Forum Post: Who Is Mr. P
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 16, 2011, 2:09 p.m. EST by egovern
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Who is Mr. P? Is he the man or woman who sits home in the despair of an unproductive life while living in the greatest Nation upon the face of the earth? Is he the man or woman who is forced through no fault of his own into a life of unproductive despair losing all hope of becoming a productive and contributing member of the greatest country on earth? Is he the man or woman forced through no fault of his own to accept temporary spirit killing gifts in the form of unemployment checks which every time cashed destroy his hope and demean his character and self worth, checks doomed to end in a few months forcing his precious family into homelessness and despair? Is he the man or woman who through no fault of their own are prevented from entering into the dignity of work and of being a contributing, productive member in this the greatest country in the history of our world? Is he the man or woman forced by necessity and through no personal fault of their own to accept handouts in the form of food stamps that are never enough? Is he the man or woman who waits in line for 2 years or more to accept substandard government housing or even the man or woman or woman who not able to secure another spirit destroying government hand out and now is forced to live with his family in the hell of poverty and homelessness?
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