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Forum Post: Why You Must Vote

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 12, 2011, 11:03 a.m. EST by gig42 (4)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I hear a lot of young people saying that they will not vote because of all the corruption and unfairness in our political system. I, too, felt that I would never vote again- first when Bush was elected for a second term, and again when Obama continually gave in to right wing desires. I now realize how wrong that decision would be. There is a reason that so many states are passing or trying to pass voter suppression laws- laws that heavily target the young and minorities. They would be very happy if you all drop out and refuse to participate in elections. If you young people do not vote, then my generation, which votes overwhelmingly for conservatives, will be able to control elections- this is what happened in 2010 when so many ultraconservatives were elected- young people didn't vote and some horrible consequences have come of it. I have learned of Ilya Sheyman who is running for congress in Illinois. He's 25, running a grass roots campaign- volunteers and small donors. You need more young people to run for office. You need to continue your protests, yes- continue to voice your anger and concerns. Change will come about but, in the interim, you must vote and not just in presidential election years. Do not allow things to get any worse, Lord knows we have enough problems.



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[-] 1 points by ramous (765) from Wabash, IN 13 years ago

when you do not vote, you have no right to complain. it is the people not voting all these years that have helped corrupted politicians remain on easy street. Imagine if we'd have replaced a few congressmen who write and pass these acts that have bankrupt us.

[-] 1 points by david19harness (87) 13 years ago

Here's a meaningful vote: White House website sponsored petition PUBLIC VOTE on the COMPETING FINAL DEMOCRATIC vs FINAL REPUBLICAN vs INDEPENDENT VERSIONS of a CONGRESSIONAL BILL. http://wh.gov/bhC For example, both the Republican and Democratic parties claim to have tax code and healthcare reform plans, etc. Fine, put them in writing. Here the media polls and media talk shows would have something real to talk about before submitting the competing versions to the final decision-making responsibility of We the People.

OWS protesters could act on this SIGNING STATEMENT demanding a PUBLIC VOTE OPTION be incorporated as a new legislative continuing JOINT RESOLUTION. Binding on Congress itself to pass along the public majority winning version of a bill to the President. The legislative precedent being no legal difference between a joint resolution and a bill.

White House rules are Petitions receiving 25,000 votes in 30 days, are referred to evaluation followed by official White House statement. Petitions CANNOT be SEARCHED on WHITE HOUSE WEBSITE until it gets 150 VOTES. This link, same as above, is only way to initiate petition: http://wh.gov/bhC

Legislative PUBLIC VOTE OPTION re-strikes the BALANCE OF POWER between representation and democracy, effecting CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM via re-directing the CASH FLOW. Not sure how? Sign the petition and find out, effect starts immediately.
