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Forum Post: World Bank Revolving Door of Corruption with Whistleblower Karen Hudes

Posted 11 years ago on June 2, 2013, 12:36 a.m. EST by quantumystic (1710) from Memphis, TN
This content is user submitted and not an official statement


Published on Jun 1, 2013 World Bank conspiracies of massive corruption are discussed with under-fire whistleblower Karen Hudes. She discusses how she has been charged with trespassing from Eric Holder, and how the executive directors of the World Bank were blackmailed in a prostitution scandal from the same bordello Eliot Spitzer frequented. We get a lot of information on the single conglomerate that dominates the global economy and the small group of whistleblowers that have kept their eyes on the people's interest on this Buzzsaw interview hosted by Sean Stone.

GUEST BIO: Karen Hudes studied law at Yale Law School and economics at the University of Amsterdam. She worked in the US Export Import Bank of the US from 1980-1985 and in the Legal Department of the World Bank from 1986-2007. She established the Non Governmental Organization Committee of the International Law Section of the American Bar Association and the Committee on Multilateralism and the Accountability of International Organizations of the American Branch of the International Law Association. In addition she has recently come under fire for whistleblowing at her more recent position at the World Bank.



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[-] 7 points by shadz66 (19985) 11 years ago

Highly recommending this post and the linked video on this forum-post !

Here's the lady's own very interesting web-sites & she ain't no kook kids !!

''Those who step forward to blow these whistles rarely benefit at all. The ones who benefit are YOU ! You discover what you should know but what is hidden from you: namely, the most consequential acts being taken by those with the greatest power, and how those actions are affecting your life, your country and your world.'' from :

''In 2008, candidate Obama decreed that "often the best source of information about waste, fraud, and abuse in government is an existing government employee committed to public integrity and willing to speak out," and he hailed whistleblowing as :

  • "acts of courage and patriotism, which can sometimes save lives and often save taxpayer dollars, should be encouraged rather than stifled as they have been during the Bush administration."

''The current incarnation of Obama prosecutes those same whistlelblowers at double the number of all previous presidents combined & spent the campaign season boasting about it.'' So let's join the dots !

May The Powers of The Universe keep Snowden, Manning & Hudes well & may their bravery aid us all.

veritas vos liberabit ...

[-] 5 points by windyacres (1197) 11 years ago

The video struck me as being a truthful description of world reality. I don't see how anything else can be discussed until this important revelation is investigated. We'll see whether that happens. She claims a huge conglomerate controls the capital markets through the Federal Reserve, and many gatekeepers are already in place with international entities. She also claims this group has bought many governments. The MSM is actually part of this same group.

[-] 6 points by Renneye (3874) 11 years ago

I could not agree more 'windyacres'.

What good is fixing any of the financial corruption, human exploitation, etc., underneath their top position of the pyramid, if 'they' are allowed to stay there, only to undo any good we manage to get done?

Karen Hudes describes far more than just bad banking practices. She says that congress is totally bought off, and many governments are owned. How can we legislate our way back to sanity if our governing system is on the take?

No...you're right 'windyacres'. This should be top priority, right now.

Here's to hoping for Mass Arrests!

[-] 4 points by windyacres (1197) 11 years ago

I like the fact that karen Hudes is optimistic! She believes Rule of Law will be reinstated, confident that documentation of evidence already exists.

[-] 4 points by Renneye (3874) 11 years ago

I perceived that, as well. And not only that the damning evidence already exists, but is plentiful.

Sounds like she may have some like minded people to help her out. I hope so, because if it is like she says, where every area of law is infiltrated...these people are going to be very difficult to prosecute, indeed.

The law is one thing, but when these criminals are exposed, they will not be able to walk among us, the people.

One way, or the other, accountability is coming. :-)

[-] 3 points by windyacres (1197) 11 years ago

In a way, we can be thankful that politicians, (being the way they are), will turn against their puppet masters if it becomes politically expedient for them to do so. That would happen if these claims are true and it became a big news story.

Bigger than Watergate! Damn...I think I smell a hint of fresh air.

[-] 4 points by Renneye (3874) 11 years ago

Heheh...its the all new 21st Century air freshener called, "Watershed Moment".

Or, perhaps, "Capitalist Coup de Grâce"

Or maybe, "Oligarchs' Death Throes"

[-] 3 points by windyacres (1197) 11 years ago

All three are good. A new air freshener!! "Watershed Moment" is my favorite because history may recognize that this was the tipping point to force change, with evidence that had we not acted now, it would have been too late.

