Forum Post: Will the last occupier in this forum please turn out the lights.
Posted 12 years ago on Jan. 11, 2013, 3:51 p.m. EST by FawkesNews
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Posted 12 years ago on Jan. 11, 2013, 3:51 p.m. EST by FawkesNews
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Where's the light switch?
I don't see one anywhere.
Alexa, one of the originators of spyware.
Nice choice.
Did you consider that they might have an agenda?
A gang of 4/5 insiders have been running riot lately, espousing non-OWS values in the most bullying, sefl-congratulatory way. They probably disgusted people into leaving. I've noticed that I rarely see any posts/comments from some of our most creative sincere voices anymore.
Recently it was mostly the gun nutters and threads with titles like this one.
I won't answer another post in this piece of shit thread.
I am WE and do not give a flying f- what them anything The Peoples agenda prevails to infinity.
I'm not a tech oriented person but this is what I found in simple search. Can someone set me straight on average # of unique visitors to these days? What about same stat for January 10, 2012? How about November 10, 2011?
Here's what I found in admittedly unscientific search for current traffic:
33,137 - That's how many people visit this site daily according to
4,139. - visitors per day per
20,000 - 25,000 unique visitors per day per
I really think the drop off in the past few weeks was related to the Google search placing this site farther down for the word "Occupy." I told a friend to go the OWS forum and they were like, "I can't find it" so I had to spell it out for them, "" and then they found it.
And, those are not bad statistics you show up there, so chin up.
Good point :). Ebb and flow. Ebb and flow. Our words and our actions are like waves beating ceaselessly against the sure. A virtuous cycle has begun. There is reason for hope:
The site admins would be the ones with the most accurate numbers and they aren't saying a thing..
The important thing that we, the regular posters should be aware of, is the simple fact that many more people come to view the site and never actually post anything at all.
Troll control is more important to OWS PR than we know.
I for one, have grown weary of all the name calling and have bit my tongue more than once and edited my comments rather than constantly respond in kind..........I still f up once in a while, but I try and limit it.
Kudos to you shooz for your restraint. I know it is not easy sometimes, but for the most part that is the best policy.
I would not be opposed to no more blatant name calling being added to the rules.
It tends to polarize across the board.
There was a recent study done, showing polarization as the end result.
If I can find it again I'll post a link.........:)
OK thanks. I would not be opposed to it either. Despite some of our differences, we have kept it civil which i appreciate.
That's what makes it OK..........................:)
I had none of that for the "gun nutters" that recently invaded the forum.
They refused to speak from a place of respect.
I think you're right in what you're saying. By the way, slight change of subject but here are a few questions I have burning on my brain at the moment. If you have time to answer sometime, I would much appreciate it.
I find it very interesting to imagine what it would be like to be a candidate for office (say as an independent) at a countywide or statewide level right now. How would a person who sees the world through the "occupy lens" (to oversimplify) translate that into a political platform / 5 point plan? --- assume for a moment the person had decided to run and that were a given. What would they say to a surprised public that would be useful (if they didn't care if they won or lost)? And what would they do in a two year term at a countywide or statewide level if they actually somehow got elected and knew they were only going for one term and would not need to worry about reelection?
That's an interesting thought experiment.
The 5 points would depend on where and what you would be running for.
With the most difficult linchpin being get the money out, because you will need a bunch just to run.
It's too late to say much more, as I'm tired, but if you could narrow it to a particular State/Federal position, I believe it would make a popular thread.
Assume state legislator just for argument's sake. See this post to discuss:
Agenda? now who would have an agenda to spread shit like OWS was done? OH - wait a mo.............hmmm people that OWS/Occupy makes sweat? Nah - that - that is too obvious - right?
Alexa was also one of the original internet sellouts.
A kind of pseudo search engine, that also suggested "other" sites you might be interested in.
Spyware, tracking cookies and other early forms of invasive browser based software. Info gathered from which they duly sold.
Ahhh - OK - a perfect hireling?
