Forum Post: Why don't we use some of our adversaries's tactics against them?
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 8, 2011, 10:15 p.m. EST by bigbangbilly
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Why don't we use some of our adversaries's tactics against them? Some of them don't really goes against the message or the morals of this movement.
Just because some of them are used against us doesn't mean that it can be modified (to nonviolence) or used for us instead of on us. Association fallacy sometimes prevents us from using certain things and associate certain things such as certain tactics to certain thing such as the police.
This is one example of a tactic:
We use this one with a few modifications such as dissemination of message instead and our adversary could be the police and they can leave slowly. Most importantly no violence.
Read the links before you comment!!!
Is Kettling on the list??
Can't seem to find it.
It is actually what the police uses we could use it on the police with some protesters a bait and other as the barriers. We could use it in case of eviction.
I would agree, long before I came here, I was involved with my local 'occupy', and 99% didn't even know where the elite even lived.
You think this forum is bad, the local forum where I live is even worse. At least this forum has 1/2 dozen folks that know how to use their brains, which is better than all the other OWS forums I have seen.
TROLLING is NOT new, ... rule #1 has always BEEN "DONT FEED THE TROLLS"
The Kittling or any damn thing would just be feeding the trolls and taking us OFF MESSAGE, stay on message and we will win.
I don't think the adversary is the police at $80k/year the system can't afford to use those assets. Most likely Limbaugh or some other right-wing website is telling its MORON-BRIGADE to come over to and insult the liberals.
We should WISH the fucking god damn PIGS were here, then they would read and learn that they're fucked.
Did I said "not all"? It means that there would tactics that we would not be using. Besides we are fighting their pawns nonviolently.
Because this is what they want,
They want us to get baited in their shit.
Notice they never talk about the subject, they just say shit like.
Your an idiot
Anger is bad
All the bullshit here by the opposition is just to frustrate the good people. Just stay on message, whatever your message is, and ignore the assholes, they're easy to spot, because they NEVER say anything substantial. They're right-wing thugs, and paid call-center monkeys, they're heartless and clueless. Simply demand from them what they really THINK on the given subject and they'll go away.
They'll go away because they don't think everything the adversary's post here is CUT&PASTE boilerplate. Fed to them by their masters.
Once the good people here play the same game as the right, then 100% of the content will become garbage and new people trying to learn will go away, which is exactly what the right-wing assholes want.
We only have one goal here, to make the newbies comfortable and to help them learn about what is really wrong with our country, and who actually destroyed America, and how we might fix our country.
We do not use anger or violence!!! We modify it first before we use them. Did I told you to click on the links?
You only described the ones we would not even try or use. Sorry about for using a bad example however it is merely an example.
I'm not saying that your though in general is bad. But there's no real way to fight this under the terms these people are willing. Every front takes money. Unless they are willing to show charity, spend some money for change(no pun), or holding meetings where they aren't singing and being beligerant because they misinterpreted something a document says, they will have no sway. Sometimes corruption brings about good change, does that mean those politicians that sold out to make a positive result should be gone?? I'm not trolling, but you have to admit, it's the truth. The best tactic would be to succeed. If you work your way through the system, you can do more damage for whatever cause you want.
I would agree, long before I came here, I was involved with my local 'occupy', and 99% didn't even know where the elite even lived.
You think this forum is bad, the local forum where I live is even worse. At least this forum has 1/2 dozen folks that know how to use their brains, which is better than all the other OWS forums I have seen.
TROLLING is NOT new, ... rule #1 has always BEEN "DONT FEED THE TROLLS"
The Kittling or any damn thing would just be feeding the trolls and taking us OFF MESSAGE, stay on message and we will win.