[-] 3 points by shadz66 (19985) 11 years ago

So let some 'dot joining' go on here, 'windy' with :

We can't expect shit from them - 'The Corporate MSM', so we are left to educate, agitate and hopefully - organise, through the 'Global Inter-Web' ... which is of course why TPTB try to see us through their 'Dark PRISM' & please see my links below. To re-quote your prior Greenwald, Guardian excerpt from the link :

  • ''The way things are supposed to work is that we're supposed to know virtually everything about what they do: that's why they're called 'public servants'. They're supposed to know virtually nothing about what we do: that's why we're called 'private individuals'.''

Lol re. ''I don't see how anything else can be discussed until this important revelation is investigated.'' as there's so much to keep an eye on but to give a shit and spread the word is a moral imperative now imo!

fiat lux ...

[-] 3 points by windyacres (1197) 11 years ago

If she is telling the truth, the "dot joining", is nearing completion. The entire puzzle boundary has been connected and there's only the pieces in the middle to complete the entire puzzle. Individual journalists with courage are desperately needed to bring this story to light and let's all see whether it's true.

Glenn Greenwald said this morning that more revelations are coming soon, but I have no idea whether karen hudes will eventually be big news. If not, it will surpass manipulation of Libor and a huge bank laundering drug cartel money for years and no one goes to jail as stories that just go away.

[-] 2 points by shadz66 (19985) 11 years ago

Your allusion to LIBOR here is a very important connection, I think and I concur with your comments. Thus, in support and in compliment, I append the following and my wider point here is that Banks and Banksters are deeply embroiled and neck deep in the shit & 'debt slavery' that we are all allegedly, in :

''The work of Alan Greenspan and other unethical economists has cost us trillions of dollars, millions of jobs and endless suffering ... Alan Greenspan had no excuse for assuming fraud out of existence, and his exceptionally immoral position on fraud and regulation proved catastrophic to America and much of the world. We cannot afford the price, measured in many trillions of dollars, over 10 million jobs, and endless suffering, of unethical economists.''

'caveat banksterii' et, radix omnium malorum est cupiditas ...

[-] 3 points by windyacres (1197) 11 years ago

When a group owns the markets, the media, the governments, and the Law itself, they will attempt to rule the world.

[+] -4 points by polytop (-106) 11 years ago

May I ask, what bothers you about Bilderberg?

I never understood why conspiracy theorists make such a big fuss about this. I guess it's because they don't know what the attendees are talking about, which gives them a lot of leeway to confabulate the most devious plots imaginable? After all, unknowns and unknowables are the fuel for a conspiracy theorist's paranoid delusions.

Do you think it should be illegal for certain people to meet behind closed doors? Isn't everyone allowed his or her privacy, and the right to meet up with whoever they want? Diplomats do this all the time. Obama might have a dinner with the Prime Minister of Australia for example. Should that be illegal somehow? I don't get it.

Countries are modified by passing laws which is a fairly transparent process. Whatever they might decide at the Bilderberg meeting has no real power until it's brought to Congress and the Senate at which point everyone will know and could protest against it. Legislation is not passed over a Bilderberg dinner.

So, what exactly is it that you don't like about the idea of some people meeting up behind closed doors?

Ironically, back in the day when Bilderberg meetings started some 50 years ago, paranoid conspiracy theorists were saying the plans were to turn America into a communist state! Exactly what Occupy wants to do with anarcho-communism.

Now, conspiracy theorists have changed their mind, the idea is to create the NWO.

So funny.

[-] 4 points by windyacres (1197) 11 years ago

The "fairly transparent process" for laws to modify countries may have secrets. You have joined a discussion where a credible person from a respectable position is claiming that world wide control fraud is now happening.

Check out the links and help us get to the bottom of this.

[-] 4 points by Renneye (3874) 11 years ago

Karen Hudes answers some important questions very directly.

Hey windy, found this from 'Rollingstone' (Matt Taibbi's blog)...

She is one smart lady!! I am soooooo proud of her!!

(scroll down to comments) http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/blogs/taibblog/everything-is-rigged-vol-9-713-this-time-its-currencies-20130613#comment-947533086

~ "My name is Karen Hudes. The best article on my story is at http://www.larsschall.com/2013/05/08/governance-issues-at-the-world-bank-a-security-risk-to-the-world-order/ ." ~

Thank you once again 'windy', for keeping Karen Hudes, and the insidious criminal acts that the global .01% have perpetrated to control us for a millenia...in the OWS and global headlines!!

Thanks also to 'quantumystic', for this informative and necessary thread, exposing the criminal oligarchs! There is no going back now!!

[-] 5 points by windyacres (1197) 11 years ago

Karen Hudes has also written a couple of times that she's concerned that planned marches against the government might be used to justify martial law. She recommends calling state Governors instead.

