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Forum Post: whats the point

Posted 12 years ago on Sept. 27, 2011, 10:20 p.m. EST by mansonchild (0)
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not sure i understand what your protesting..nothing will change..you people are also part of the problem..buying your expensive IPODS and computer and clothing..in about 5 years most of you will get high paying jobs yourself or maybe live off your trust fund and forget about this.ive always been poor so i am used to it. i dont front and no need for me to protest. instead of wasting and costing the city y'all should be concentrating on not buying anything, not going to school, not paying tolls, not paying for the subway..not shopping at wholefoods.but u dont do ya? if you really want to change anything change how you vote and how you spend...



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[-] 1 points by Alex (79) from Rhoon, ZH 12 years ago

You can live away from the grasp of the government for only so long. They are already making life difficult by going down hard on those that try to be self sufficient, opposing the private farms, etc, etc, The next step for them to control us all is to make it so all transactions are digital, and barter, or physical money is disallowed by law.

Not participating with what the state wants does help but if successful there still will be a fight to be had.

[-] 1 points by MKrutel (1) from Akron, OH 12 years ago

I don't know about this sort of assumptive bashing, but I too question some of this. I am totally with the idea, the message that the "system is broken," if we define the system as that of current US and major worldwide markets, which do very much prey on the significant majority. There is a lot to debate about this point, surely, but it is significant to put out the message (force it out into the open) that the way society operates is unsustainable in the way of resources and human empathy (this is the best I can put it for now).

But the question is a valid one: What IS the point?

These things are far more systemic than "Wall Street" and the top one percent. Which begs the question of a short term end game. How would you (or we) navigate if the current system were to evaporate tomorrow?

I think, that like the financial markets, the size and scope of large governmental enterprise is so big that is is rigged to fail so many people as it has under its current model. But can such a large enterprise (I'm talking demographically now) succeed, with all that is good about it in real time or in theory, if it were, say, something more purely democratic? I'm not sure that it would be able to function. Would that be so bad? I don't necessarily think so, to a degree. If things resorted to a more local setting of organization, it's easier to keep in check because people are less removed from the focus. But then that certainly would limit the large scale implementations of modern advancements (I'm thinking mostly health care/medically related). It's easier to lay down iPods and fancy excess, but what about everything else?

I understand that a movement isn't able to encompass a totality of all this, but it can't be ignored either.

Most importantly, I ask, what makes/will make this protest/movement any different from, say, the mass protests against the Bush administration's decision to go to war in Iraq? I remember seeing the worldwide flood of outcry against it (and it was moving to see). And yet, what change came out of it? Yes, the war was (is) unpopular in a unique sense, but even the eventual draw down because of any degree of social pressure didn't do all that much to rearrange the way in which the system worked. It's still doing it and I almost feel that the system won't quit until it eats itself, and only then will it's reckoning come.

I am with the movement, but these are serious and maybe unsolvable questions that need to be at the forefront of anything happening. I'll admit that I haven't combed through all that's been said about/by the Occupation, so maybe my comments are moot. In any case, do what drives your hearts. I'm working on it too.

[-] 1 points by littleg (452) 12 years ago

oh by the way, the corporations (which are basically a veil for evil individuals) want us to be divided and not unite. So choose what you want. You are either alone or together in this revolution.

[-] 1 points by littleg (452) 12 years ago

The point everybody needs to realize is individually we can't bring a change. Together we can create a revolution.

[-] 1 points by Lollipop (15) from Greencastle, IN 12 years ago


[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 12 years ago

until you wake up, we will fight for you. https://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=10150409084095833