Yeah, although it doesn't surprise me to find forum usage is down. We've lost a lot of good posters to the non stop troll invasion.
From modestcapitalist to greedkills, and so many more.
I was reminded of many of them over the last few days, when for some odd reason old threads bubbled to the top.
Yeah - really a lot of good individuals that I would love to see return. therising came back GF came back ZD came back - would like to see HitGirl again and many others.
Then there's the guys who've apparently been banned that can still send racist PMs.
The recent proliferation of gun nuttery posts hasn't helped much either.
I see the Idle NO More thread was reburied while I was gone.
Ignorant threads like this one and the gun nuttery crap get all the attention......:(
Best not to comment on them.
Really? WHO does OWS make sweat?
We enjoy a website that allows this cloistered/disenfranchised country a way to engage in [politics for change] like no other, potentially. But NO MSM shaker and mover gives a rats ass about this. This is not effectual as it is. This "sweats" no one but paranoid RW summer-camp "Nazis" and tragically sensitive "PC" hall monitors!!!
Thanks for dealing with the Jock Attack.
I apologize for the sleezy corporation based on spyware. It seemed trivial considering the FBI surveillance?
This has been a great source of information. May it remain as such. Agendas of all sorts collide here.
I guess it's the thread title that feels more than a little insulting.
It's not the kind of thing a supporter would want to see at the top of the list.
Division and banter have replaced discourse and ideas on this forum.
The people who are dedicated remain and I appreciate deeply the information they relay here.
Threads like that are allowed to languish, while threads about lights out go to the top.
Ask yourself why that is so.
Too much goes unsaid or unnoticed.
I again express my gratitude to this site and others for the information available here. Utilizing that information, for me, is not restricted.
"Will the last Occupier in this forum please turn out the lights. "Don't try holding your breath until that happens. That said, many true Occupiers seldom read or contribute to this forum for varying reasons, so the popularity of it is not necessarily indicative of the overall health of the movement itself.
Considering FBI involvement, this forum needs to remain open as an information channel, whether or not other occupiers utilize it or not.
I'm not a tech oriented person but this is what I found in simple search. Can someone set me straight on average # of unique visitors to these days? What about same stat for January 10, 2012? How about November 10, 2011?
Here's what I found in admittedly unscientific search for current traffic:
33,137 - That's how many people visit this site daily according to
4,139. - visitors per day per
20,000 - 25,000 unique visitors per day per
Maybe the downturn is due to too heavy handed modding and censorship. Shadow banning is so amateur hour.
Shadow banned post: "Remember "Operation Gladio"?The Pentagon, through NATO organized bombings and shootings in the streets of Europe"
Interesting range of results.
Your on a loop boss. It is good data but i think you hit some kinda time space continuum loop thing.
I'm not a tech oriented person but this is what I found in simple search. Can someone set me straight on average # of unique visitors to these days? What about same stat for January 10, 2012? How about November 10, 2011?
Here's what I found in admittedly unscientific search for current traffic:
33,137 - That's how many people visit this site daily according to
4,139. - visitors per day per
20,000 - 25,000 unique visitors per day per
I'm not a tech oriented person but this is what I found in simple search. Can someone set me straight on average # of unique visitors to these days? What about same stat for January 10, 2012? How about November 10, 2011? Here's what I found in admittedly unscientific search for current traffic: 33,137 - That's how many people visit this site daily according to 4,139. - visitors per day per 20,000 - 25,000 unique visitors per day per
I'm not a tech oriented person but this is what I found in simple search. Can someone set me straight on average # of unique visitors to these days? What about same stat for January 10, 2012? How about November 10, 2011?
Here's what I found in admittedly unscientific search for current traffic:
33,137 - That's how many people visit this site daily according to
4,139. - visitors per day per
20,000 - 25,000 unique visitors per day per
Not so fast can someone tell me how post on this forum rather than comment? I have looked under all these categories for the info and find it not.
You need something to say. It is better to learn from the well informed.
