Forum Post: What's happening in the east, men. Is this a preface to WW3, get rid of Obama first please.
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 2, 2011, 4:34 p.m. EST by DusanfromSerbia
from Београд, Централна Србија
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I mean , the news in last days are.. Do you see it, you have to push on media, you have to press the media. Anonymous, please, hack the media bank accounts...., I don't know, go to Washington , all you brave people in the streets, go to White house, everybody should go there, make a big crowd, make MILLION PEOLPE in front of their house, get rid of that scam of president you got, first get rid of him, save the planet, please.
WW III ?: "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." Albert Einstein
Ha ha, nice one. Ok, Ok, I was watching some Alex Jones show with laRouche who spoke about east developing and how Rusians would not tolerate more intervensions in muslim countries. This is that one There s enough shits already, the nuclear clash is just, you now, its just another step, witch I hope we will not step on to. Listen for this speech its so overwhelming, It Michael Parentti about worlds economy and wars
Do you trust any one with this shity voice "Alex jones" any one with type of american voice normally idiot
No need to trust him, he doesn't says anything new. But what about Michael Parentti, that's the voice I trust.
Michael Parentti for president !!
We are fighting WWIII with messages. We are winning the Battle in Our Mind.
lol... That is such a good quote !!!
Get rid of Obama? and elect a republican? Are you out of YOUR FUCKING MIND.
Obama is pushing for WWIII. This is not a joke.
riethc...Should I take your opinion or do you have factual sources for your opinion.
Obama has been moving forces to the Pacific region (USPACOM), building up missile defenses against Russia prompting Medvedev's address (, etc.
There's tons of evidence out there. Obama will avoid discussing it until it is already too late.
riethc...You are misreading events, the armed forces base in Australia was to counter China's push for dominion over disputed claims in the area with multiple countries involved.....The Missile defense sites and radars in Poland and the Chek Republic are to protect Europe from Iran, of course in the process of doing this it also has the ability to protect Europe from Russia.....I have yet to unearth tons of evidence to the contrary.
Bachmann would have trouble finding Iran on a map.
yes ding dong. I'm sorry to wake you from your little dream but, It is the Dems who are crooked.
always have been, always will be. and with sheeple like yourself they will always be able to fool enough people, convert into "Bahhh Bahh Obahhhhmaamama" Sheeple, to ruin what we have worked hard to build.
tomcat68.................No facts to back up your opinion, what we need is less talk and more information........................Nothing in your post is even fact, only your foolish rant....................... Now put up or shut up....
lol, ok.
thanks chuck.
can anyone guess which character is Chuck in this video?
there is the information you seek
tomcat68.....You have no rebuttal, so you should be quite or produce a counter argument.
If Anyone needs to Explain to you that Obama needs to be removed Yesterday, there is NO hope or you.
pretty simple really.
go ahead and breath air till you die, we know you were here.
tomcat68...Please humor me and explain why, and your sources please.
get rid of obama and elect a republican? sounds great
fandango....Are you being a troll or is that your honest view of the political landscape?
Honest view . Elect a republican and watch the economy take off.
fandango...Are you aware of the Republican agenda?...If you are not I will gladly tell you.
are you aware of the dem/lib agenda?
fandango...Yes I do, preserving SS and Medicare, Jobs bill to get America working, extend unemployment insurance for the unemployed.....I also know the Tea Party Republican agenda, if you would like to know what you are supporting.
unemployment isurance beyond 99 weeks?
why bother to work?
fandango...where are the jobs?
Come south. There are so many jobs they have commercials begging people to come work, seriously. Too bad food stamps/being lazy is easier these days.
HeavySigh...what part of the south are these jobs...
Assuming you watch tv, I can't believe you haven't seen the commercials. I mean they come on during football games even. Not to mention I just got a coop job with Georgia Pacific for 3 semesters which will end up being likely employment with them or someone else when I graduate. I had 5 interviews in one day and had to turn down jobs. I barely have a 3.0 GPA too. I go to Auburn and there were 100 or more employers on campus needing coop students to come work. It's good for the company and it's great for us. I had to turn down interviews and jobs.
