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Forum Post: WSWS: Police attack Occupy protests in Denver, Colorado

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 31, 2011, 10:21 a.m. EST by SandyEnglish (60)
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Police attack Occupy protests in Denver, Colorado

The police repression of Occupy demonstrations in the US escalated over the weekend. In the most serious incident, riot police using tear gas and wielding batons arrested 20 in Denver, Colorado. Several protesters were injured.

Other arrests were carried out in Portland, Oregon; Nashville, Tennessee; Rochester, New York; and Austin, Texas.

Nearly three thousand people have been arrested nationwide on various charges since the protests began in September. The past two weeks have seen a marked increase in arrests in different parts of the country, primarily in cities with Democratic Party mayors.

In Denver, the 20 protesters were arrested in two separate incidents on Saturday afternoon and evening, and one protester was hospitalized for injuries inflicted during a police arrest. Other protesters were shot with rubber bullets or “pepper balls,” including one in the face. One was knocked out of a tree while filming the incident.




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[-] 1 points by Falcus (81) 12 years ago

lol, "Fall in line or the Arrests will continue!"..... Didn't work so well in the 60s....

[-] 0 points by TIOUAISE (2526) 12 years ago

Indeed, those kinds of strong-arm tactics made the Civil Rights Struggle stronger and stronger!!!

What the 1% are in effect doing is making the American people angrier and angrier.

[-] 1 points by Falcus (81) 12 years ago

Oh, this isn't the 1%, don't kid yourself..... There was no Bank CEO on the phone to the mayors office ordering this..... This is people's natural reaction to unknown quantities. You're a mayor, and suddenly you're told at 3PM on tuesday theres some sort of protest/gathering going on in downtown Happy Brooke Park and its been there for 2 days. You wait for a message, or signs, or something that says what they're point is, and you dont get alot, now its friday and the kids that came out on the school field trip started asking some questions that your aide couldn't answer for them. No cameras? Well, time to move in.... Until this movement gets organized, the arrests will continue. They will probably continue after that, but we won't have a Football style match of "Cops vs Protestors" with the Food table being the 50 Yard Line again.....

I agree the more shenanigans go on, the more press OWS will get. But the reaction will be determined by OWS..... Anger will only arise if they can demonstrate clear goals, and a united purpose, take the Moral High Ground, and STILL get beat down on. Not mention they have to do this in a way the whole world can see it. They've already said they want to imitate the Arab Spring, but the Arab Spring was alot more organized alot more quickly. They were dealing with people that were willing to kill them.... Were dealing with people that want to "Remove us from public places of enjoyment"..... We can't really go for the Martyr tactics the Arab Spring did, as really, the only thing that can possibly happen here is someones going to come out looking like an idiot, the question is will it be the cops/mayors/elected officials that order the cops to move in? Or will it be OWS? And remember, Bush won the 2004 Debates against Kerry by Repeating the words "Flip flop-flip flop" over and over again like a monkey and make a move with his hand roughly reminiscent of a fish swimming..... Buffoondom can be a powerful tool if you control it.....