Forum Post: What's the record?
Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 19, 2012, 10:02 p.m. EST by RedDragon
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Just curious... I've been IPed, shadow banned, and blank posted like seven or eight times now. At ten, I'm moving on and taking at least ten percent of your posters with me. :) So, uhh, what else ya got?
no wait, stop, come back.
Oh boy.
Another sock puppet bitching about being banned, yet offering no details about who they used to be.
No details about what they said that got them banned.
My guess?
You'll say something stupid to get this puppet banned too.
And so it goes, as it has since the forum went live.
I don't recall ever referring to someone in such a demeaning manner. And yet you here are not banned.
So, what did you do to get banned so many times then?
Moreover, why are you bitching about it?
Are you Mr. Secret identity? Afraid of the light?
Or is it that you just can't remember the names you got banned under?
I must have flown under the radar.
Though there was a week or so when I thought the forum was no more, and I'm not really sure what happened there.
These are manual bans, Big Dog. The Mods in any online forum are a very small cadre. It is our hope that they exercise their power liberally but quite often they are narrow minded, emotionally volatile, and schizophrenic.
I can't tell you how many times I've followed an online conversation, or a fierce debate, only to conclude that these were the created personae of but one individual.
It becomes a question of whether the intent is to grow a movement or establish an elite; it doesn't really matter, at the core of every movement there is an elite intent on self preservation propped up by a pretense that is anything but benign - if it were entirely benign they could not exist. Those that inhabit the core are but elements of this personality; they interpret and react to events differently, therefore some desire of consensus.
A movement of whole radicals is not capable of conversation and therein lies the problem; they invite us. And then hammer away.
Who's "us" and why do you think "us" were invited anywhere at all?
An online forum is an invitation to conversation - if it is not "open," it is not a "forum" - as I have said many times, your only mistake is in granting me a forum.
You've said?
Not that I can recall.
What did you say you're name used to be?
Thought you were out of here. That is what your post stated isn't it? So why ya still hangin around?
BTW - What is up with your username ( soon to be not as you are leaving you said? ). I mean is it a twist on white supremacy(?) kkk(?) or are you a fan of serial murderers or something like that?
My usernames are generally more benign. But certainly you are capable of googling the Red Dragons.
So long, farewell
LOL - what a nice send off.
I thought it was cute. Well, are you stocked yet?
Stoked(?) or Stocked? If the later - nope - have not made it out to the store yet. Stoked(?) always - so great to have an outlet for advocating for a better world.
We ain't getting any younger here. I'm going to go roam the big wide world, stop off at a real live bar and I might actually get out of my car and go inside to have a drink, pick up a six pack and come home to play kick the nomdeguerre.
We can throw a send off party.
LOL - ah you are a kind soul and a kindred spirit. I am gonna get out of here too - in a while - gotta stock up for the family T-Day - as well as for having a going away party. {:-]) Can we also play - pin the tail on the nomdeguerre - I've always liked that game.
Will he thank us for all the fish?
OH HELL NO. Dolphins are an enlightened specie. This dragon(?) can't even tell time as noted by his post - he should already be outa here.
I prefer GreenDragons anyway...........LOL
You can play SkyRim and destroy them in all the colors they come in
skyrim? anything to do with Pern? Dragons fighting the ever attacking string?
Nope. It's from the Elder Scrolls video game.
It's been a while since I read about Pern.
I'm still busy with Foundation novels.........:)
Ahh - I don't play video games but perhaps a couple times a year. Is it internet or self contained? The foundation novels - deep stuff ( in that it is some complex writing ) - good exercise for the gray matter.
I'm a strange old bird, doncha know........:)
Video games, novels, crosswords, figuring out dinner, without burning it, or me, talking to my daughter........:)
All things that help keep the wheels greased.
Gotta keep the wheels greased - and it is good to not only be flexible in thinking - but also young at heart. {:-])
That is great!
haha... a musical verse for literally everything in life; I agree.
There is. I cannot help it. I have a parent that (notoriously) does this. I have come to conclusion that I am my father's child.
At some point, you will even start looking alike - you know that right?
No and don't do that to me.
I think it might be true.
Probably not. We have a pictures of a grandmother from the turn of the century. I most resemble her and my mother. So, I highly doubt it. But, I will definitely butcher cliches, remember one line from songs and such.
Yea, I know, at times it seems there is a verse befitting everything. Especially if we're willing to creatively twist them a little.
"Oh wow, has anybody ever told you you look like your grandmother?"
What big teeth you have!
Okie dokie.
Should we throw a good-bye party for you?
Please, take this little POS nomdeguerre with you.
Evil one, please refer to the cause of your disdain for me. I believe it sprung mostly from this comment, .
Evil needs to be called out. I welcome your hatred.
So you identify with being evil and you like to be called out. My how refreshingly straight forward of you.
Oh, so you deleted your own comment and switched to a sock puppet. How cute.
I am I - always have been - always will be. I don't do sock puppets.
I don't want him, you take him.
And you should, yes.
Ok. It's done.
Will rephrasing help?
Will you take nomdeguerre with you, pretty please with sugar on top?
Well, most certainly, M' Lady. Consider it done.