[-] 6 points by Renneye (3874) 11 years ago

You beat me to it windy!!

Regarding Karen Hudes;

This is what my post to you was going to be about. Lol!!

I caught that in her comments as well...that the media, which is, of course owned by the .01% oligarch conglomerate she speaks of and is exposing, is purposely fomenting civil unrest...and armed at that.

It poses very interesting questions for me. But people tend to get upset when I ask those questions.

Like...Why do the .01% want planned protests against the government in the streets?

Yes, Karen Hudes wishes everyone would stay home and we take care of this via legal channels.

I too, wish we could go with the method of least chance of violence like non-compliance through nonpayment of taxes, or some other form of Gandhi type resistance. It is more sophisticated, in my view...not to mention, I feel it garners better results.

I hope Karen Hudes has enough protection around her, by virtue of going extremely public with this, to give her the safety she needs. Amazing what one person can do. Having said that, she is very quick to offer that there are a team of people within the World Bank that are helping her do this and should also get credit.

Thanks once again windy. I love how you have a more 'panoptic' view of things and can 'pan out', away from all the divisive smaller issues that do nothing but divide us and keep the populace from seeing the big picture. 'They' so expertly exploit these divisive issues to keep attention away from the very tippy top of the pyramid....the .01% global ruling elite. The oligarchs.

[-] 4 points by windyacres (1197) 11 years ago

There are many interesting aspects of this story. The Rolling Stone article written by Matt Taibbi entitled, "Everything is Rigged", appears to be the ultimate proof of global fraud from organized crime. The amount of outrage about this mysteriously remains small! Everyone moves on to the next and latest MSM story instead! Truth-out is on it but the story surprisingly doesn't go "viral".

Karen Hudes publicly comments on the "Everything is Rigged" article asking Matt Taibbi to respond to her, stating that she had already informed him of some of these things. She responds to others comments on the article and finally someone calls out for Taibbi to respond to Karen Hudes assertion that Rolling Stone is also subject to censorship by the conglomerate, but he doesn't respond, (at least not publicly).

The actions of the people in Turkey, then Brazil, and now Egypt are immensely inspiring to me and have been my hope for the US. Apathy has been our biggest problem and huge demonstrations would change Washington's actions. Karen Hudes is concerned that planned marches are apparently planned by the .01% to justify martial law!

I intend to call my state governor but I personally need to see this story forced on the MSM. Forget the possible panic and let the people know so that justifiable outrage can be expressed. The Rule of Law must prevail!

[-] 4 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 11 years ago

You may have seen it already but Bruce Cockburn has a pretty good song about the IMF. It's not the World Bank, but it's right up there with it:


"You don't really give a flying fuck about the people in misery."

How very true.

[-] 4 points by Renneye (3874) 11 years ago

Thanks, 'G'....no, I hadn't seen it. Very cool! The IMF is a most despicable oligarch institution.

~ "Call it Democracy" is perhaps the only song ever written about the International Monetary Fund, which Cockburn accuses of fostering "insupportable debt" in Third World countries. Typically not pulling any punches, Cockburn charges that the IMF doesn't "really give a flying fuck about the people in misery." ~


Bruce Cockburn - Live . ~ "Call It Democracy"

Padded with power here they come

International loan sharks backed by the guns

Of market hungry military profiteers

Whose word is a swamp and whose brow is smeared

With the blood of the poor


Who rob life of its quality

Who render rage a necessity

By turning countries into labour camps

Modern slavers in drag as champions of freedom


Sinister cynical instrument

Who makes the gun into a sacrament --

The only response to the deification

Of tyranny by so-called "developed" nations'

Idolatry of ideology


North South East West

Kill the best and buy the rest

It's just spend a buck to make a buck

You don't really give a flying fuck

About the people in misery


IMF dirty MF

Takes away everything it can get

Always making certain that there's one thing left

Keep them on the hook with insupportable debt


See the paid-off local bottom feeders

Passing themselves off as leaders

Kiss the ladies shake hands with the fellows

Open for business like a cheap bordello


And they call it democracy

And they call it democracy

And they call it democracy

And they call it democracy


See the loaded eyes of the children too

Trying to make the best of it the way kids do

One day you're going to rise from your habitual feast

To find yourself staring down the throat of the beast

They call the revolution


IMF dirty MF

Takes away everything it can get

Always making certain that there's one thing left

Keep them on the hook with insupportable debt

[-] 4 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 11 years ago

Replying here, 'R,' heheh.

Wow, that Truthout series looks like something right up our alley, doesn't it? Not that it'll get anyone arrested, but it's important to get that information out to as many people as possible. Did you notice the project was produced by Occupy.com? Very interesting.