Right. Well that's the program they are running. The message is "jobs in trade fields are opening up" on the commercials, which they are. I mean my father owns a landscaping business and he couldn't find quality help to save his life. Farmers need help. Manual labor is available to be done. But yes, The website is for where you can get training, etc. I'm just saying they are there.
Oh and stop ignoring half my post in your rebuttal. You can't pick a sentence to bash and act like you discount the whole thing.
HeavySigh...The site you linked to is an employment agency/job training, not jobs available. They charge you a fee to go through job training that may or may not get you a job. If you should some how get a job they take a percentage of your pay as a fee....So much for Lots of Jobs in Alabama.
Alabama has a "rebuild alabama" organization going because of the severe need of jobs. They have Mike Rowe on each commercial begging people to learn a trade and come take a job.
HeavySigh....And this is your facts off all these jobs that go begging to be filled......I'm in Alabama and haven't seen this commercial, unless your talking about ITT tech.LOL..........You have nothing there's no work here.
ask obama that. obama wouldn't allow the keystone pipeline, it was ready to go and would have provided hundreds of thousands of jobs.
fandango...No big mouth I'm asking you, with your opinions about the unemployed getting jobs. Give me an answer , or are you all mouth.
fandango...Just as I thought, all mouth with nothing to back it up...
do you own research. That 3.8 % federal sales tax IS in obamacare as of 2013
Guess you've got nothing but mouth.
The EPA ( 0bamaites) are against it. Obamcare, did you know that in 0bama care there is a 3.8% federal tax on the selling price of a house? Not your profit, the SELLING price. The EPA is shutting down coal mines More people out of work, higher prices for energy.
fandango.............Put some sources with facts to back up your blatantly false assertions.
As I said, the Keystone pipeline would have employed hundreds of thousands of people. 0bama has put it aside .Said NO.0bama care, no one wants to hire because the costs for forced on employers is thousands . People don't want to hire because of the uncertaintly of the 0bama administration. No new drilling, no new nuclear plants allowed by 0bama & Co. That would create thousands of jobs. More people will be out of work because 0bama ( EPA) is shutting down coal companies. The NLRB preventing Boeing from building a plant in South Carolina, because it's non union. More and more laws called regulations by the EPA. The EPA is a rogue agency.
fandango....Now your a liar, the keystone project is under going more study and it needs it...........Again your a liar about Affordable Health care........The Tea Party Republicans priority is to keep Obama from getting reelected, not America, so again your a liar........More drilling permits have been issued in the last six months than the previous 12 months, so again your a liar.....EPA is not shutting down coal company's, so again your a liar.....................My only thoughts about you is that your an opinionated LIAR.
What? Over the cliff again?
Why would you replace him with a Republican? There are two parties that got us into this mess, just create a new one.
Why is this so fuckin hard for people to understand?
hchc... For those of us that live in the real world , its unfortunately not that simple..
Really? Whats so difficult about it? A nation of 300 million fuckin people cant come up with anything better?
They can, they just dont care. And this is why tea, ows or anything else has little chance.
hchc....good bye
Reality sucks doesnt it? Im not saying give up, Im still pushing it down here in Tampa, but the challenge is larger than most realize...
hchc...I'm sure you will have good luck in the south...NOT.
Assuming you are from Alabama?
Yes I know first hand.
Its freakin tough. Especially coming from Rochester NY where Im from.
or this
who sad about electing anybody, first deal with this, the institution of president is obscene, first deal with this
You need to live in reality, get help for yourself...
what s the reality, you can say a?
to be Realistic, is to recognize the world we live in, not the world we want.
we are living in world where doctors selling drugs to prevent the pain, and not healing the patient, while the cure exists.
