Forum Post: What's this all really about
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 2, 2011, 12:30 a.m. EST by necropaulis
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I couldn't honestly read every single post about how the rich are bullying the poor and kicking "us" around. Ever since these Occupy protests started popping up, I've noticed that nothing really gets done. There's singing, dancing (square and other), but nobody with a real solution for the problem those occupying these areas are trying to address. You hail yourselves for "defeating" the police, but you haven't. If the police wanted you out that badly, take a look back at the protests from the 50's and 60's. Dogs, fire hoses, and billy clubs. And you know what happened there?? People got wrecked for nothing. the war kept going, blacks were still oppressed, and nobody outside of the protests really cared.
What goes on during these events, also is counter productive. They are told to leave, but they don't do that. The cities that they occupy ask to be allowed to clean up for you and you tell them no, so the people you claim to stand up for can't do their job, making them have to find another way to make the wage that you have cut them off from. The police then have to come in -taking them away from stopping real criminals- so they can then ask you to leave, because now, in reality, you're breaking vagrancy laws. The responce is then to sit there and get pepper sprayed (which I've had, and would never go through that again) in order to villianize public servants who, in reality, don't make that much either (and deserve much more for protecting us from the real criminals).
I know it sux that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer and there are shadow games going on in the background to facilitate these things(cough Bush cough), but sitting in a tent community while you yourselves lose money(that's what you're after at the end of the day, right??), housing, and jobs (how many independent business owners are amongst you?? seriously I'm curious) that you are fighting for the next guy to get.
The groups who you protest don't care about your issues, because, like the people who aren't among you they have other things to worry about. If you want a chance a a better life, get specialized in something, open up your own business(it's not as hard as you think in e-commerce).
You say you use the "Arab spring" tactic which is attributed to:
Civil disobedience- not very peaceful can get you killed, thrown in jail
Civil resistance- not very peaceful can get you killed, thrown in jail
Online activism
Protest camps- not very peaceful can get you killed, thrown in jail
Rebellion- not peaceful, could get you killed, thrown in jail
Revolution - not very peaceful can get you killed, thrown in jail
Self-immolations- not peaceful, WILL get you killed
Strike actions- could get you fired, giving the next guy your job and alsonot very peaceful can get you killed, thrown in jail
Uprising - not very peaceful can get you killed, thrown in jail
Urban warfare- not very peaceful can get you killed, thrown in jail
The groups in these situations have nothing to do with what you claim to stand for. Not to mention, the government you are so angry at has had a hand in these countries liberations, and eventual civil war/ unrest. Another plot point in the Arab Uprising/Awakening was most of these countries were under dictatorship, or their citizens were lacking rights we take for granted. If you actually read the link provided on the homepage, the only country that it's citizens came out better is Lebanon, and it took 17 people dying for that and their government (aka police action) had nothing to do with it, but they got a 40% raise. Who all gets the raise, who knows, because if everyone got it, then Lebanon would(most likely) go broke.
If there is no established head, no established statement about how to turn this situation around, then what's the point outside of annoying people who have better things to do, because, at the end of the day, the only people affected are the ones you claim to be fighting for.
I'm interested in what actually is supposed to be the outcome from all of this. I'm not looking for a flame war or wild accusations that ultimately lead nowhere, but an actual reason as to what this is all really about. If you have something to say, and don't wanna post it here my email is and we can talk it out.
Sorry for the long thread, but after all this time, nothing has changed, no formal statement(outside of people like Al Sharpton -who makes tons on this kind of stuff or Russel Simmons, who makes tons period), kinda makes for a cloud: lots to look at, but has no real substance and disperses without making an impact. /rant
And this is my official statement, despite what it says above my post. If this is a "leaderless movement" there would be no official statement, because there is no official, which means, technically, you're not a group, therefore as individuals; legally; your a group of vagrants (no disrespect) in the eyes of the law. Also, why would you not want the "feds" to know about where you are?? If you even looked at the OWS homepage, your IP address is automatically logged no matter what, how do you think "illegal downloaders" get caught?? Sorry if it's jumbled up, but the site put it in one big paragraph.....
You don't want to talk. Please, find a paragraph.
huh?? I do want to talk, hence the questions. I'm seriously not trying to bash anything. If you believe in what you're doing that's fine. Some, like me don't understand. Hostility like that is what makes people not want to pay attention to your "movement"
You are looking for effect in the place of cause.
1 Carlin, in fact, does rule 2 I can't sit through three hours of that. I watched 20 mins and got bored.
Apparently you guys didn't read the whole thing: I understand it's about "evil CEOs" but, it's been months now. Nobody has stepped down because they don't care about it. No leaders on your end outside of people trying to bilk the cities out of money. They are so insulated, what you do only affects the "little guy" in the end. Why no go after anyone else who is rich?? How about the sports teams who pay players 213 million for 4 years of their time for doing basically nothing but running around? Do they deserve that money more than someone who had to work 14 hr days running from vendor to vendor trying to sell the product that could either make them rich or bankrupt them?? Are those the guys you're after?? If so, then that wouldn't make sense... they were where you are now, so they should turn down the money that they had to run themselves ragged to make?? Or should they turn down the high pension they put their money into?? I know there are a lot of people who only care about money, but not all of the 1 percenters (name three that aren't in the news, betcha can't) you claim to be against are the evil ones.
So to ask again, what is this about?? No leader means no statement, no statement means no cause, no cause means no effect. All I've seen is partying, concerts-which how much do you think Phillip Glass (and what percent is he??) is getting to do this performance?? He ain't doing it for free, especially at the Lincoln Center... that place ain't cheap. The rich are mocking you and your "movement" at every turn, and you accept it because they wave the flag of solidarity, but in the end, they walk with the money while you lose more of your own. Now, for the responses: DOC: If he's "canned"-not really, cause he's still a chairman, then one more person has a chance at his JOB, creating a JOB for someone else, which may lead to 2 JOBS being opened, ad infanatum. RICHARD: I'm not looking for effect, I'm looking for cause, read what I wrote, this isn't a one sentence answer kinda question and PUFF: I don't know what that incoherent rambling is about. I'm not that old(31), certainly not a hippie, but I'm not opposed to fucking. Check out this story: These people have become so disillusioned by all of this, they think they have some kind of right to be in there no matter what is outlined by the city, and have began likening themselves to Native Americans, which is the stupidest thing about all this I've heard yet....... If anyone who's actually at one of these things could respond, I'd like to hear it.
Stopping canned ceo s from getting 100 million dollar bonsues while the little guy cant find a job or gets his or her home forclosed on. 1 percenter of the week.