[-] 3 points by Renneye (3874) 11 years ago

Replying here, 'G'...

[-] 2 points by gnomunny (5520) from St Louis, MO 20 hours ago

"Those lyrics certainly hit the nail on the head, don't they? And they could pretty much be describing a lot of institutions nowadays, including the federal government. Dirty MF's, heheh."


You make a critical good point here, 'G'.

Between Karen Hudes and the research that's about to be put together described in LeoYo's thread below, I'm very hopeful again. Perhaps we'll even see mass arrests!

Lets see. The Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, United Nations, Club of Rome and several others.

It IS the oligarchs who have set up the 'Global Institutions'. They are self appointed 'saviours' of humanity. Ya right! Everything they touch, turns into a big bloody battlefield.

LeoYo's threads on the "Global Power Project" are very exciting indeed. Can't wait to see the outcome, showing how these institutions and people are connected.

This is the kind of transparency that has been missing for decades...even longer, allowing the greedy and power hungry fools of this world to exploit humanity, under the radar and unchecked.

Global Power Project, Part 3: The Influence of Individuals and Family Dynasties

~"The purpose of the Global Power Project is to provide a lens through which to view and understand power more directly – not as abstract concepts of “democracy” or “capitalism,” liberal or conservative, Republican or Democratic, but as a complex relationship between power and people. This research seeks to identify the individuals and institutions that wield significant power over society, nationally and globally, to help us understand who specifically has shaped and is continuing to shape the world we all live in.

Starting next week, the Global Power Project will reveal extensive research on one or more institutions at a time, selecting them based upon known or perceived influence, and examining the individuals who serve in leadership, board membership and advisory roles at those institutions, answering the questions: what are their backgrounds, what other institutions have they worked for, what other boards do they sit on, what organizations are they members of? And importantly: how is their power connected?

Stay tuned next week, as we find out."~



[-] 2 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 11 years ago

Those lyrics certainly hit the nail on the head, don't they? And they could pretty much be describing a lot of institutions nowadays, including the federal government. Dirty MF's, heheh.

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

Good song - could be a bit less cheerful and forgiving though - don't ya think?

[-] -3 points by polytop (-106) 11 years ago

It doesn't matter how credible you may think someone is, if he's propagating a bad conspiracy theory it doesn't suddenly make it worthwhile. Appeal to authority is a logical fallacy.

These are people meeting for a dinner. Do you think that should be illegal? That diplomats, or anyone else, should not be allowed to meet behind closed doors to discuss whatever they want? Even bad people. That's why we have a system of laws, so that people must go through a public process when legislation is changed.

Unless you can answer if you want to make it illegal for people to meet behind closed doors in private, I won't bother reading the links.

This conspiracy theory is one of the most ridiculous of them all.

[-] 4 points by windyacres (1197) 11 years ago

I can easily answer your question. I do not want it to be illegal for people to meet behind closed doors in private. Now you can check out the links and help us prove or disprove the most ridiculous conspiracy theory of them all.

[-] -3 points by polytop (-106) 11 years ago

It's already been debunked time and time again. Sorry, I don't waste time with Alex Jones type nonsense. Conspiracy theories are junk food for your mind. You should stay away from them.

If you don't want to make private gatherings illegal, then there's not much you can do about Bilderberg anyways.

You should spend your time following what's going on in Congress and the Senate where laws are being passed, and where the constitution is being modified. That's where the action is, not in some private diplomats dinner in which you can't even know what they are talking about.

You're looking the wrong way pal. There's stuff happening in the Whitehouse, and you're distracted with conspiracy theory mumbo jumbo.

[-] 4 points by windyacres (1197) 11 years ago

Thank you for helping. Please help me find where karen hudes claims have been debunked, because I've been looking for them.

[-] -3 points by polytop (-106) 11 years ago

It's important to expose disinformation, just as we should expect it. Our problem is verifying the truth that will be mixed in with disinformation.

Yes, unfortunately, conspiracy theorists don't expose disinformation, they generate tons of it themselves.

"Her claims absolutely should be verified by an investigation, but if her claims are true, we should also be concerned with who conducts the investigation, and make every detail transparent!"

I'm not sure I understand your "but if her claims are true" sub clause. We can't know if her claims are true before the investigation, so that can't help us decide what kind of investigation it should be.

This should be described more strongly than, "some troubling aspects of how banks work".

Yes, of course. Hence the need for an investigation.

[-] 3 points by windyacres (1197) 11 years ago

She claims a conglomerate exists that owns the markets, the media, the governments, and the Law itself. Who should conduct the investigation? Who that is not part of the group will be allowed to investigate?

