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Forum Post: Who Started the Class Wars?

Posted 12 years ago on Sept. 28, 2011, 2:49 a.m. EST by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

. It is hereby a criminal offence to wage class warfare of any kind, and specific to this it is thus criminal to do any of the following.

A. Collect taxes. period. Taxes are merely part of the caste system and one of the bubbles that they ride. Our government was founded on the sound principle of havin gthe government itself both print and distribute its own money. The old banking system infiltrated and took over the USA and so the USA is still more or less owned lock stock and barel and controlled by the British Crown.

B. Incarcerate persons for non violent non victim offenses. If you are going to put a person in Jail you must make the case that you are doing them less harm than they would do to society otherwise. Currently, they just put people in jail really to fill the jail with random victims they find instead of look for and deal with real criminals who for the most part evade the police and get off while random homeless people and drug addicts fill the jails.

C. Create any federal boundaries or laws regarding the creation of unions, which rightly should take precedence over corporations in government because they represent PEOPLE not Corporations.

Thus Government shall not restrict the right of people to form unions and to seek just compensation for employment.

D. Own property for rent. Either you sell the property or you keep it vacant. Renting is in essence a form of masked slavery to prevent people from owning their own home. Every person in America should own their own home and probably to start, own it by virtue of inhabiting it.

E. Lie in any kind of contract or make or create any kind of contract that is knowingly misleading. Contracts should be up front and there should be no "fine print" phenomenon because everything important should be said up front. business and corporations need to make an honest living advertising what they actually are and do at the actual costs and prices, not conspire to somehow scam their clients with unsecret complexities.

F. Restrict the Right of the people to convene esp upon a political problem or to solve an issue with any meta entity that the population deems to have crossed the line.

If 10001 people show up at some meta entities door step thats a citizens arrest and the police darn well had best enforce the will the people and arrest those folks to make sure that it all goes to proper and fair trials.



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[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 12 years ago