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Forum Post: Why occupyWallStreet?

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 21, 2011, 1:10 p.m. EST by NJ2ATX (1)
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I totally commend what you are doing. I just don't understand why you are protesting WallStreet? Companies will always do whatever they can to make a buck, thats the nature of capitalism. Our government is to blame for deregulating to the point where WallStreet can rob us blind.

Why not occupy CapitolHill? Both parties are to blame. the only way to make a change is for ALL the people to stand up to the Government and demand change. Its our Governments responsibility to make sure corporate greed is punished and prosecuted.

Wallstreet will NEVER change because the people want it to. Only our Government can change WallStreet.



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[-] 1 points by NJ2ATX (1) 12 years ago

I agree, but do you really think investment firms will change their ways because of protests and civil unrest? By protesting just WallStreet you open yourselves up to be misinterpreted as socialist which dilutes the real message and helps divide the movement from conservatives who although are half crazy, also want a lot of the same things.

The real reform must not only be limited to regulation of financial investments, but most importantly Campaign Finance Reform. If you change campaign funding to be tax dollars ONLY divided equally amongst candidates running for office, 0% outside contributions, and 100% accountability for every $ spent on the campaign trail. You can throw corporate influence in politics almost out the window entirely.

I think the majority of the American citizens with half a brain would back that movement regardless of party loyalty. I am sad to say this, but our country is so divided right now I don't feel anything will change until the economic crisis gets MUCH much worse.

I do think though that what has been started as OWS can evolve into something that unites Americans and makes a real difference in this country. Conservative or Liberal, people are sick of the BS. Our only chance for reform NOW is to unite against the way the government operates.

[-] 1 points by ARod1993 (2420) 12 years ago

Here's the problem with that; while we don't literally have corporate honchos and bank managers on Capitol Hill setting policy we're not necessarily that far from it. When you allow hedge funds, financial services firms, large corporations, and the superrich to pour as much money as they choose into the campaigns of whoever they choose, you effectively allow these entities to buy candidates. When you allow lobbying in its current form, you allow these entities to set the terms on which they buy candidates. Money is not speech, and corporations are not people and thus must be subjected to a far more limited form of the First Amendment if we want to have real democracy. Protesting the government in lieu of Wall Street and K Street will net you a lot of hookers, but the pimps can recruit them and the johns can solicit their services faster than we can boot them out.

[-] 1 points by waterbox (3) 12 years ago

I totally agree. Essentially, Wall Street & the 1% have what they do because of our consumerism putting money into their pockets. If 1% of the population is making something that 99% of the people want, they will end up in the 1% minority of wealth, simple as that.

It is up to our government to make sure that the 1% pay their fair share of taxes; that regulations are imposed in order to protect the people DIRECTLY, not relying on some fleeting 'trickle down' effect to do it for them; to make sure that the greatest country in the world provides for and protects its citizens to the greatest standard, where health, home, and employment is not a constant worry.

The first step is really to STOP mindless consumerism. Live simply, you students do NOT all need a MacBook Pro, you middle-americans do NOT all need a branded cup of coffee in a paper cup, you do NOT need to spend thousands during Christmas to line the pockets of the 1%. We need to be heard not as a blip on the revenue chart of the corporation, not as a faceless vote for a corrupt politician.

[-] 1 points by ciavlad (85) 12 years ago

It is known that : the honest is oppressed; take bribes ; as trample poor law; the poor are despised. Therefore the prudent shall keep silence in that time; for it is an evil time. If so, vote for the petition: http://wh.gov/jkl