Dusanfromserbia...Where did you receive your medical Degree and give me some examples of this supposed action.
you should get informed man. Start with this video, but you should investigate yourself, I know about medical-fuckup-care from my own experiance. For example, the biggest health problem in the world is high blood presure, and they all say that there is no other way to regulate it but with a bunch of different medicine drugs, and I myself regulates it with collor terapy from the Sun. That story will never get publish in such a mainstream media, why , co they are all corrutped, butthere is stories in some magazines about color-terapy metod with some device, of c commercial one. This video is not about Sun terapy but it is well informing, it is about cure for cancer (be sure that there is many ways to cure cancer this is just one way) the movie explaining how our (not just USA, Serbia, everywhere in western influence) healthcare works.
DusanfromSerbia...Your full of shit, medical doctors control high blood pressure routinely.....As for your home remedy good luck and good bye, your a nut case.
libertarian socialism/ anarchism ftw. no other alternative. bring down capitalism and the state gogogogogo
Obama is not pushing for WWlll. The global-capitalists are trying to force the next Depression so they can finish buying up everything for cheap. But most people on the planet are onto that sham and will not settle for forced poverty on billions like it was in 1929. Much smarter people will emerge this next time and there will be much less suffering and those responsible for the economic collapse will swing from trees.
I dunno about WWIII but it seems that the world is beginning to get a little tired of US Imperialism... and soon China won't be able to pay for it anyway.
I dont know about ww3 also, that s why its not the main consern, there is enough wars and shits already.
It isn't simply about one person...the president actually doesn't have as much say as one would think. The disease of corruption and power goes way beyond the president...
of course but, when the critical mass is build anything is possible, than those guys in congres will gather their guts or scare to hell of people or their just hang with the flow. Obama is puppet and wright now he is doing a hell of a job for those bandits, so he must be thrown down.
DusanFromSerbia.......... Learn to spell, or use a spell checker.....You sound ignorant in writing.....Plus mind your own goddamn business.
First lets not argue, I mean, you re babbling. and second, US goverment made this mine business, because if you re a little more informed the war in Yougoslavia was the assignment for Ronald Regans administration, not to mention where else they were making wars, I mean, we all know this except you man!!! Please listen to this, its Michael Parenti on USA(worlds) politics and wars
DusanfromSerbia....The War In Bosnia was to save the Bosnian Muslims from the genocide of the Bosnian Serbs and the Serbians.........This is well documented and the proof is the war crimes trails of the Bosnian Serbs and the leadership of Serbia.... Your a Reconstruction-est of the History of the atrocities of the Serbians.
You are naive
You are a war criminal, I'll track you down.
Things are definitely moving toward great war in the Middle East. The press is on, and the timing for such a war, given Iran's intractability on its nuclear weapons program (now clearly known to be a nuclear WEAPONS program), the ineffectiveness and slow stages of sanctions, the clear calls by Iran's leader for the total annihilation of Israel, the disingenuousness and hawkish spirit of Israel's leader, the countries all over the Middle East and North Africa in civil war ... it's all very potent chemistry for major war soon.
--Knave Dave
This is what I say....
Heres what others say....
Heres something you could do about it.... right now....
changing our president didn't change a thing
Relax Dustin,If you believe the Bible, then you know we all come through it ok as long as we help our fellow man( that's the heart of the gospel) we have no worries in this life, but our hope is in the world to come.
At the same time, we must do what we can as far as help our fellow man. But what we cannot do is get in a blather and freak out God loves us and wants us all to enter salvation without taking to violence. So, relax, Dustin, relax.
But what we can do is speak the truth at all times, so that people like Obama don't come to power in the first place. He is just one more false leader from bush to Caesar that people just shouldn't put their trust in.
Trust in God's wisdom, watch the other guys, and God's messenger's?.... watch them even closer, so relax Dustin, relax
debndan.... GOD IS NOT LOVE According to the Bible, God does not fit the definition of love given in 1 Corinthians 13, as God clearly "keeps a record of wrongs" or else there would have been no flood, amongst other things. Virtually the entire Bible describes God as a manipulative and controlling god, one who is fueled by jealousy, anger and violence. A God that is very unforgiving and seeks revenge through bloody massacres and supports slavery, rape, sexism, child abuse, murder, and discrimination. Just because one line says "God is love" does not make him so.
