Forum Post: WSWS: Occupy Wall Street movement at a crossroads
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 27, 2011, 10:14 a.m. EST by SandyEnglish
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World Socialist Web Site: Occupy Wall Street movement at a crossroads
What is posed above all is the necessity for the independent social and political mobilization of the working class, the vast majority of the population in the United States and internationally. Every factory, workplace and neighborhood must become a center of resistance to the policies of the ruling class and its political representatives.
We need more of a rainbow coalition. More queer, bi and transexuals too.
Occupy is anti-crime. The Depression of 2008 was caused by fraud and outright theft.
Crime is also the key to much of rightie response to OWS so far.
Thugs. Sociopaths. The likes of O'Keefe and Darrell Issa.
No party politics! direct democracy. collective thought,. not just votes.., the future is now.
" The Occupy movement itself foreshadows an explosive eruption of class struggle in the United States, the center of world capitalism."
This is very true. And everyone knows it. No matter what happens to this movement, the anger of the people will not just disappear it will eventually erupt into a rage against the government. No government is immune from the will of the governed...although many government officials believe the myth that they are invincible.
"Those within the Occupy movement who preach “no politics” and “no leadership” serve to maintain the stranglehold of the prevailing politics. It is precisely leadership and politics—that is, a party and a program—that are required above all."
Systems become corrupt with the advent of politics and leaders. It seems almost innate in humans that power will corrupt. If we do the same thing again the outcome eventually will be the same. "If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got!!!"
"Systems become corrupt with the advent of politics and leaders. It seems almost innate in humans that power will corrupt. " That's a pretty dim view of human nature. I think we have to be very concrete about what systems declined, and when, if we want to get to the why. In other words, freedom and equality have a basis in the material world, in history, not in our heads.
Why did the unions that lead such massive and heroic battles in the 1930s become shills for the Democrats who have surrendered everything for the last 30 years? Was it inevitable, or the product of a particular set of historical circumstances over 50 years, at least in the US?
There was a successful revolution in Russian in 1917. It was highly democratic. The 1% was removed from economic and political power. But those masses could not have won without the leadership of a party, or at least that's what I believe. Did the Bolshevik Party degenerate within a few years because of innate human characteristics or was the something in the backwardness and isolation of the USSR that lead to the rise of Stalinism?
And was the rise of Stalinism inevitable? After all, there were those Marxists that bitterly fought it. What about their "innate" behavior? Did power corrupt Trotsky? Why didn't his side win?
If we agree that an exposition of the class struggle is coming, then we have to ask how can the working class defeat the capitalist class.
Yes, we do have to look at history, and understand history. There are no short-cuts. But that's what a revolutionary party is the historically conscious and organized section -- a leadership -- of the working class. One thing that history shows is that you won't ever defeat the 1% without this kind of party.
My view of humanity is jaded. Maybe due to the constant stream of news about that small percentage of amoral people. Your words did give me pause to think.