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Forum Post: You are not the 99%

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 5, 2011, 2:03 p.m. EST by rational1 (0) from Queens, NY
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

The people occupying wall street are not the 99%, they are the 1% of lazy people who dont have anything better to do than to protest for something they dont understand. Instead if wasting weeks sleeping in tents they should rather try to find a job.

Protests are good, especially if they are for a good reason, but protesting against symptoms and not causes is just a waste of time. What do you concretely want to change to reach what you are protesting for??? If you ask this to 1000 people protesting, you get 1000 different answers. No wonder you are not taken serious



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[-] 2 points by hivemind (131) 12 years ago

Oh boy, you are like first guy to ever say this! Hey OWS this guy thinks you're all lazy! Oh boy, guess it's time to pack up and leave, right?

Seriously, if they are lazy and don't like to struggle why are the camping on the street, sleeping on concrete, and withstanding frigid temperatures? Don't you think a lazy person would stay at home where it's warm?

[-] 0 points by KirkVanHouten (123) 12 years ago

You think sleeping on the street makes you not lazy? Have you heard the colloquialism for someone who sleeps on the street? Bum.

[-] 2 points by hivemind (131) 12 years ago

Nah, bums sleep in the trains of NYC and they generally are asking for food and not financial reform.

[-] 1 points by WillBill (9) 12 years ago

Fuck the OWS. They are belligerent, stupid ASSHOLES!

[-] 1 points by LoTek (53) 12 years ago

You understand that corruption in government itself is a symptom and not a source, right? Corruption is an affect and an action, not a cause. This is simply the address to the causes.

All 1000 of them.


[-] 0 points by WillBill (9) 12 years ago

Dream on OWShitter! You are nothing like the founding fathers, you fucked up greedy asshole!



[-] 0 points by figero (661) 12 years ago

this is one big childish temper tantrum. nothing more. OWS is the bottom 1%