Anyone who blasphemes the God of Abraham must be stoned to death. 1 Kings 21:10 "And set two men, sons of Belial, before him, to bear witness against him, saying, Thou didst blaspheme God and the king. And then carry him out, and stone him, that he may die."
Kill anyone who makes sacrifices to any god other than the God of Abraham. Exodus 22:20 "He that sacrificeth unto any god, save unto the LORD only, he shall be utterly destroyed."
If a person tries to convert you away from the God of Abraham then you must stone that person to death. Deuteronomy 13:10 "And thou shalt stone him with stones, that he die; because he hath sought to thrust thee away from the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage."
We need to get rid of you idiot
Did you read The Idiot by Dostoyevsky, that word is a king of a praise to me not insult.
By saying the world obama you are encouragement for extrem right which we are fighting
You shouldn't fight extreme right, you should make an agreement with them, cause who is extreme right, you think that there is right or left in politics, no, there is just right and left supporters, every goverment in the world is corporate corrupted money servers, we should fight that in every country in the world and make the goverments for the people. Please listen Parentti speech, its about that
DusanFromSerbia....The Serbian Army was a tool of the Fascist Serbian Government.....Where you a member of the Serbian Army, I think the answer is yes.
Relax. There are those times in history that require uniforms and bombs. We hope it doesn't happen but sometimes, like WWII, it is inevitable. The other thing to keep in mind is, you are watching news. They use scare tactics. We are all going to die some day so relax.
Hi Spanky, Best Regards, Nevada
Yo Bro. Good t'see ya.
Hi Spanky, Could you please take a minute and see The post HEARD ABOUT THE 16 TRILLION........ by theaveng. Best Regards, Nevada
Sorry guy. I'm slow. What did you want me to view?
He's talking about my post. To summazirze:
An audit ordered by Ron Paul, Henry Reid, and other Congressmen was performed against the private central bank (i.e. the Fed). According to the GAO the bank gave 16 trillion in bailouts to corporations and foreign overseas banks.
Of course now that number has gone up another 1 or 2 trillion, because of the EU Bank bailout
I m not afraid of dying, I m just pointing that the better world is posible, and we are the only tools there is for acomplish it . The institution of president is obscene if he is a puppet, yet , his authority is huge. "Our generation will have to repent not only for the words and acts of the children of darkness, but also for the fears and apathy of the children of light"
I have terrible guilt as a baby boomer. I did what I cursed our parents, grandparents and ancestors for. I am truly indebted and sorry for you guys. My son is 22 and I can't help but look back at my youth and blame my predecessors as well. It is the entropy that is the black hole in each galaxy. You're good. The Pres. is the best we can do right now. Have you seriously looked at the alternatives? Stop...I mean seriously look. Bar the creationists. Then you're left with...Doesn't matter. Our pres reads, speaks and knows whasssup. He's a sellout pol? YES. Whaddya got?
Thats the thing. The USA is too fuckin stupid to create new parties.
No new parties?
Communist. Green. Libertarian. Reform. Constitution.
Of course it's worth noting that no 3rd party has ever won the presidency. They've scored a few seats in congress, but that's about it. If you're going to run a 3rd party you should focus on the Congress and not even try for the presidency (it's a waste of time).
It is, because the sheeple are too fuckin dumb to think for themselves...
Not true. Not stupid. Stupid for many other reasons but a new party is hard to come by. You must embrace the people. How many parties embrace Latinos? Latinos are the largest minority and will be a majority. That is okay with me. Latinos are liberal and progressive. If you have a platform and you can get millions to pay attention and money then you have a party. It's a big country.
Right, and no one is even trying.
Won't be able to in the near future. Time + numbers = conclusion.
Its not a time or numbers problem, its just that no one cares. Sorry.
People get the government they deserve.
