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Forum Post: when the bankers go to jail

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 14, 2011, 4:57 p.m. EST by ThePeakOilPoet (7)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

the Bible tells us not to steal
it’s there in black and white
our laws are based upon it too
do not do wrong - do right

but somehow since these laws were writ
we've seen the system fail
but things will change for all the best
when the bankers go to jail

when the bankers go to jail my friends
when the bankers go to jail
we’ll finally see justice done
when the bankers go to jail

when the bankers go to jail



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[-] 1 points by ThePeakOilPoet (7) 12 years ago

the Bible tells us not to steal it’s there in black and white our laws are based upon it too do not do wrong - do right

but somehow since these laws were writ we've seen the system fail but things will change for all the best when the bankers go to jail

when the bankers go to jail my friends when the bankers go to jail we’ll finally see justice done when the bankers go to jail