[-] -3 points by polytop (-106) 11 years ago

I'm not into conspiracy theories. I'm interested in your comprehension of what karen hudes had to say, but you made no comment even though you had watched and listened. I can only assume you consider it to be another conspiracy theory, or you would have been alarmed, right?

I watched that video awhile back. I didn't come here with the idea to comment on that, sorry. I was interested in making sure people understood the lunacy of shadz66's conspiracy theory. Some people here try to pass of Alex Jones nonsense as if it was serious and important. Unfortunately, some don't know any better.

Karen Hudes revealed some troubling aspects of how banks work. Her claims should be verified by an investigation. Hopefully, more people will step forward to corroborate her claims. We live in an oligarchy. Big businesses step all over us. Capitalism is killing the planet. It's horrible. I don't use big banks. Just a small coop. I suggest you do the same.

[-] 2 points by windyacres (1197) 11 years ago

It's important to expose disinformation, just as we should expect it. Our problem is verifying the truth that will be mixed in with disinformation.

Her claims absolutely should be verified by an investigation, but if her claims are true, we should also be concerned with who conducts the investigation, and make every detail transparent! This should be described more strongly than, "some troubling aspects of how banks work".

[-] -1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

Only U don't forward conspiracy theories - Hey? Trashy-can? And everything U disagree with is a conspiracy theory - Right? Go back to Ur trashy can and play with Ur self polyp.

[-] -3 points by polytop (-106) 11 years ago

Karen Hudes has nothing to do with Bilderberg. She identified fraud when she was working at the World Bank. Why do you think she is connected to Bilderberg? Too much Alex Jones?

[-] 4 points by windyacres (1197) 11 years ago

Your the one that thinks she has anything to do with Bilderberg. My first sentence to you was that you were joining an ongoing discussion. Shadzz referencing the Bilderberg meeting was an interesting after thought.

Please watch the video of karen hudes interview. She identified fraud at the World Bank, but now she has learned more. This is recent revelations that should be debunked...or proven. If they are true, you are actively hindering an attempt to bring them to light. She certainly sounds truthful.

[+] -4 points by polytop (-106) 11 years ago

She claims a conglomerate exists that owns the markets, the media, the governments, and the Law itself. Who should conduct the investigation? Who that is not part of the group will be allowed to investigate?

If her claims cannot be investigated, then so be it. We might as well drop her claims since they are of no importance. Just like a scientific theory is of no consequence if it is unfalsifiable or untestable.

[-] 4 points by windyacres (1197) 11 years ago

I can only hope others have a different attitude from yours, cowardice won't be much help.

[+] -4 points by polytop (-106) 11 years ago

Sorry, I was confused. I already watched the video of Karen Hudes. I was replying to shadz66 nonsense about Bildergerg, a known conspiracy theory delusion. Sorry about that, please go on discussing Karen Hudes with shadz66.

Just curious, are you a conspiracy theorist? Bilderger, chemtrails, Trutherism, Reptilian Overlords, BigFoot, Hollow Earth... You into that?

[-] 4 points by windyacres (1197) 11 years ago

I'm not into conspiracy theories. I'm interested in your comprehension of what karen hudes had to say, but you made no comment even though you had watched and listened. I can only assume you consider it to be another conspiracy theory, or you would have been alarmed, right?

[-] 1 points by shadz66 (19985) 11 years ago

Fuck off Trashy !!! No, you can't ask shit !! You're a wannabe & a 0.01% Parasite Class Lickspittle !

You come here with your specious crap, faux 'anarchy' & 'pseudo-socialism' postings, then proceed to try to defend Parasites and Plutocrats ! You are resplendent in your bi-polar trolling and you are earning your '30 Pieces Of Silver' doing what you do but your ONLY regret about and problem with - 'The 0.01% Parasite Class' is that you are NOT one of them !! You are it increasingly seems, an evil, wannabe 'neo-feudalist plutocrat' !! You're the antithesis of the 99%,OWS & a disgusting, anti-democratic cockroach !!!

temet nosce ...

[-] -3 points by polytop (-106) 11 years ago

So, you think diplomats or anyone else should not be allowed to meet behind closed doors and talk about whatever they want? What scares you about Bilderberg? Do you think they pass new laws under the table?

How do you want to fix the "problem"? Should all forms of gathering become illegal?

This is the stupidest conspiracy theory of all. Damn, why do people love Alex Jones so much!

then proceed to try to defend Parasites and Plutocrats

Lol. I don't defend the illegal shenanigans of plutocrats. But, I will defend their right to meet behind closed doors and talk about whatever they want. Anyone can invite who they want for a private dinner. To be against that concept is just ridiculous. Give me something illegal and I'll be against it, not only by plutocrats, but by anyone else.