Most of the problem we got now in the world came from lack of empathy in rich people, and it is a fear of losing their welt and power. So they lie, dont wanna share secret of attraction, for example, or worst deliberate mixing up the peoples minds, they got money in every damn way they can imagin`. Our healthcare is selling drugs, doctors selling drugs not curing people, or preventing illness, that's the things that should be stoped, and there comes the responsibility of politician and elements of political structure, justice and laws, implementation of laws. And there we again get to people that want to preserve their position, and dont wanna risk their lifes, families. That RISK is the main thing. In my opinion, we should spread the word, and WHEN the huge amount of people see how they mixed up our healthcare system etc. they will get serious, people just dont know that, we think if we know than everybody knows, NO, the 99% that we are talking about should yet be acomplish in minds of the people, people dont know. So , YES, liberate media, if you go in front of the White House, it will get their attention. The truth must be spread on 99% so that they can become the 99%. Not all the 1% are bad, but they all ride with the flow. Best regards Spankysmojo.
Nicely put. I am of the Macrobiotic mentality and so I agree COMPLETELY with your assessment. The focus is on symptoms and not balance. Best regards to you, my friend.
I don't see why we should goto war with Iran. I don't even see why we should CARE. Iran can't hurt us... their missile doesn't even travel 1000 miles much less 15,000 to the U.S.
We are wasting lives pointlessly.
We're not. Calm down. We will never go to war with those guys. It would be no contest...too easy.
Isn't that what was said about Iraq and Afghanistan? That took us 10 years, and wasted almost 2 trillion dollars, plus 100,000 lives.
Had we avoided those wars, our debt would be ~13 trillion rather than 15 trillion. ($130,000 per American home rather than ~150,00 per home.) For the same reason we should avoid a war with Iran that might drag us into another 5 or 10 year engagement that costs us trillions of dollars we don't have.
Common sense.
Damn those inconvenient truths.
What would you have us do if they attack? Keep trying to balance our books? And don't think it can't happen. They took our embassy once with hostages.
It's also a preface to WWVII. Relax. There will always be war. You just can't scrub it out. As long as there are Ahmedinasnobs and Khomeihaters. But remember, sometimes you just gotta put down the remote and save the world before Hitler gains too much momentum.
Have you been paying attention to what is happening in the Arab Spring countries? They got rid of the dictators but now the new governments will all be Totalitarian Theocracies! Do you think that is what the revolutionary protesters wanted?
bereal....Do you have any facts to back up your portrait of the Arab spring?.......................If you don't your just an opinionated dumb ass.
Don't you have access to news in your tent? Maybe your head is too far up your ass to see it.
bereal...guess you have nothing but your opinion, a problem on this forum. Everybody has one, just like noses.
bereal..get real they haven't even held elections yet...get a life and stop your fear mongering.
Did you bother to click any of the links I posted above?
The group's election win could determine Egypt's future in many ways given that the new parliament is to appoint a committee to draft a constitution that many Islamists want based in part on principles in the Quran. But the ruling military council that has run Egypt since Mubarak's fall in February has suggested it will choose 80 of the committee's 100 members.
just saying that your president is worst of all, because he is direct employee of the corporate and royal business. Those guys that feld over so called Arab springs, didn't do that amount of damage to their people or foreign as US president does, I now this, believe me, I lived in Serbia during Nineties, Milosevic time, earlier and still living there. They exploit those riots, they encourage them by payment, and off course, after that they come to take a bill, to take everything. Its completely different situation in your country, Your dictator is jsut a puppet but first you should deal with your institution of president and than with corapt congress. You people, are doing the most important job in the history of man kind, it had never work , but we must try or we die... nevertheless.
Dusanfromserbia...How would you know anything about Democracy.
get rid of obama
get rid of abortions
get rid of public schools
get rid of activist judges
get rid of corporate taxes
get rid of public prisons
get rid of social security
get rid of medicare
get rid of American jobs
get rid of capital gains tax
yes - YOU will be soylent green
please, say something on this men, don't leave me like this :)
Ok, that woman is crazy and talking out of her ass like all 9/11 conspiracy believers.
