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Forum Post: Why not call it a Love revolution?

Posted 11 years ago on June 1, 2013, 2:05 a.m. EST by fujikato (0)
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You think socialism is being rejected and misunderstood because of the way it implemented itself and failed in the past? I think Love is being rejected even more. Even the socialists and anarchists are suspicious about it. What is Love, but a silly emotion and a hippie dream? Yea, lets make some Love and get on with it, get serious again.

Search your feelings. The notion of Love has always been there, buried as a deep desire in our own culture. Popular culture, the music, the movies, virtually everything is a display of Love. It has always been the driving part of our lives, but more on a level of unconsciousness. Bring your hearts and minds together people.

Maybe you are just afraid of this new twist. Maybe you are still to short-minded to imagine what Love can do. Or you are just to arrogant to admit, that its "oh, that Love-thing again".

Yea, it's that foolish thing that never dies, that we all need and still stubbornly reject, as if it was not worth our time, as if it couldn't suit our high, intellectual demands.

Come down your high horses and admit that you want it and need it and that it is perfectly reasonable to call this movement a Love revolution.

You are so busy fighting against the banks and congress and all these entities that are part of this crumbling system. Somehow you are still stuck in it and your subversive mentality. Grow up and get free from these fake entities. We build a new word based on the concept of Love. These old structures will vanish as we arise.



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[-] 3 points by ComeTogetherNOW (650) 11 years ago

Love is ever present. And it is the one thing we could never have enough of.

Love is starting point for everything that exists.

A big thing to say but as you look closer it makes more and more sense.

Keep Going!!!

[-] 1 points by Kavatz (464) from Edmonton, AB 11 years ago
[-] 1 points by windyacres (1197) 11 years ago

Good post. I don't know if you've seen the short video, "The Revolution is Love", but it's a great clip that helps explain a new consciousness based on Love. Occupy Love has emerged from this approach. One part has this truth that i believe is the sea change we all need.

"The economist knows that more for you means less for him, the lover knows that more for you means more for him also."

[-] 0 points by fujikato (0) 11 years ago

thank you for telling me about this vid and of Occupy Love... ive heard of Charles Eisenstein before, but now i know that we share the same attitude. He explained it quite well. I'm convinced, that the Love revolution is gaining heavy momentum.

[-] 1 points by windyacres (1197) 11 years ago

It's the most powerful force in the world, and who could be against it? Spread Love everywhere!