Forum Post: will the united states rise to the occasion or crumble under the weight of fascist totalitarian empire??????
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 18, 2011, 5:59 a.m. EST by burningman2012
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"If we believe that we, as Americans, are bound together by a common concern for each other, then an urgent national priority is upon us. We must begin to end the disgrace of this other America. And this is one of the great tasks of leadership for us, as individuals and citizens this year. But even if we act to erase material poverty, there is another greater task, it is to confront the poverty of satisfaction—purpose and dignity—that afflicts us all. Too much and for too long, we seemed to have surrendered personal excellence and community values in the mere accumulation of material things. Our Gross National Product, now, is over $800 billion dollars a year, but that Gross National Product—if we judge the United States of America by that—that Gross National Product counts air pollution and cigarette advertising, and ambulances to clear our highways of carnage. It counts special locks for our doors and the jails for the people who break them. It counts the destruction of the redwood and the loss of our natural wonder in chaotic sprawl. It counts napalm and counts nuclear warheads and armored cars for the police to fight the riots in our cities. It counts Whitman's rifle and Speck's knife, and the television programs that glorify violence in order to sell toys to our children. Yet the gross national product does not allow for the health of our children, the quality of their education or the joy of their play. It does not include the beauty of our poetry or the strength of our marriages, the intelligence of our public debate or the integrity of our public officials. It measures neither our wit nor our courage, neither our wisdom nor our learning, neither our compassion nor our devotion to our country, it measures everything in short, except that which makes life worthwhile. And it can tell us everything about America except why we are proud that we are Americans."- RFK--university of kansas--march, 18, 1968
when is occupy gonna get serious in the spring? i feel like we had so much momentum and they really zapped it from us, i know there are a lot of people who were committed, but when are we gonna go out and really rally the people. it is past time for a new deal/bill of rights 2.0 and it is time for a whole new way one that accounts for people instead of profit and the bottom line. one that the truth, justice, freedom, and happiness are not just abstract concepts and ideas but real and tangible. it is time we all transformed ourselves into what we could be as a person, as a city, as state, as a nation, as a species the time has come for transformation we need to adopt a holistic/pluralistic approach for ourselves we can change nothing if we don't change the way we think, act, and live. the whole idea of simply making alterations to a severely flawed system is futile, they are going to get their new world order no matter what, unless of course we stop them by not changing the rules of the game but by changing the game itself. as long as we continue the capitalist extraction model we are doomed. greed is in fact not good. quantum physics, neuroscience, psychology, sociology, and biology they are all saying the same thing as ancient gnostic/esoteric/mystic traditions, wisdom, and ceremony. science and mysticism are finding a common ground with a large range of implications, any thoughts? Is quantum mysticism the new value system for a new holistic completely integrated society where both our archaic past and our scientific future are acknowledged and reconciled? Are psychedelics powerful tools to be used along with marijuana, nitrous oxide, strobe lights, meditation, yoga, tai chi, sensory depravation tanks, and ancient gnostic esoteric knowledge, mysticism, and rituals? Is there one basic truth that all the major religions have allowed to be corrupted? Do you need to reach the divine through others or can you achieve this yourself? we have to dream big. we have to imagine the impossible, to make it possible. we need to re-imagine the world from ourselves and our place how society is constructed from the ground up we can enter a new age of enlightenment from re-imagining ourselves as the talented and gifted human beings that we are integrating a completely holistic way of life instead of walking debt. we need to reimagine cities from the ground up. and just like our selves the need to be completely holistic/pluralistic. sustainably developed cities reinmagined with completely integrated design employing the highest levels of technology we possess as well as the brightest and most gifted engineers, scientists, architects, and artists designing and bringing the city to life completely integrated with the natural environment this is possible this is what we need completely integrated/holistic food production and manufacturing of goods and rendering of services and resource management so much of our energy waste and damage to the environment revolves around food production and suburban/rural living changing this is paramount to our survival as a species. we need to integrate the cities with technology and nature in new amazing and innovative ways. if we smash the old paradigm then we can have a whole new future if we play the same game even with different rules do you think we can ever really win? do you think reform will really fix the problem? do you really think everything was ok before corporate personhood and even the war on terror? do you think the new world order/old world order is not gonna plot and scheme to make their dreams our nightmares? if you do then you don't know who you are dealing with. they started wars and played both sides even ww1, ww2, and the cold war, they blew off president kennedy's head and likely had a hand in rfk and mlk as well as many others foreign and domestic leaders killed, they dismantled our manufacturing infrastructure for short term profits and their globalist agenda, they pulled iran-contra and supplied cocaine to fuel their operations, they likely false flagged on 9-11 or at a minimum allowed it to happen remember they false flagged the gulf of tonkin. they lied to invade iraq and tried to cover it up every step of the way. they allowed bin laden to remain free as justification for war for 10 years. they passed legislation last week that suspends habeas corpus and allows for the indefinite detention of us citizens with out trial. they have fema camps all over the country. they have a militarized police force trained to follow orders and never dissent even when they know they are clearly in the wrong. so you tell me what are they planning? so will we rise to the challenge and create a new game they can not play or will we simply become debt slaves working in debtor prisons it is already happening just look at illinois and other states. you pick your future new world order slave or a brand new society and culture that is as big and bold and wonderful as you can imagine of course it won't be perfect but to not try a better way because it is not perfect is insane.! check out the links expand your mind
The trolls, naysayers, and everyone else on this board will be wanting to discuss the finer points of a republic vs a democracy while the fuck'in national guard tanks are parking on the local interstates. Most of the people on this forum think this is a will not be so funny when martial law is declared...
