Forum Post: World-wide Organization
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 19, 2011, 1:42 a.m. EST by malikov
from Pasadena, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Modern political and economical system is robust and resilient. The combination of democracy and capitalism is de facto a global standard because it works. Over time, however, it tends to polarize societies, creating dangerous social conditions. That is as inevitable and irreversible as gravitation.
We must avoid fast catastrophic changes called "revolutions" because through blood, suffering and destruction they only reset the level of polarization in the society, and in time the system snaps again.
Instead we should introduce a new element of stability to the system. I have a vision of such element.
A world-wide organization that unites people not by political and economical views, ethnicity or religion. Not even by trade or geography, but simply by the level of income.
The sole purpose of this organization will be to advocate higher wages for its members, and through that reduce the polarization of the society. It will not take on legislative or executive functions, but rather become a powerful lobby legitimized by the number of members and able to counter-balance both government and business.
It is imperative for this organization to be non-hierarchical, absolutely transparent, and, obviously, non-dependent in its resources on governments or businesses. It must be funded exclusively by its members through member fees, just like a trade union.
Imagine an independent organization with a billion members paying just 1 dollar a year - it's a billion dollars a year spent on expertise, research, investigations, promotion, funding dispute resolutions between employers and employees, funding class-action, supporting its members everywhere in the world.
I believe we are mature enough to bring this new power into the world, and generous enough to make it effective.
I call this organization Super Union, because it must unite people that are normally divided by their affiliation with different other organizations.
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first off, the larger a meta entity gets the less useful it is for helping real people. second off, neither capitalism nor democracy has ever existed- what we have is corporate oligarchy using those things as masks.
Third off, a revolution is absolutely required here, and that revolution can be non violent and it can be information and truth centered.
The people we oppose make billions of dollars a day they can use to oppose us. A revolution can only be non-violent if majority of population supports it. The smaller the group of revolutionaries, the more violent they will (have to) be.
(Also the faster the changes are introduced, the more violent is the process, just like oxidization.)
So, a really large group is required to change things on a large scale (paradigm shift?), and that requires education of a lot of people, which, in turn, requires time.
That's what my project is - an organization that can sustain itself independently over a long time, educating its members, and promoting (propelling) large scale social changes.
which is why we need to win over the full 99 percent with communication and truth.
forming a giant new daddy to educate people is counter productive. such mutual co education could happen very quickly on a wiki. there are reasons why the oligarch ass kissers running these forums have not put up a wiki yet.
We need to employ same marketing techniques corporations use to sell their stuff - that's the only way it will work. I am talking fancy promotional materials, door-to-door even. And for that we need lots of money cause using volunteers for that is just as neo-liberal, in result, as crowdsourcing.
Common people don't care to read Wikipedia articles on, say, socialism, or fascism. But 20,000,000 vote during "SYTYCD" finale. Educating them (and gaining their support) is a tedious, long, and expensive task. I am not proposing "a giant new daddy" - I am proposing a new non-corporate politically-inclined facebook.
i don't agree. we need to apply very different kinds of internet marketing strategies and can have all that happen off of a wiki.
we don't need a giant marketing campaign, we just need to get our act together and it will go viral.
wikipedia is a right wing propaganda outlet, if it did what it claimed the revolution would have happened due to its efforts years ago.
Where did you get that idea about Wikipedia?
Corporations, in general, do one thing - they sell. And they learned to do it exquisitely effectively. Their techniques work, and we would be foolish to dismiss their experience. Have a look at any union website - it's crap. That's why they are not doing so well.
There's this law wiki People don't participate. Why? Because that's out of their comfort zone, it's not pop. We need to bring - not just put it out and they will take it - these ideas into their comfort zone. And that's what corporations know how to do and we have to do the same.
by trying to help them and learning first hand whats really going on. wikipedia epic fails to be anything other than a propaganda war. if they actually did do what they say they are about they would have caused a revolution due to truth years ago. any given wikipedia article is full of lies and propaganda distortions.
where did i get that idea? dude. wake up- its self evident to anybody with sense or knowledge.
the way to bring people in is with a wiki. we still don't have one because the organizers of this so called movement are actually one percenters hoping to squash the backlash by letting it play out.
Some articles there are better, some are worse, some are unreliable. Maybe it's just not left-wing, and that's what you mean. But Wikipedia as a whole is apolitical, and their only proclaimed goal is to put the sum of human knowledge for free online.
