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Forum Post: Why do forum moderators, jart, and most other Americans promote homobophia?

Posted 12 years ago on Feb. 8, 2012, 12:22 p.m. EST by RoadWarrior (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Jart and the moderators are very quick to ban OWS criticism, but they don't care about homophobic postings.

In this 5 days old posting, http://occupywallst.org/forum/question-for-advocates-of-gay-marriage/ warbles pretends to post questions regarding same-sex marriage in an effort to attack homosexuals with the lamest logical fallacies one can think of, FreeDiscussion2 tells us gay sex is equivalent to pedophilia, and freewriterguy tells us gay sex is like having sex with a cow.

These posters should be banned from the forum, shot point blank, then thrown into a common dumpster.

Americans pretend to have a free society, but they don't allow same-sex marriage in the vast majority of their States. Their main "arguments" is that same-sex marriage leads to pedophilia and cow sex. This is absolutely and utterly pathetic.

Americans should care about human rights. You should look at truly developed countries like Canada, Holland, Belgian, Sweden. Until you care about human rights, you should take down your Statue of Liberty. You don't deserve it.

You should ban hate speech. It's not good when parents tell their kids that gays are like pedophiles and/or cow fornicators. Almost all developed countries ban such hate speech, Americans allow it under the guise of Free Speech. Pathetic. Teaching kids that gays are evil, that the Earth is 5000 years old, or that some magical sky daddy will send them to hell if they have sex with a person of the same gender should be illegal. This is brainwashing and a type of child abuse.

I didn't/don't plan on posting in this forum any longer, but such homophobic articles piss me off to no end.

Jart and/or the moderators should give out the IP addresses of these posters so that they can be found and dealt with.



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[-] 3 points by shadz66 (19985) 12 years ago

You need to calm down there !

That charge on 'jart' of "promoting homophobia" is an outrageous slur and very far indeed from any semblance of truth. In short it's BS !!

Your malicious and outrageous slur only really reflects on your own 'Multiply Disordered Personalities' and the false accusations and intemperate language of your fury should give you a little insight into just how annoying some post and posters can be !!!

Defeat 'hate speech spewers' with forceful argument or ridicule but talk of "These posters should be banned from the forum, shot point blank, then thrown into a common dumpster." and "give out the IP addresses of these posters so that they can be found and dealt with." - really is totally OTT and a function of apoplexia as opposed to 'reason or logic'.

Tho' 'H8 begets H8' is a truism, IF you can't get over of it OR yourself - then roll a fat one and go to the beach ; Calm Down and Stop Using your 'faux or real' outrage as a stick with which to beat 'jart' or this forum ... You Reactionary Imbecile ;-(

Nosce Te Ipsum ...

[-] 2 points by LetsGetReal (1420) from Grants, NM 12 years ago

Advocating that anyone be tortured, shot point blank and thrown in a dumpster kinda sounds like hate speech to me.

[-] 2 points by shadz66 (19985) 12 years ago

That's a fair point and just goes to show how hate begets hate and how as 'Gandhiji' said "an eye for an eye just makes us all blind" !! + there were more comments here a minute ago, where'd they go ?!





[-] 1 points by shadz66 (19985) 12 years ago

You're lying little shit ... who can't be trusted on this or indeed ANY matter and whose own bona fides have clearly mutated into mala fides when it comes to both 'jart' AND This Forum In General.

Who Do You Serve ?! & ...

Cui Bono ?!!