you are so right, it's going down starting spring 2012.
The USA will become the leader of the totalitarian empire. It is destined, and imminent. It has been revealing itself my whole life. I review history. It has happened before, is happening now and will finalize soon. Economic collapse will happen, birth to the NWO. They will continue to incrementally implement this ideal, and as my generation is phased our/dies off the majority will be the young, the immigrants, the uneducated. They will call for it, and any of us left that are aware will be "old school". I see now what my elders have taught me. I never disregarded it, I kept it close. They were always right. My death for 7 minutes was also revealing. It is about to get bad folks, fasten your seat-belts.
we must be mindful of our thoughts like jedi... your quantum mind influences the entire universe, when the go for it we must blind them with light, truth, and love we will crush their pidely power and launch a whole new world
I agree, I am pointing out the current destiny and multiverse as it exists now;I am not changing it. I am shaking it true, and the more I get aware and open the more the good side will prevail. One must admit to this existence in order to escape., I use to awaken those from that world. There are multiple quantum realities existing simultaneously(channels), and we expose the darkness. Then lure to light. This is exposing the darkness. NWO was here and planned before you and I were even born. I am trying to rescue those who so choose to escape, one last rope. We may balance a while again fellow "jedi"
Thanks for putting up this thread. I am very worried about the direction this country is going in (Fascists). There is a lot to be alarmed about (as you pointed out in your thread). Lately I am very upset about the NDAA bill (soon to be signed off as a law), in addition to the SOPA and PIPA bills in Congress that would censor us online (the American equivlant to China's great internet firewall). I am also all for The Patriot Act that violates our first and fourth amendment right to be repealed. The American people need to wake up and address this or our freedoms will be gone.
Please check out a thread I put up today. Something really needs to be done about all this.
yeah it is getting pretty scary out here.......but the thing is we can change it with just our thoughts......
I am for mass protesting (million+ man marches), petitions, letting our Congressmen and women know how we feel, and mass boycotting when called for. I strongly believe that we must be pro-active or more of our freedoms will go down the tubes.
we need a full on revolution
Sadly, it will have to come to that if our own Congressmen will not listen to us and more of these types of bills keep being made. It is getting scary.
yeah it is def getting scary
This whole idea of revolution and the movement having nothing to do with blaming. We are not here to blame others for our unhappiness. We are here to criticize the world we live in and try to make things better. The current situation is not satisfactory for a multitude of the people, here and all around the world. It is clear that the system we have today cannot be sustained, because the people in it cannot sustain themselves. In this world only a handful of people control everything! The USA is passing laws to suppress the people, that means they are scared of us. Now is the time to act and rid ourselves of this oppression! But when we do this we must also see that to change the system means we must change ourselves. We must open our minds to others and make a change of lifestyle. We must pollute less, share more, criticize more, communicate more, appreciate more, want less and other changes. All of these aspects of our lives and selves were made to facilitate the old system. If we are to sustain ourselves we must open our eyes and ears to new ways of thinking, doing and living. If we do not we risk the coming back of the old tyrannical system. Soon the time will come, when talking and discussing is over. We will have fight for is right and just, fight for the people, fight to help humanity. Let them not arrest us this way, show what happens when they mess with the people! This movement is the people!
