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Forum Post: You had better know, agree and believe

Posted 10 years ago on June 1, 2013, 2:09 p.m. EST by Kavatz (464) from Edmonton, AB
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[-] 0 points by redandbluestripedpill (333) 10 years ago

They have not carried out a coup de etat, they have not won. We the people have lost our knowledge of the past, given up in fearful spasms of genocide, with that our ability to agree and dominate in the false corporate existence.

When we allowed the abridging of free speech and accepted corporate entertainment/news, our tool of educating ourselves was relinquished.

The purpose of free speech is to assure that information vital to survival is shared and understood. Survival is required for evolution.

Preparatory amendment for ART5 logically must see the end of the abridging of free speech. With free speech we will share and understand information needed to ratify amendments that are filled with constitutional intent. By securing the vote in preparation for ART5 we can agree. By reforming campaign finance, we can believe in representatives that are not bought and paid for.

[-] 1 points by BradB (2693) from Washington, DC 10 years ago

ART5 ???

[-] 0 points by redandbluestripedpill (333) 10 years ago

Your first constitutional right. Article V of the US constitution.

[-] 1 points by BradB (2693) from Washington, DC 10 years ago

hehehe ... I thought u were talking about some project for the Arts ... honestly ... ; )

[-] 1 points by redandbluestripedpill (333) 10 years ago

Hmmm, thanks. I wondered if perhaps some did not understand what I meant with the abbreviation. I'll not use it on introductions any more.

Although it is an art to control congress, the senate ad the president:-) The people are the only capable artists.