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Forum Post: YOU got what YOU voted for.

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 5, 2011, 11:09 a.m. EST by mynameisfred (115)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

The liberal agenda has failed for 50 years. People are the children of government. The rich liberal democrats got richer while you poor liberal democrats loved them, cried for them, waved at them and then voted for them. You love rich movie stars and rock stars while they live in mansions, fly in jets and spend 15 minutes telling you they FEEEEEEEllllllllll for YOUUUUuuuuuu. Youpoor liberal democrats are SUCKERS and dont even know it. You got what you voted for.



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[-] 1 points by nickhowdy (1104) 12 years ago

Fred..I guess anyone who is working class is a sucker...Since they did not have the good sense to be born into wealth, they must deserve to be extracted from...

I think anyone who thinks this system actually works for the working class..Is a sucker..

All current ideologies subscribed to, are a disaster. When predatory capitalism is left unchecked we are all in trouble...The only people that will survive are "The Money Changers"...and then they'll eat each other until nothing is left.

I don't think we should let that happen.

[-] 1 points by Teacher (469) 12 years ago

The rich are not left or right, dem or rep. They are plutocrats.

[-] 1 points by nickhowdy (1104) 12 years ago

Thanks Teach!

[-] 1 points by RedJazz43 (2757) 12 years ago

I completely agree. But OWS isn't liberal. It wasn't organized by liberals, it was organized by radicals and they remain it's most articulate advocates. True enough many people who would identify as liberals have an affinity with OWS, but the principles of OWS are clearly radical, anticorporate and anticolonial, not liberal. And many people who have been moved by OWS would not characterize themselves as either radical or liberal.

[-] 1 points by bsl041972 (37) 12 years ago

You need to get your facts straight. Since 1980 (31 years ago) a Republican has occupied the White House for 20 years and the Republicans controlled both houses of Congress a majority of that time as well. And, until recently when Democrats started playing Republican games, Republicans received far more donations from corporations and pacs. At least know what you're talking about before you hold yourself out as having something factual to say.

[-] 0 points by mynameisfred (115) 12 years ago

I got out of bed. Made a cup of coffee. Went out and said hello to my neighbor. Came in and checked my email. It is Saturday morning. Turned on the news. Watched for about an hour. Then saw an OWS news report that lasted about 15 seconds. yawn. Some good college football on TV this afternoon. Out for dinner tonight. Find a nice bottle of wine and enjoy a movie.

[-] 0 points by happybanker (766) 12 years ago

Don't blame me. I voted for McCain.

[-] 0 points by mynameisfred (115) 12 years ago


[-] 0 points by sdcheung (76) 12 years ago

I didn't for for Either party. haven't voted since the middle 90's...stopped voting after this shit country Bombed my Orthodox Christian Co-Religionists in Serbia... Fuck this shit country!!! And the voting system!!!

[-] 1 points by cmt (1195) from Tolland, CT 12 years ago

The 1% loves that you do that. It makes it easier for them.

[-] 0 points by sdcheung (76) 12 years ago

The 1% can go impale itself on a flagpole.

[-] 0 points by mynameisfred (115) 12 years ago

And yet,,,,,, AND YET,,,, you still live in this shit country. At least a stupid mexican can cross a border.

[-] 0 points by sdcheung (76) 12 years ago

Ah shut the fuck up. I stay here to give this shit country constructive Criticism.

[-] 0 points by mynameisfred (115) 12 years ago

You are more stupid than a mexican. It would suck to be you.

[-] 0 points by sdcheung (76) 12 years ago

Ahhh More Conservotard bulllshittery...

perhaps you are this guy...


[-] 0 points by aquainted (268) 12 years ago

Sooooo true. The People have been fooled again again by the media machine into voting for skull and bones puppets.

All the more reason to put continuous voting on the internet so honest public servants have a chance at election and the people can instantly recall puppets, if they still get elected some how.

Obama should have been recalled the first week after he bailed out the banksters. That was a clear signal of what was to come.

Since then, every family has been chained with over $35,000 in more debt. This is on top of the debt they couldn't pay before Obama (shithead) was elected!


STOP BEING FOOLED like suckers!

[-] 1 points by bsl041972 (37) 12 years ago

Again, it's kind of hard to heap all the blame on our current condition on Democrats when Republicans have held the White House 20 of the last 31 years and a majority in Congress for most of that time. You need look no further than Ronald Reagan's tax and welfare reforms, Newt Gingrich's "Contract with America," and the Republicans' degregulation of every industry under the sun and blockage of any attempt at campaign finance reform during that time for the cause of our current ills. YOU got exactly what YOU voted for. You thought you were getting "compassionate conservatism," when what you were getting was the shaft. Wake up.

[-] 0 points by mynameisfred (115) 12 years ago

Of the 13 years that WERE controlled, the poor still got poorer. They got poorer with Obama and two years of democrats in control of house and four with the senate. Rich democrats think you are their pets.

[-] 1 points by bsl041972 (37) 12 years ago

Again, I think you should look at statistics and then form an "informed" thought. Just saying something happened, doesn't make it so.

[-] 0 points by mynameisfred (115) 12 years ago

The richest people in congress are liberal democrats. Sen Claire McCaskil (D-MO) ownes a jet and has not paid taxes on it saying she didnt know she owned a jet and that you pay taxes on it. The list of liberal democrats that are rich is huge. Stupid poor people fall for their feeeeellllllliiiiiinnnnnggggggg crap.

[-] 0 points by sppratam (-14) 12 years ago

Don't forget Charlie "I didn't know I had to pay taxes" Rangel, and "TurboTax Timmy" Geithner.

[-] 0 points by mynameisfred (115) 12 years ago

Yes, but the stupid, PET, whining liberals look the other way and will vote for them again. While those you just mentioned point their dirty finger at republicans for failing to raise taxes, they do EVERYTHING they can to not pay those taxes. Liberals are swines. DIRTY.