What do you think is illegal about Bilderberg?

[-] 5 points by Renneye (3874) 11 years ago

Is it ok for these billionaires/trillionaires to have this 'private' meeting, at the expense of millions of tax payer dollars? Should we not be privy to something we are paying for.

~"Watford town mayor Dorothy Thornhill said: 'I think it's outrageous that the local taxpayer has to pick up the tab for ostensibly a private meeting of trillionaires, probably the most wealthy people in the world. 'Hertfordshire Constabulary have suddenly got this unexpected budget strain dumped on them at literally a month's notice. It's not on.' Hertfordshire Police has not revealed details of the bill, but they are in talks with the Home Office about a grant for 'unexpected or exceptional costs'."~

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2336847/Bilderberg-2013-Who-billionaires-politicians-arriving-secretive-conference-Watford-hotel.html#ixzz2Vk1t3clv

[+] -6 points by polytop (-106) 11 years ago

If that's what bothers you, or shadz66, or anyone else, then why the special focus on BilderBerg which is not specific to this at all. You should attack the real problem, since the whole BilderBerg thing becomes a distraction making you guys look like conspiracy theorists.

There are thousands upon thousands of diplomats that meet with officials, rich people, etc... from other countries behind closed doors everyday, all paid by tax payers' money. I have a few friends who are diplomats at different embassies throughout the world. That's what they do. They meet other officials for dinners and so on to forge links, talk about problems, etc...

The President meets up with other Presidents, Dictators, Premiers, for closed door dinners all the time. He also meets up with Business owners, all types of other influential people.

That's what diplomats do!

This is kind of a double edged sword. On one hand I do agree that it would be wonderful if our representatives always discussed issues in public when being paid to work.

However, I'm not sure people of other countries would always want this. It's most likely that China's leaders would not want to talk with Obama in public, at least not about everything they talk about behind closed doors. Not every country has open laws like US.

There's also the problem that if all discussions were public, then it's most likely they would not talk about many important issues. It's easier to be honest when in private.

I'm not really sure I would like all diplomacy to be public. I have a feeling it would hurt a lot.

The point is, this is not a Bilderberg issue at all. Bilderberg is only one meeting a year like this. Every single day diplomats meet behind closed doors using tax payers' money.

If you're against this, that's fine. But please, focus on the core problem without associating it with a particular meeting, especially one which is associated with Alex Jones and conspiracy theories. No one will take you seriously.

Just talk about the idea of 100% transparency from all diplomats, and the idea of making all private diplomatic meetings illegal if diplomats are working. (You can't really stop them from meeting on their off time)

[-] 7 points by Renneye (3874) 11 years ago

There are two separate issues here.

If you want to talk about diplomats, that's fine. But its a separate discussion from the subject matter here. The role of diplomats in a 'People's Society', or, in a society governed through 'anarcho-communism', is up for considerable debate and democratic vote once a new system is established. Transparency, of course being the underscored.

However, the people we are discussing here are not diplomats...indeed, far from.

These people are the world's power brokers, the world's aristocratic elites, economic 'players', owners of central banks, capitalist multinational corporate CEOs and others. In other words...self appointed collectivist exploiters of our fellow human beings. They are no more diplomats, than I am Peter Pan.

If you have diplomat friends, as you say, they would be the first to tell you that more policy is decided at dinners and on the golf course than in the senate or congress. I know you know this.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with focusing on and protesting the annual Bilderberg meeting...the same way that similar meetings are focused on and protested, like the G7, G10, G20 and now the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)...where world changing policy is being determined that affects the well-being of our earth's brothers and sisters, without any media allowed to record the discussions for transparancy's sake, if not for history's sake.

What you describe in your post is kind of the opposite of the 'anarcho-communism' you aspire to...

Polytop says: There's also the problem that if all discussions were public, then it's most likely they would not talk about many important issues. It's easier to be honest when in private. I'm not really sure I would like all diplomacy to be public. I have a feeling it would hurt a lot.

This has no place in a 'People's Society' governed by 'Self-Rule'. How can citizens taking part in 'Self-Rule', using a system such as on-line voting, for instance, make educated choices by which to vote on issues democratically, if there are meetings discussing policy, behind closed doors?

With a type of 'Open Government' such as anarcho-communism that you advocate, secret undocumented/unrecorded meetings would be antithetical to the transparency necessary for 'the people' to govern such a system. You can't have it both ways.

You've voiced that you want people here to protest in the street. Ok...protest who? If it isn't to protest against the kinds of self appointed capitalist power-elite that attend Bilderberg and similar meetings...then who?

