Forum Post: CALL TO ACTION: The 1% are expecting cold weather & removal of generators to end the occupations. Here's a great way to prove them wrong. Get yourself in shape and power the movement! You're going to LOVE this genius idea from efschumacher. . .
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 30, 2011, 9:37 a.m. EST by therising
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You're going to love this. Just picture the scene at each occupation around the country.
Thank you efschumacher for this amazing idea!!
Call the ACLU
Bloomberg may not have the right to not allow generators on public or private property.
You have permission to use that property and should have the right to use generators.
Generators are being towed behind trucks and used in construction all the time. They are legal.
As I see it, people not having a generator is becoming a situation of safety and survival.
There are people occupying that may have no other place to go and they are on private property.
They don’t give up their right to stay warm because an unconstitutional ordinance says so.
Call the ACLU you may be surprised. I have done it in the past (with other issues)and they were eager to help and very effective.
They are this movements best friend
And how many people are you trying to keep warm?
I work in the HVAC industry and we deal in BTUs. We calculate the heat required for the space by considering the outside air temperature, occupancy load etc. And to be quite honest I think that the things that are being suggested will fall far short in the dead of winter, hopefully I am wrong
Don't be overly optimistic about the bicycle or solar generators. They don’t produce enough power to keep much of anything warm. By the time you find out it don’t work it is over ………..Call the ACLU now
Will keep working on both fronts.
When somebody dies of hypothermia or pneumonia and their survivors sue the city because of their illegals actions, will they quit using their unconstitutional ordnances as tools to suppress free speech?
I hope it doesn't come to that. I think between the MIT engineers and the cycling community, we'll soon have a solution to the power generation thing. Who knows, we might even have some fun and get in shape. I love that cyclists could measure performance in terms of kilowatts produced rather than miles ridden. They could get a receipt with the amount of power produced. People could sign up for times lots online.
Is the legality of moving the generators going to go unchallenged
Need lawyers to pursue this. I traveled many hours and dropped two of those generators off at Zuccotti park myself. I was super pissed when I read that Bloomberg stole them. Seriously. Then he released a photo of all the confiscated generators to the press, gloating.
The ACLU are lawyers that volunteer their time to protect our civil rights.
Somebody needs to get them invovled. I have already receieved email from them in regards to the suppression of free speech in Oakland
Sounds like a plan.
I was suprised when they helped me several years ago. The only things they care about is protecting your civlil liberties, They don't choose sides
That's why they are demonized the those who would violate your civil liberties. Please let me know if you do conatact them
Will do. Thanks enlightened.
Pedal power to the people!
It's time for the 99% to unite, coordinate. And rise. It's time to rise and shine.
This three day cold snap is both a blessing and a curse.
On the one hand, it's getting GA to - reactively, defensively - get their shit together to deal with how Bloomberg might exploit the coming winter to quietly remove the protesters.
On the other hand, it's only reinforcing the idea that Occupy can survive by playing a reactive game. Next time, they're not going to be lucky enough to get a three-day crisis test run from mother nature. I don't think they realize how lucky they are that we got freak snow in October.
This reactive game is a necessity because of the disorganizational structure that these kids are doubling down on (and for clarity: "kids" is a state of mind, not an age group).
I know the kids at the park are too busy to do this, but the tiny (literally, tiny) population of supporters looking in from the outside need to start impressing on them that they are completely out of touch with the vast majority of the people. Seriously, if you're not at the park, go out and just ask people on the street what they know about Occupy, what it stands for, what it's working for, how it wants to get there. No one knows. I've asked college students, co-workers, people standing in line at delis or the supermarket.
These kids at the park are so insulated they don't realize how they're marginalizing themselves.
I'm speaking for a lot of people when I say: I want to help, but I'm having a hard time finding the justification for doing shit for these kids until they grow up.
Mayor Bloomberg can't claim our cyclists are a safety hazard.
Power the movement! :)
Rise and shine cyclists, fitness aficionados and engineers. Together you can power this movement through the winter!!! Contact your friends who fall into one of the above categories. Please send them the link to this post.
There's nothing do powerful as an idea whose time has come.
It's a beautiful day to power the movement :)
Fun, productive and practical :)
Fitness and freedom
This will work.
Once the bikes are setup, people could sign up for shifts.
This is a great way for engineers, fitness buffs and serious cyclists to come together and achieve a win-win-win :)
Rise and shine. . . and get in shape :)
This is a win win win and would be a wonderful clean energy visual at occupations across the country.
Let's make this happen.