideal outcome from this movement?
If 'violence' wasn't important to the american psyche, there would be no water-boarding, or vietnam war, ... or horror movies,
The USA is a sick fucking violent country,
Sadly the ONLY thing the USA respects is violence, the ONLY thing that gets viewers to the TV for the media to get air time for their advertisers is violence,
Why does USA love violence? Most say because 200+ years ago it was a prison colony where the worst of the worst were sent to die and work hard-time labor. A nation of psychopaths, sociopaths, rapists, killers, baby-fuckers and bankers ... and lawyers is the USA.
You have a very negative distorted point of view. There's far more good in our country than bad.
The USA is the MOST evil nation on earth. A nation of parasites and government of criminals, that is why the USA is seen as a kleptocracy, a government ran by common criminals.
what is your travel experience?
I speak fluently a dozen languages, I have lived in Africa, China,... there is no place on earth I have not been.
The USA is the most dangerous, filthy, evil ... nation on earth.
Let's remember here that 200+ years ago it was a prison colony, where the worst of the worse were sent to do hard-labor, later it becam a slave-colony, as the slaves were more reliable to the farmers than the convict spawn. Later the slave/convict class were moved to the factorys, today the factorys are in CHINA.
Today the entire USA population will be destroyed, the most efficient means is to have a population pay for their own elimination.
ok sweet-potato, I agree our government is like a kleptocracy in many ways. Maybe if we all work together, in a civilized way, we can change that.
At what point did you learn about the kleptocracy of WallStreet and it's many banks?
Or did you?
Well, I actually figured that out after Sen. Levin's investigation of the financial crisis nearly 2 years ago, when his committee turned over thousands of pages of documents as evidence to the DOJ and there was no follow-up investigation. That, and I think the States AG's are being pressured to settle cases with the banks at the State level for pennies on the dollar. Just a cost of doing business for the banks.
All those roads lead back to WallStreet.
It's no mistake that those roads are being covered over in the lead up to the election.
Occupy WallStreet!!!
Which is why this movement better get its act together and stop acting like a bunch of uncivilized idiots being led by anarchists. Wait! It is a bunch of uncivilized idiots being led by anarchists.
You're just projecting WallStreet on to the protesters.
Greed IS uncivilized, it just wears Armani..
Economic anarchy is what WallStreet practices, every day.
Point. lol.
This movement still needs to get its act together. Wall Street won't change by its own volition. And it won't change because there are smelly people on the street with signs ranting and raving about every God loving thing they don't like.
The only way to make the change is through working with government. I don't know why this movement can't get it together and work to get money out of politics first and foremost.
We should be making this a central theme of the movement so that is becomes a huge campaign issue. That could make a huge difference!
Instead, the central theme of the movement is to demonize authority. I am sick sick sick of the propaganda of the News articles coming out of this movement. It's pathetic.
The "press" turned on the movement sometime in November.
I noticed it.
I do agree on "get the money out", indeed, that has to happen for us to have any hope of getting a modicum of truth.
If they are smart, it will be the main theme of this spring.
"We" are the "they" - supposedly! If "we" don't make this a central theme and also get something done about those crappy crappy News articles that are nothing but crap propaganda, that focus on demonizing the police, this movement is toast!
Every single one of us should be pushing for changes in this movement. Positive changes, that would help it to gain more support instead of losing it. Real leadership and a clear focused message.
Every single one of us should be writing a reply on those crappy News articles to complain about the horrible distorted pictures and language. Those articles are not being written by regular protesters or even a Working Group within the NYCGA. They are being written by a handful of people behind the scenes of this movement, probably anarchists, OWS ptb. It's total crappy bs!
The press has nothing to do with. This movement is its own worst enemy. The press will say what they will. People see this movement for what it is. Which is why it doesn't have more support.
He has the mind of minolta
And the moves of Travolta!
You know what's kind of funny? You post this whole big OP, Brandon, and you have no IDEA what political anarchy means. HAHAHAHA.
What's even funnier, is that you never bothered to ask! ROTFLMAO!
"The sky is falling, the sky is falling", said Chicken Little.
I'm dumbfounded as to why earnest Occupy protesters discourage criticism and transparency. They blindly follow Occupy as if it were a cult. In their minds, it can do no wrong. The truth is, Occupy is fully controlled by the anarchists and their tactics are not supported by the vast majority of Americans.
I'm a socialist. It hurts me to see such an important protest turning awry.
Absolutely! I think it is also time we asked the question of whether there hasn't been some infiltration. When the "leaders" of a leaderless movement start to act in a manner that is non-trasparent, dictatorial and obviously detrimental to the movement, there are certain questions that necessarily follow.
The old "Conspiracy Theory" is still alive, I see. Mel Gibson would be proud!
What "conspiracy" theory?"
Perhaps the movement now needs to split. The majority of Americans will never get behind anarchists. I will not even get behind them. I don't think most memebers of this movement even know it was started by anarchists. Time to move on.
Police: "Leave the park now."
OWS: "Okay."
Then they wander off wondering why camping hasn't changed the world.
The media and the general populace, still has no idea what to make of this.. They cannot figure out wtf is going on and it continues to drive them mad which I think is funny as hell. Not that I know wtf is going on, but, lets face it... we never really did. Perhaps we will learn something new? You do not fear learning something new do you?
I have no plans to embrace anarchy.
I'm just wondering what your interest level in the occupy movement actually is, Brandon37.
I can accept that such a movement would attract critics and supporters, but I'm seriously doubting that you fit into either camp.
Can you describe for me/us what you hope to achieve by participating in this discussion?
I have found many people on here who I enjoy talking to. Many I don't agree with. I could choose to hate people associated with occupy, or try to understand them. I am harmless. I am not a troll or a paid agent. I am a conservative. A regular citizen. Sometimes you just find a forum you like and stick with it,
That being said, I still see a few issues that don't add up. I have yet to see anyone attempt to answer one question that I have asked several times. If these anarchists do not represent Occupy and are hijacking the movement, why is there not a organized attempt or official statement by Occupy denouncing them? Why won't the media acknowledge that anarchists are involved with the movement?
Thankyou for your succinct reply, Brandon37.
I'm wondering which media you are expecting to respond to the anarchist side of the argument you are witnessing. On the side of the #ows? or on the side of the MSMedia?
I'm from Australia, so I'm simply an active observer at this point in time.
I do believe that current US fiscal policy is causing more problems than one country should be causing, but I've long considered the US of A to be more of a problem than a boon to the rest of the developed world, in open market terms, but that is just my personal opinion, based on four decades of watching the market.
I think I am more flabbergasted at the mainstream media(American media) I have asked the question to supposed leaders on this forum and it falls on deaf ears.As for the movement, I guess it could be summed up like this: If Occupy doesn't associate with the bad element in Oakland, why are they just standing there letting people form the opinion that they are? That flag burning was bad. Someone needs to start the process of damage control right now.
I hear you. I'll counter that the corporate media focuses on trivialities, rather than what the banks are actually doing.
The Next Big Thing is all they are interested in, rather than what is actually happening at the grass roots level of the economy.
Not surprising really, considering who owns the MSMedia.
It's all about what sells. You are right about that.
phwa.. Join the club is not what I meant. I am not suggesting you embrace anarchy. It is much better to be skeptical on such matters. What I am suggesting you embrace is.. the unknown. :)
You know what a mirage is? It's when you think you see water in a hot desert or a road but this is an illusion Same principal with the media the public everything and everybody What is this condition called? Delusion's of Grandeur Save yourself a ton of time and wasted money Listen to yourself You will always hear the truth from within Act on that and don't be fooled