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Forum Post: Why I joined this movement

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 6:45 p.m. EST by blackwaterdwk93 (21)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

A lot of people are talking about this movement, many of whom say that we are lazy, anti-American, socialists, and rebellious. But those who say so are making hasty generalizations that are departed from personal experience. However, the OWS is a group of people who come together with a wide range of experiences, but also have one common experience: we have been affected in some way by the injustices of the current economic and political system here in America and around the world. As a political science major at a Christian university, I have been encouraged to study social justice issues, and in our nation there are many injustices. The wealth gap between rich and poor; corporations that buy off our politicians, pollute our water and our air, send jobs overseas, and deny our workers the right to organize; corporations and businesses that alienate the worker from society, from himself, and from his work; they have denied our people a decent standard of living; and they have done all these things and much more without the consent of the people. It is time that we put the destinies of our lives and our communities back into the hands of the good and hard working citizens of this great nation. People in this world need to know that they are valued and that their life matters, something that our political and economic system has not been able to achieve. This is our chance to change the course of human history. I am proud to have joined this movement. Remember that the hopes and dreams of millions rest on those who take a stand against the forces of war, greed, violence, and oppression. Glad to fight for the future of democracy alongside of all of you!



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[-] 1 points by Volumecorps (2) 12 years ago

Absolutely right on! The fact is, any movement that is organized for the sole purpose changing the way the wealthy does business will immediately be dismissed as lazy, welfare seeking socialists. Sadly, too many Americans buy this lie because these extremely wealthy individuals are viewed as the epitome of American success. It never occurs to them that their success is built not on good hard work, but rather a system they themselves control that is designed to manipulate laws and markets to funnel every last dollar out of the economy and into their bank accounts. This isn't about bankers becoming wealthy through smart investments. I have NO problems with free market capitalism. My problem is with blatant criminals making billions from activities that defraud everyone else while also being in complete league with any entity that has the power to regulate or prosecute them. That's not socialism. That's survival.