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Forum Post: WWJD? Occupy? I think so!

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 31, 2011, 6:34 a.m. EST by adamaecompton (32)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I know this topic has probably been broached before. There's a lot of interest in how different faiths have come together to work together toward a larger vision of what this world could be like... and this post points out several themes that run true to Christianity and probably other faiths as well. I would be really interested to hear someone point out how the OWS principles are also parallel to other faiths, too... thanks!

Here is the link:


It covers three topics:

  1. The golden rule (loving others)
  2. The love of money
  3. Environmental stewardship

Please suggest other topics, especially ones that are in keeping with faiths other than Christianity, as I would like to learn more about any other faith's principles that are similar.

Please keep an open mind, too. Just trying to learn something here. Don't hate me for it. Thanks!

[^^^points for being tolerant of self and others!!!]



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