Someone put up a wiki for this movement - don't remember who, google it here: There is free hosting ( ) and plenty of free wiki soft ( ) - try it. PS also
In my experience it doesn't work. People generally don't (neither they have to) come home from work and write political articles. They don't even read any in this part of the world.
NO. What i mean is what i said. It is a right wing propaganda outlet. period. I'm outside of the box and i would be just as annoyed if it was left wing. Jimbo wales number one hero is anne coultier. he set up a dumble down process which side steps the issue of truth value and redfines truth so that people can continue to lie and distort along the standard republican lines.
wikipedia as a whole is most certainly not apolitical, its patently a right wing dumble down propaganda con scam. period. it is patently right wing in the vast majority of articles. period. it is patently right wing in how it dumble downs and lies and distorts science facts and truth. period. and it is patently evil in how it deals with internal disputes. period. I tried to help them- and they proved all of this to me redundantly.
what does not work is a con scam. wikipedia if it was honest would have caused the revolution years ago. since it is entirely crooked, it just added to the civilizations noise.
A link or two to right-wing propaganda articles would be helpful.
(we will probably run out of thread depth soon. just reply to the main post, in that case)
pretty much any political article. pretty much any article addressing subtle reality or non mundane things. the treatment of the hundredth monkey principle, for instance, is very obvious. they lie and distort the science on this and they clearly take a materialist atheist con scam stance which is actually anti truth and anti science on the subject. The hundredth money principle has been redundantly proven in thousands of experiments using everything from ants to mice to pigs and cattle to apes and monkeys and even humans.
I see you did it!
I recommend LiquidThreads extension for the discussion pages.
I think you are confusing conservative right-wing with an attempt at conservative academic. I saw your comments in the discussion page there. If you know of hundreds of experiments supporting this theory, why don't you cite the proper academic sources from research papers: Dr. This, Year, Publication. Citing sources is the only thing that makes Wikipedia legitimate, and distinguishes it from some windbaggers, like InfoWars. You can't write simply "I swear it's true."
But, again, get a good hosting for $20/lifetime here: Wiki (many kinds) installation is done there with a couple clicks. You need a domain name, though. I recommend - they take paypal.
Btw, the page clearly says its biased: This article includes a list of references, but its sources remain unclear because it has insufficient inline citations. Please help to improve this article by introducing more precise citations. (December 2010).
Hey Malikov - Just here to say hi ... Keep up the good work.
Is there a way to create "friends" on here?
I don't think there is here, there are "befriend" and "fave" buttons on my website.
But, I'll just remember you as a "friend", anyway :-)
I don't know about less people, cause there's no one on my website, yet...
You drug this up from 3 days ago
I think I checked out but didn't care for the idea
You said "That's a good idea!" Maybe, next time check first.
FUCK the unions
By the quality of your posts you are not an industrialist. Why so much anger?
The unions buy my votes like the corporations
Do you have many votes?
That's great, but that's even more radical than my nine goals ( ), meaning it's not gonna happen any time soon. We (the people) are not ready.
Have you tried 'administration'. It will give you a simple means of governance. Which might be useful for your 'element of stability' issue.
What's "administration"?
paperwork! a simple list of everyone on the planet would be more of benefit right now to everybody, than gold coins raining out of the sky.
Interesting point. My hope is that my project will have such a list as a consequence (among others), cause I am inviting everyone, especially the poorer people.
thats a preety good idea and we can keep up the fight on other fronts as well..even a pan handler can afford a dollar..
If someone can't afford a dollar I don't see why not let him in for free. Say, those famous $2/day that half the world lives on are really "Big Mac" dollars - a common denominator for anywhere in the world. So the two dollars mean what we can buy here for two dollars that's how much they get a day. In absolute values in India, for example, it's about 45 cents.
thx. could i get you to post some of that here
and resources to like minded people can be found here
No problem, but a couple considerations:
first, these ideas are not OWS's, and a few commenters on other threads were concerned that OWS's message gets diluted or even diverted by such "extras".
second, I think I already posted other stuff to a poll like that, following your link, so I can contaminate your data, depending on your objectives.
third, if the data you are collecting goes to the government it doesn't really make sense because I shouldn't really ask government to help with this, I need people.
Lemme know if you still want me to post it.
lol. if the gov wants it i guess, it will eventually be made public as the disclaimer on the form sates. my long term goal for this is a discussion group with elected debate leaders and a voting system on every comment similar to a up/down vote on a forum per post. to help educate and cultivate trust building between people with opposing views. so yes i intend to help ows with the data but my goals go far beyond that.
cool, will do.