There has been enough confirmation, now, by people like Etienne Davignon, Jacques Delors and Jean-Claude Trichet, who have indicated that Bilderberg meetings are anything, but benign informal gatherings.

You're right, private individuals can not be stopped from meeting and discussing whatever they want. However, if they want to gather in those numbers and 'descend' on a city...let the billionaires/trillionaires foot the bill...not millions in taxpayer dollars.

Also in question, is the legality of public officials meeting with private people to discuss policy, in that it conflicts with the Logan Act and 'possibly' certain 'Open Government Laws' and 'Freedom of Information' laws. I don't think there is any question any more, that there is enough here to be 'properly' investigated. So, the question then becomes...Why doesn't it get investigated?

Focus on Bilderberg and similar meetings of the 'globocrats' should be encouraged, not prohibited. Not investigating, is akin to a doctor feeling a suspicious lump, not investigating further, then, when the patient dies of cancer, saying...hmm, I guess it really was cancer.

If these groups are of no interest to you, that's fine...but don't discourage others who, in the face of volumes of corroborating evidence, want to investigate and bring these criminals to justice. To do so, is to reveal that your 'mindsight' lacks peripheral vision......and, no-one will take you seriously.

Occupy Bilderberg - http://www.policymic.com/articles/9137/ows-and-the-bilderberg-group-why-this-secret-society-of-world-leaders-needs-to-be-occupied

Etienne Davignon admits Bilderbergs initiated Euro - http://euobserver.com/political/27778

GlobalResearch.ca - http://www.globalresearch.ca/bilderberg-2011-the-rockefeller-world-order-and-the-high-priests-of-globalization/25302

[-] 2 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 11 years ago

There are thousands upon thousands of diplomats that meet with officials, rich people, etc... from other countries behind closed doors everyday, all paid by tax payers' money.

if only private money was trade in secrete, that would be OK ?

[+] -5 points by polytop (-106) 11 years ago

I couldn't know if it was a secret, so whether it would be OK or not would be moot. If conspiracy theorists "figured out" the secret like they always do, (I'm not sure how that works - open secret perhaps?), then their delusions would go wild! That's something I fear.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

And there it is! Ur own conspiracy theory. Pointing out your irrational (?) fear.

[+] -5 points by polydop (-5) 11 years ago

And there it is! Ur own conspiracy theory. Pointing out your irrational (?) fear.

It's not an irrational fear. Conspiracy theories are one of America's biggest danger at the moment. They blur the line between reality and fiction, causing a huge distraction from real problems, and fueling the society with unhealthy paranoia. They also prone the idea of accusing people before having evidence. Truthers don't just make hypothesis, they blame the government without evidence. This is dangerous. We should always promote the idea of innocent until proven guilty. For everyone, not just the people we like.

[-] 2 points by shadz66 (19985) 11 years ago

No, you can't ask shit !!! You're a wannabe & a 0.01% Parasite Class Lickspittle !! Yaawwn and lol !

Back to your 'illogical, auto-fellatio', you shameless corporate shill.

nosce te ipsum ..

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

Is polyp the new trashy-can ID ?

[+] -4 points by polytop (-106) 11 years ago

I guess you don't really think there's anything wrong with people having private gatherings, so, there's nothing wrong with Bilderberg.

You should spend your time following what's happening in Congress, and in the Senate. That's where the action is. That's where legislatures are being passed. It's an awful waste of time to spend time trying to figure out what people are talking about at a private dinner, a dinner where no laws can get passed, only words and ideas over a table, words and ideas you can't even hear because they are private. But, like I said above, unknowns and unknowables are the fuel that conspiracy theorists need to energize their deluded paranoid fantasies.

Take a break from Alex Jones. His paranoia is feeding your delusions.

Damn conspiracy theory mumbo jumbo should be deleted from this site. It's makes us look like real idiots.

[-] 3 points by shadz66 (19985) 11 years ago

''I guess you'' ... can go back to your 'illogical, auto-fellatio' now, you sick corporate shill !

And furthermore, fuck Alex Jones - though even a broken clock can be right twice a day !!

Gnothi Seauton ...

[+] -5 points by polytop (-106) 11 years ago

You took your eyes off the ball. You're distracted. You're stuck looking into a private dinner where diplomats and other people talk about stuff you can't know, and in which they can't modify laws, legislature, or the constitution. A perfectly legal private gathering of individuals. The only thing you might find out, is if they eat turkey or salmon. Keep your eyes outside the house, you might see the food delivery guy.

Meanwhile, some bad stuff is happening in the Senate and Congress. You're distracted by Alex Jones conspiracy theory mumbo jumbo. Shame on you. You should get your eyes back on the game, before someone passes a bad law right under your distracted nose.

