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Forum Post: Where does the vitriol of the critics come from? I don't get it.

Posted 12 years ago on Sept. 26, 2011, 10:54 p.m. EST by washdc2786 (1) from Arlington, VA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Detractors, from drunk bloggers to paid opinionators, declared the movement a failure from day one. It’s too disorganized, they said. They have no demands, they said. As if an impromptu gathering of self-proclaimed dissenters should have central control and talking points. Popular critics so far have failed to appreciate the process by which group consensus is imperfectly grown. And without even a hint of irony they aggressively attack this movement for its irrelevance.

There is no truer example of democracy than this genuine grass-roots movement that has taken precarious root in Liberty Plaza. Their only sponsor is themselves, ambitious misfits compelled to action by an abysmal national wealth disparity and their government’s complete failure to respond.

The heart and soul of Occupy Wall Street is comprised of mere hundreds that have hunkered down in a spartan concrete park, impervious to the rain or to the unrelenting intimidation and abuse by the NYPD. Their ranks swell into the thousands for Saturday forays into the city as disobedient corporate servants turned weekend warriors join the fight. They come from everywhere.

Ultimately this is a politically and socioeconomically disparate collection of Americans that are trying to find common ground in order to unfuck the kleptomaniacal status quo. Find something wrong with that, more American or noble than that, and get back to me.



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[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 12 years ago

me personally... i wish i had grown up allies for the revolution thatsover your heads. thats where my vitriol comes from personally...

[-] 1 points by Stealthisrevolution (1) 12 years ago

So many ideas have been put forth about how to fix it, and none of them have been acted upon. These protesters do NOT need to reinvent the wheel, what they are doing is saying that they are tired of empty promises, they are tired of spin! The ideas are there, and they are organized , competent, brilliant ideas. All it takes is for you to spend more time investigating all the tomes of writing and proposals that are being put forth, everywhere you turn! How many bills have been proposed that would help social issues and/or the economy , and have been blocked by big finance? How many people in leadership have tried to fight the concept of corporate personhood? The issues are many, the suggestions are diverse. These guys are occupying Liberty Plaza so that the 1% will finally listen. So that the wall street crooks who have stolen the American Dream will finally be investigated. It is as simple as that. Their clear goal and purpose could not be any clearer: Investigate, jail the criminals on Wall Street and elsewhere who have stolen the American Dream and who are hurting the global economy. Their clear goal and purpose is to tell the rest of the 99% to wake up!

[-] 1 points by npowell85 (249) from Montana City, Mt 12 years ago

Without a clear goal and purpose for gathering you have no impact. You must want something achievable or it is all for nothing. So many people want to stand with you if only you could give us a reason to. I too believe that this country is in need of serious reform but nobody is going to take you seriously if you don't have some real idea for how to fix it.

"Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the Earth" - Lincoln

If you believe this was true and can be again, you must understand that disorganized, general dissatisfaction will not change anything.

[-] 1 points by GandhiKingMindset (124) 12 years ago

Right on!!!!!!!