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Forum Post: Would you take it?

Posted 12 years ago on Sept. 28, 2011, 10:20 a.m. EST by Korsen (53) from Fairfield, CT
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Greetings. I sent a mail a while ago to 9.17occupywallst, but you've likely since changed your emails. I've tried posting two topics in the forums and one of them got some attention but things are moving too fast and I think people are too occupied with the occupation :P Here's the thing, I have two ideas that government should absolutely provide us to equalize the wealth, and the power. I REALLY would like to talk about them on a soapbox but I have a child on the way and just recently got a job after 3 years of not having one.

The bottom line of my first point is that with the 50 billion obama spent on infrastructure, we could have wiped NY state off the electrical grid, which would have returned 1.2 billion to the economy in saved bills every month. In 4 years, Obama would have had his investment repaid and had something to be re-elected with. Even if we didn't do it that way, if we gave as many poverty line and bottom class homes the solar panels, we could get single mom/dads to save up enough for a car and community college tuition and gotten some drug dealers or future drug dealers off the street, lowered drug distribution, and increased education, nevermind letting millions of people get a better night's sleep. Even if we didn't do it that way, UI or ConEd (the electric companies) could install 1 solar panel, reap its benefits until the home paid for it, and then the home gets the benefits of that panel when another one is installed, until each home was fully off the grid. In 20 years we could have the country nearly off the grid altogether - imagine how much better a life and a standard of living we could be giving to our kids like that?

The second bottom line is that I have an invention for a panel that would go into every domicile, it would be covered by the government, create permanent jobs in every state, and basically shift Congress's job back to the individual using the panel. It would be redundant, tampering would be easily detectable, all law would be converted into plain english, and the people would get two weeks to track and participate in bills that affect them. My estimates which could be off, calculated to a 6 billion dollar cost but a 50 billion dollar return in the first year from not paying Congress, eliminating pork barrel spending and earmarks, as well as the savings from buying any more voting machines, paper, or training staff for the one day, as well as the day of work typically lost by the voter.

If you would use it, I could turn the two ideas into a written speech and someone else there could voice it for me. The second idea, I already have a list of historical considerations, how it helps the country, and the pro's and con's of each. Although there's many a great point to be argued for between the forums and the people on the ground, there are so many present that won't do us as much good in the future as these two will. So we make the bank books transparent? So we hold more people accountable? I mean, so MANY demand lists focusing on wall street and banking - you really think that's going to help us even 4 years from now if anything is done with them? There's a legitimate and growing grass-roots uprising and this should be used for more important things.

Would you rather punish wall street and the banks? Or would you rather walk away with your electric bill, heating bill, gas bill, and hot water bill evicted from the rest of your life and your future families lives? Nevermind improving air quality and helping the fight on global warming. Would you rather have Congress do their job? Or would you rather walk away with a piece of equipment in everyone's home that allows the 99% to control, propose, and vote on bills that affect their everyday lives the way they should have always been doing?

Yes the panel idea still needs to be discussed more in-depth, but the point remains with it: 99% control the law, not the 1% - The job gets done right because people care - permanent job creation in the tens of thousands - spending cuts on things we just plain don't need.



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[-] 1 points by Korsen (53) from Fairfield, CT 12 years ago

lets users track bills, would allow people to be congress and submit their own bills to be reviewed, converted into basically laymans terms, and then voted on. creates jobs, is handicap accessible with video tech support and voice recognition. Removes the need for congress, a day off from work, and new paper and machines every year plus staff training.

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 12 years ago

what does the panel do?