It becomes obvious you would like to learn. Thanks I do have much to write
You obviously have plenty to say. I for one have a difficult time interpreting it.
Click on Forum. At the far right notice the Best Comments Today list, just to the left of that you'll see the word post, in blue, click on it and write your post.
I have noticed that when you type "occupy" into the google search this site has fallen far down on the first page of results where it used to always be #1 or 2 at the top of the first page. This is a recent change over the past 2/3 weeks. I am not sure how google decides how to rank. Do you know? This change in search results would affect how many people find this site and would explain, at least partially, the recent decline.
Just did it, googled occupy, it popped up second. The Wikipedia's Occupy Movement was first.
I just did it and it came up that way for me too. It has not been coming up that way for the past 2/3 weeks. That is how I always access the site. It's been far lower on the page. I'm glad for the change. I have no idea what to think of Google though I use the search engine all the time.
They use some complex algorithm for determining relevance, which in turn determines placement. I assume some part of it is determined by how many choose a particular link.
I wish I could remember which sites were listed above this one because they were very irrelevant, but of course, I can't remember, lol. I just found it frustrating because I had to keep scrolling down to find this one.
I googled ows and got a story put out by OWS at the top of the list. Scrolling down I saw other OWS references - but I also ran across what appears to be entries made with the intent of being about anything other then OWS. Garbage Posts - with the intent of muddying the search field or containing attack material.
Interesting, DKA. I always get here by typing "occupy" in the Google search engine. That is why I am aware of the change over the past 2/3 weeks. I've been doing this for over a year now. Back last fall all you had to type in the Google search engine were the letters "oc" and it brought you this site at the top of the first page. Of course, JPB950 is right that relevance is subjective, but in my subjective opinion the sites that have been ranking high in the past 2/3 weeks have been irrelevant. So, just something to be aware of, I think.
TPTB do not want this site visited - that is without a doubt. So if they can robo in searches for inane BS to get the hits up and so the listing? You Bet - They will.
BTW - every once in a while I will google my user name to see what comes up. VVV butt head brucie has added another attack - listing his own PR as the source.
Agreed. And, we know the many entities that are connected to TPTB. Big items recently discussed here in past 3 weeks or so have been related to gun control and the FBI document, so go figure....
YEP - I always knew that the site would be monitored.
Well, hopefully the "monitors" are reading and engaging. Perhaps they will learn something, lol.
OH - I do believe that we get engagement - if not from the monitors - from others that have been given an assignment to see if they can steer conversations - or start them.
I can confirm this to be true.
It's good to see it talking to itself for a change.
Never saw someone change tack so many times in a yacht race.
? - I mean I have seen shills start arguments with each-other to see if they can draw a crowd ( be distracting ) - But???
Yeah, sumthin like that. LOL
Relevance is a bit subjective. It might only take people clicking on various occupy related news stories to push the main site further down the list. The recent FBI revelations for example might have attracted more people then those looking to go to this site.
Indeed your observation seems valid.
Perhaps an FBI surveillance opportunity may not appeal to many users. In fact it likely scares more people away than did excessive brutality as a response to peaceful protest.
Either that, or the FBI wants to suppress info getting out about their surveillance. I'm really not sure. What is Google anyway, but our biggest brother, right?
Both true.
What OWS did was open channels of discourse. Those channels have grown into highways of information exchange. It becomes unstoppable. Eventually the smart politicians will begin to address the issues brought into light by OWS and others. Those politicians will have the support of the truth. Obvious, undeniable truths.
Yeah. TPTB don't like it much, but they pushed us from the streets onto the internet, so, big backfire for them. And, I agree that all the facts and statistics, the undeniable truths, are on the side of Occupy and have become very hard to argue with.
And why would you try? Some of us have no internet let alone warm place to sleep eat live and I do not give a f- what so and so want/like or care about.
Well, if you ever want society to have an economic system where there would not be people who have no warm place to sleep and eat, you might care what so and so want/like and care about. Getting TPTB to care is a big deal and is what we need to do to bring about change.
