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Forum Post: Why OWS Exists & secret Fed Bailout

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 29, 2011, 10:58 p.m. EST by NJawny (14)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Besides from a democracy that has been bought by the rich and multi-national corporations this video does a GREAT job of explaining why people are mad at the banks.




Read the Rules
[-] 1 points by Peretyatkov (241) from город Пенза, Пензенская область 12 years ago
[-] 1 points by anarchism101 (23) 12 years ago

OK, bozy learn your history, and here's how, back in 1963 before they killed JFK he was going to shutdown the FED-RES, and he made a little book required reading for all incoming US congressman and US senators, the book is called "A primer on money", and unless you read that book, you really don't have a clue as to what the game is all about.

After JFK was killed this book was made available to the public.


[-] 0 points by economicallydiscardedcitizen (761) 12 years ago

Yes, it's very good. I watch him periodically on youtube and this was one of the better episodes.

In watching this episode I ended up wandering around youtube and found that many youtube participants share interconnected viewpoints that may be of interest:


Coming Soon to a City near You!

From: Sandman369 | Apr 6, 2011 | 3,111 views

Compilation of real life and movies clips gives an idea of what is to come.


Jim Rogers: The World is facing disaster


• Yeah he co founded the fund, but he left it in 1979.

When Rogers left he had 14 million

Soros made 1 billion from the quantum fund after all the trouble it caused to everyone, an interesting fact to think about is that the Rothschild Family was also involved in the Quantum fund :) makes you wonder huh ?


9-21-11: George Soros Predicts Economic Collapse "WE WILL HAVE A DOUBLE-DIP"


When will America Collapse? Today's bad news provide a timeline to Economic Collapse.

Uploaded by PaulRevere2012 on Sep 24, 2011

Double dip recessions, falling home prices, mortgage foreclosures, high unemployment, tight oil supply and rising sovereign debt are today's news. What does tomorrow hold for us? By examining today's news we can look at one possible scenario and the future isn't pretty.


WORLD WAR 3 SET UP BY THE ELITESUploaded by SeekerTruth2012 on Mar 25, 2011

Anyone who can't see what's happening now is Blind.


THIS IS A GAME. Are they telling you something? YES!


Uploaded by MacSlavo on Jun 6, 2011

More: http://www.SHTFplan.com

The following exchange between Congressman Ron Lawl (R-TX) and the Fed's attorney Scott Alvarez proves, without a shadow of a doubt, that The Federal Reserve has no gold backing the US dollar.


Uploaded by RTAmerica on Dec 3, 2010

Shorty after the US Federal Reserve released data revealing trillions of dollars in emergency aid to financial institutions and foreign banks, among other companies, RT's Dina Gusovsky spoke to Congressman Ron Lawl, a longtime critic of the Fed. The interview includes his reaction to the revelations, his own solutions towards fixing the economy, the situation on the Korean peninsula, as well as his thoughts on a Sarah Palin's potential presidential run.

[-] 0 points by number2 (914) 12 years ago

the fed controls the stock market and wall st. Those who think the Fed is decent are the fools

[-] 0 points by alanhowitzer (17) 12 years ago

But you don't understand. Many occupiers still think we need the Federal Reserve. Some of us even love the Federal Reserve.

[-] 1 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 12 years ago

Sure hope you're being sarcastic.

[-] -1 points by EXPOSED (222) 12 years ago

Then you're definately not part of the solution.

Read and educate yourselves moar...

[-] 1 points by alanhowitzer (17) 12 years ago

I don't like the Fed.