[-] 2 points by shadz66 (19985) 11 years ago

Your diversionary, deceitful and deceptive postings, speak volumes but well serves a purpose here - so keep it up !!! I comment on a wide range of matters and my forum-posts stand or fall on their own merits or otherwise, so no, you specious twat - ''Shame On You'' !! The day slowly but surely approaches when you 'Jean/John/Josh' will be definitively identified in Bali or Bard College ; Montreal or NYC ; Rennes or Detroit and I'll forego future karma to curse you as that time draws ever nearer & my love to your wife !

omnia causa fiunt ...

[-] 2 points by LeoYo (5909) 11 years ago

When a group owns the markets, the media, the governments, and the Law itself, they already rule the world. Everything else is just modifications of management.

[-] 3 points by windyacres (1197) 11 years ago

Yep, just watched CBS News with a NSA spokesman saying the courts had already declared the surveillance legal and effective in some previous case from 2007.

Karen Hudes story is easily the most, "interesting", compared to major financial scandals, surveillance, etc. The American public, indeed the whole world, would unify with an understanding of a rigged world for a few.

[-] 3 points by LeoYo (5909) 11 years ago

The vast majority of the world who suffer from either economic and/or justice deprivation already understand it yet haven't united.

The masses never unite on their own. They have to be gently guided into unity with incentives.

That's why I advocate a National Credit Union and a National Mutual Insurance company to unite the masses into something beneficial for them without requiring a life changing commitment. From there, you have a community of shared interests that can be easily informed of issues to act upon.

[-] 4 points by windyacres (1197) 11 years ago

Just as you say, many already understand the rigged world, but haven't united. Some will never unite more than their own simple ways. Some will bang pans and some will come out to the streets, but the many will unite around fairness for all if they trust an important movement toward fairness.

Most of the former employees of my store did not have bank accounts at all. They usually had car insurance, but no other kinds of insurance. I like the ideas and believe they will eventually exist, but we need a story they can relate to and feel righteous outrage. The Karen Hudes story might have that impact.

[-] 4 points by LeoYo (5909) 11 years ago

Stories come and go just as righteous outrage does. Occupy is a perfect example of that. Eventually, more sooner than later, people get back to their everyday consumer lives. So, if auto insurance would be the only means for many to be apart of a National Cooperative Community, it would be enough. From there, it's easy for one's participation to grow and always be informed. Just yesterday, I visited two co-ops. One was an Occupy affiliated coffee shop that received vegan food from three different co-ops, all of which derived their ingredients from local organic producers. The other co-op was a grocery store that made its own deli food and likewise patronized locally. A person could become a fellow owner by buying a share for under $100 which could be broken up into several monthly payments and even if a person couldn't afford it due to homelessness, unemployment, or some other reason, there was still a membership option just for those types of circumstances. Then, there's the National Cooperative Bank http://ncb.coop/ that has a special focus on people of certain circumstances.

We may not all bang pans and come out to the streets but we will always be consumers in search of better ways to improve our lives. That is the commonality that can unite the various lifestyles and circumstances into a cohesive community of common interests to be regularly informed and reminded of the stories that will otherwise just come and go.

[-] 4 points by windyacres (1197) 11 years ago

Your experiences yesterday are real and those type of experiences are growing in number. A good sign of improvement.

My hope is that stories or a certain collection of stories come, but do not go away, until something similar to what happened in Iceland happens here.

[-] 1 points by shadz66 (19985) 11 years ago

See edit & additional quotes & links and as an additional very useful 'PRISM Primer Piece', see :

e tenebris, lux ...

[-] 5 points by windyacres (1197) 11 years ago

Wow! After the Libor manipulation just blew over, I didn't feel anything else would be so damning. Someone please tell me this isn't true.


[-] 3 points by quantumystic (1710) from Memphis, TN 11 years ago

we are in the last stages of a slow coup taking place since nov '63. may god have mercy on us all if there is a god.

[-] 5 points by Renneye (3874) 11 years ago

Excellent video 'quantumystic' !!

Karen Hudes is one brave lady.

Looks like the proverbial $h!t is about to hit the fan!!

Can't wait to see the fallout from this. Maybe we'll see Eric Holder in jail yet!

Many have been waiting for someone with the kind of 'clout' that Karen Hudes has, to expose the mind blowing amount of criminal corruption in the top echelons of the 0.01% elite.

Thanks 'quantumystic' ! Excellent find!!

[-] 4 points by quantumystic (1710) from Memphis, TN 11 years ago

it's what i am here for. glad at least someone is starting to pick up on my posts.

[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 11 years ago

so the money arbitrators don't circulate money for weapons sales ?