People following their heart to do what is right requires no getting them.
Exactly. Across the board.
In personal conversation will the truth spread the fastest. This site has an amount of useful information that can be shared with a smart phone, in a conversation anywhere. This site also has an exorbitant amount of useless chatter.
This is a tough place to navigate, true. But why is that? That is because the forum doesn't ban every troll and dissenter that makes his way here. One of the important things to do, and something I try to do, is bump up good threads and vote up good comments on a regular basis.
Tough to navigate? Shit this forum is adrift.
Users 'bumping' threads and 'voting' each other up has become the standard here. Some days there are nothing but insults at the top of the list. Let alone the ridiculous party divisions and squabbles involved there.
I cut and save pertinent information while it is being broadcast, before it becomes convoluted with shills or worse, buried under heaps of useless banter. I then share that information with people who are interested in it and can apply it. Those people are elsewhere.
Hmmm. I have often thought you specious, FawkesNews. Bumping good threads and voting good comments up is exactly what we should be doing. I feel you have dragged me into squabbling here and I'm not liking it, frankly.
I appreciate your honesty regarding my opinions. I have no interest in personal attacks and never have. Regarding methodology involved in this forum, there are supporters who will not be deterred and will continue to post valuable information here. More power to them. I will continue to access the information they disperse.
I'm probably stating the obvious, but I think a lot of that useless chatter is manufactured so that new visitors get disoriented, confused and turn away. I sincerely see a concerted paid intentional effort to water down the stew to the point where it's difficult to taste the meat and vegetables. Part of the reason I spend so much time on here is with those new visitors in mind. May attempts may be flawed and / or feeble, but my intention is for the new visitors to encounter something somewhat positive that they can relate to. I always attempt to write my posts (sometimes unsuccessfully) in a way that someone new to Occupy or even new to "questioning authority" might be able to relate to. This is my feeble attempt to keep people from being snowed by the manufactured noise.
It may be a quixotic effort, but it is sincere. And it seems many others may have the same goal in mind and surely achieve the goal far more often than I.
Yes this has also become part of what I have learned, though I am new to it my heart is in the place. My experience has covered much ground not in net/web but on streets of Salem Oregon-my screenname the most democratic location in the world. I hope to get better at this for soo much in me little head. I am a her f.y.i.
I think a good gauge of sincerity of posters is the extent to which they generally promote unity. That's my personal gauge for what I see here.
Kind words are appreciated and unity is all inclusive. Sincerity yes the way my mind works is a challenge and it helps me keep simple I love it ALL ONE WE
Any thoughts on this ? If so, please comment over there. I'm very curious what people on this forum think about these questions and would value your opinion.
Funny you say such things.
I don't use this site any longer as source for conversational assistance because the stew 'is' so watered down. In fact the relevance of OWS is watered down. The information gleaned here is transferable, so to speak, and it is that information that I find the most valuable. Your posts and of others are important and appreciated. I thank you.
Thanks. And, may I ask, "transferable" to what? My guess is daily conversation (quite important) but I'm wondering if there other larger group entities that you have in mind?
I will cut and paste articles and information gleaned here to share with others elsewhere. Referring people to this site discourages them. Occupy does not have the attention of the world any longer, yet the corruption remains. People see the corruption and are now empowered to talk about it. OWS does not have the sole right to discuss corruption in banking and government.
This will suit them if they consider running for post next term. Actually those politicians would be in the most ideal position to be elected. Up to them We shall have new candidates. Finally the choice so long awaited.
I suspect the first examples of politicians in support of the changes OWS supports are already in office.
Speak it up then I say to them IF you are correct I suspect otherwise.
Change is gradual and pervasive.
Most elected officials are fully aware of the corruption that allowed them office. If they were to speak up about it they would bite off the hand that fed them.
We do not bite and they must begin to speak or be left behind.
"We" do not hold an office payed for by corrupted bankers.
