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Forum Post: Why are we still paying for basic necessities?

Posted 10 years ago on Oct. 30, 2013, 7:57 p.m. EST by Copiosis (19)
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Back in the day, there was a group of people called the technocrats. They had a theory that abundant societies, like the United Sates had reached the point were the basic needs of human beings were so plentiful, paying for them was no longer necessary other than to keep people in debt and enrich the aristocracy. This was in the early 1030s!

Today, more than 50 years later, we are witnessing even more abundance, as nearly everything is plentiful and the only thing restraining that abundance is price and economic-imposed scarcity. The technocrat solution was unworkable then as it is now. Even so, it's crazy to think in this modern century that we're still paying for food.

There has to be a better way. And there is. When I talk with people across the world (more than 25 countries) about Copiosis, at first they are incredible. They can't believe it's possible to have a viable economic system that allows total freedom, abolishes all debt, spurs innovation and eliminates all market externalities caused by traditional economies. I think part of the reason is because Copiosis is from the future, not the past so people have a hard time putting it in a familiar box.

Things in the good ol' USA are going to get worse as we continue trying to live with what we know is destroying the American Way. Sooner or later, they will seriously consider the one thing that makes The American Way way better. Copiosis.

Here are the fundamental issues we need to fix, but never will so long as capitalism and the two party political system reign:

  1. Physical, transferrable amoral currency. This is the crux of all our problems. Until this is eliminated, we will continue to pay dearly for nearly everything.
  2. Amoral markets that put profits first: No matter what you think about capitalism, it creates perverse incentives we have come to accept as necessary. That's crap.
  3. Government: Government never has and never will be "for the people." It is a relic of times long gone and is no longer relevant in societies, especially those marked by abundance.

There are more things we must fix, but get these three right and the rest fall into place. When they do, milk, and other food, and all other basic necessities (food, clothing, shelter, healthcare and education) will be provided to all at no cost. We'll all be better for it.



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[-] -1 points by aprilsnow (14) 10 years ago

If you gotta ask this question, maybe I could get a 2-fer at the vet's hospital later today. Unfortunately, I think it would be illegal to toss you into the same hole