i think america has already crumbled
it seems like it
I'm not so sure....the majority seem so apathetic that it makes you want to throw up...but then all of a sudden I see some who say ENOUGH. I suppose it is a bit like waiting for the last straw...these are long days even though it is winter...I do believe that much will change by late spring of 2012. Some people cave in quickly like scared rabbits...but there really are some who will not go down without a fight....
there are some who would rather die than continue in the present system because they are dead anyways in the current system. if you have seen the vanguard story on current two americas then you know how big the problem is... they are ignorant. i watched an out of work couple who are on foodstamps and unemployment supporting what republicans were saying during their debate. take this statement for example one or the candidates said something about "taxes are not the answer" or "the rich already are taxed enough" the man said "he is right" then his wife said "we all pay the same don't we?" another example is one of the candidates mentioned cutting benefits for some entitlement program not sure which one and they mentioned but the guy was like "yep they need to" so if people who are on aid and are white working class/middle class americans who lost their home and can't pay the light bill hardly don't get it how can we ever win, the other side will never get it they have been too brain washed by church and rightwing talking points to use common sense... people voting against their interest insane....
the wealthy will always feel like they deserve it or they earned it. and think if they donate to charity that is enough... freaking insane.
If OWS succeeds then the USA will unite as a peace-loving and perhaps much more egalitarian nation, for a time. Then it will crumble like much of the rest of modern life. First it will be pressured by years and years of austerity measures and limited growth, then it will suffer from an aging population when the "EV1L B@BY B00MERS" retire.
After that it will find itself with immense civil unrest from years of poor growth and chafing costs as "Peak Oil" (or for the non-believer general resource depletion) sets itself down across the world long term. Then the suburbs turn into slums, the USA is forced to split into two or three due to sheer impracticality of management and most of the population die.
Of course I'm in no ways a fortune teller, sociologist or economic analyst so please excuse my doom-mongering!
yes you are right if we follow the old model and simply try to change the rules of the game the game remains the same....but if we create a new game with new objectives we can save this thing.....
I agree. A revolution in itself is perhaps not enough. It would be comparable to shaving one's head. The cells still exist so the hair will return by itself after a time, thus the root issue wasn't resolved. But what game could we make which wouldn't inherit the problems of the previous one?
one based on sustainability and integrated holistic cities and holistic culture with a resource based economy instead of extract based
Is that similar to the Venus project? Or something you devised yourself?
it is my own vision but of course i know about the vp, i just would like to be a lot more holistic they take a completely scientific approach but we must integrate and reconcile that with our archaic mystical past also i would like more integration with nature and i am not as firm on the design of the cities and buildings as they are but jacque is def a visionary... envision a scientifically technologically advanced spiritual society completely integrated with the natural world... that is what i see in my minds eye.
or we can hang out in the park and blame the bankers for reaping the rewards of our greed.
Good post.
not the bankers are not to blame but we have to change ourselves before we can really change anything else.....
What I don't get after reading most of these posts it that if like many of you say America is doomed and so horrible, why you are still here? If you know of a better place, or a place that you would rather be, then why have you not gone? No one is going to stop you or question your decision. It just seems silly to me that you believe this to be such a horrible place, yet you remain.
because this is my country and i don't think it is horrible i think the 1% is horrible and a good 60% is ignorant and they need to all go back to high school for social studies, science, and civics. but this is my country and i love it and i want it to be the great country it was once and will be again, even better because we are developing a new cultural model for a new united states. we just need to throw off the chains that bind us that the money masters have put on us.
But what is the new model? Is it something that is going to make you happy but not the 60 - 70% who don't agree or don't care about OWS unhappy? Won't that put us right back into the same place we are now but in reverse?
i pretty clearly defined the new model in the post. 2/3rds of americans didn't want to fight the revolutionary war. does that mean we should have listened to them and not fought for independence? i am not talking about going in reverse i am talking about moving forward so know we will actually advance as a culture and society.
It all depends on whether we can throw off the Jew parasites or not.
It all depends on whether we can throw off the Jew parasites or not.
It will take awhile to go through all of the links but I'm right with you. Part of our goals involve a return to the land and a self sufficient lifestyle too.
Thanks for posting!
a brand new world and world view, exactly what we need...
come on we can do this
wake up ows
please ows open your eyes to your true possibilities of belief.