"What OWS did was open channels of discourse. Those channels have grown into highways of information exchange. It becomes unstoppable. Eventually the smart politicians will begin to address the issues brought into light by OWS and others. Those politicians will have the support of the truth. Obvious, undeniable truths."
So true. So true.
Hey thanks a lot. Really.
I think the first politicians to distance themselves openly from corruption will do very well. The people will need to be ready though. It may take a little while but, how is it not worth it?
I agree. I find it very interesting to imagine what it would be like to be a candidate for office (say as an independent) at a countywide or statewide level right now. How would a person who sees the world through the "occupy lens" (to oversimplify) translate that into a political platform / 5 point plan? --- assume for a moment the person had decided to run and that were a given. What would they say to a surprised public that would be useful (if they didn't care if they won or lost)?
And what would they do in a two year term at a countywide or statewide level if they actually somehow got elected and knew they were only going for one term and would not need to worry about reelection?
Start where it counts, or does not add up for the many who haven't enough. The pocket book.
Good point
Oh get my hopes up in thinking you are taking the task cause it is not something to which I look forward at all.
I would never do it because of my own particular situation but it is an interesting thought experiment.
Any thoughts on this ? If so, please comment over there. I'm very curious what people on this forum think about these questions and would value your opinion.
I cannot see a candidate running on a platform based upon OWS ideals. I see an incumbent slightly changing stance and supporting some of the points raised by OWS and others. Gradual change.
I hear exactly what you're saying. I suppose, to clarify, I'm wondering what the campaign would look like if the person running didn't care about winning. Would there be some use to expressing the occupy ideals out loud in a state legislature race knowing a loss is likely?
The difference a solitary individual can make is limited to the venue they use.
State Legislatures are controlled by corruption. The best a solitary individual can hope for within that venue is to express truth. What becomes of it is essentially inconsequential unless it is adopted by others elsewhere.
I guess the main issue is not about if you type in the word "occupy" and it comes up second but that not a lot of people are typing that word.
That's the issue - apparently interest has fallen off.
No, the amount of times the word is typed has nothing to do with it. Regardless of how many times a word is typed, the most relevant links should come up, not b.s. meant to distract.
Wishful thinking?
Clearly, interest has fallen off.
The ails of society remain. People are becoming more receptive to the information this site and others share. It does not matter where the information comes from.
Interest continues to reach higher this is an off chart situation. We shall excel and exceed all forecasters Come on in the water's fine.
Interest in Occupy has grown globally. Americans are not ready or able to accept the truth of what is holding them down and are still susceptible to propaganda and distraction. The world is not behaving as such, it is filled with action.
Thank you for the insight. This in part may help explain my difficulty at times to express what need be said. Ready or not it is here and we must help citizens here in get what the world already knows. What happened I will now play alarm clock.
Americans are already awakened to the fact that they have been screwed by corrupted officials owned by banks. Helping them is only a matter of participating with them, in their individual lives. They are everywhere.
Banks can not own people. You say them as you are other than. The people are" they" to you? We are the People and yes We are everywhere and shall remain so.
Banks do own peoples actions words and beliefs. Especially politicians.
We the people have little control over those who govern us.
You have no idea and logically now to me you are representing banks and shall never own belief it is not even possible to own any persons beliefs no matter what you may be and it never will be an option for belief is beyond your thought process according to this I comment on.WE are the Government the word "own "does not even qualify as possibility ALL ONE PEOPLE IN SOLIDARITY...
Can we agree that banks have overly funded many politicians who in turn represent the banks before the people?
Since you are other than people I shall agree to nothing as now you are to me. Bye Bye
That was a simple question.
Lights are out.The rest are now sitting in the dark talking left right politics.
I am unclear where you are coming from because the light keeps getting brighter and I see many others Oh In Solidarity I dare say WE are everywhere
Wake up son it is a dream you see.
I awaken to the sun each day. I do at times try to recall my dreams and have been told to write them down right when you wake up. Now where is everyone going is this site closing or what up?
Hysterical. Thank you.