WW3 is not coming. You can relax. :)
so you are a doctor. I tell you , I feld in love love with this woman , so it makes me crazy too. What do you think how an cia agent looks like and how he talks, they are inteligent active people and they all must look crazy to ordinary simple people.
I don't think there is any certainty that Iran won't start it at a moment of their choosing.
If that happens the last thing I want in the White House is a repelican - they will overreact - just as Bush did with Iraq, and McCain wanted to do with Libya.
The President got Libya right - from what little I know. He let France and Britain take the lead. Smart move I think.
Now if we can just keep the Libyan people from being exploited by US war profiteers . . .
just curious, what do you think Iran might do to start "WWIII"? anything short of a preemptive nuclear strike I believe is off the table to start it, don't you?
given this I have to ask What would an Over reaction be by the "repelicans"?
and what do you think would be done differently if a "Dumbocrat" was in the white house?
How insane is Ahmadinejad?
How much friction is there between himself and the Ayatollahs?
How can you be at all certain first use is indeed off the table, or that it will not be used against Israel?
Personally I'm not convinced of any of these things - they are simply, in my perception, entirely real possibilities.
In terms of response - someone of an entirely pragmatic set of mind is desirable, from a national perspective - in that way such considerations will have been taken already, facts will be quickly reviewed, thus speeding response time and ensuring that it meets the needs of the hour
rather than the needs of the party of NO.
In my opinion the party of NO is a bunch of treasonous scum
who consistently put the needs of party
way way ahead of national interest at all levels
and you should be very very grateful there is no chance
of my ever running for election to that most high office
because I do assure you sir
if I did
and If I won
my question was simple, what would "Over reacting" be?
no worries
You began with a premise that I believe was itself faulty in nature.
By placing the issue back in its proper context, it becomes possible to frame the answers to both of your questions in a manner that is I believe both accurate, and illustrative of the problems that underlie both the questions posed and their cause.
In other words,
You have no clue what Over reacting would be or any Idea what a Republican would do
but your love of typing filibuster nonsense shows you desperately want to be thought of as the intelligensia.
I am not affiliated with any party or bureaucratic organization.
and I know well what repelicans have done and have advocated, these seem to be quite self explanatory -
you are perhaps looking for a response based on the specific term you used, one indicative of a prevalent mindset in current circulation.
I don't much care. I'm not an insider.
Does that negate the validity of my statement?
I think not - I think in some circles it enhances it
I leave that for you to decide.
whatever your opinion is I leave you with my respect for your right to hold it.
as to the matter of over reaching
this is simply repelican party platform and policy - it goes back decades.
Gnaw on this
if not for the opinion itself . . .
and to you likewise.
Look how you talking, its either democrat or republican in the White house, that is crazy, not that woman like claim, and all the american do the same, like its writen in a bible that there must be an president, or worst president just from two sides, and we all know its the same side, its crazy I say and it must end!!!!
Look, people, Iran wouldn't do anything if they didn't mess with them in the first place, they talking about civil rigths in Iran, but what about civil rights in USA.
DusanFronserbia...Have you killed any Bosnian's lately. Who are you to criticize the USA.
my mother is bosnian. You dont know what you re talking about, and you know why , because all that you know about my country is coming from the same media that you should fight against now in your country, and I like your country, my friends are there for decades . You cant imaging in what amount the media were lying, and what they were capable of, just so they can drope the bombs. Please dont step on my wound.
DusanfromSerbia...Yes shes a Bosnian Serb!...Your atrocities are well documented for all to see. War crimes Trail of Serbs for crimes against humanity.
You are so naive, just watch those movies that I sent you, and here again if you want to be informed at all, or you ll just believe in everything that was served to you by mainstream media
DusanFromSerbia...I'm not interested in carry on a conversation with a Serb , who most likely was in the army killing Bosnian's. Go some place else for with your excuses.
Simple Solution - Dump Israel NOW, discard of all zionists in US government positions and thrown Benjamin Netanyahu in jail then throw away the key
A real patriot if I never heard one, you dumb ass racist.
racist? where are the racist comments? I see christian and muslim bashing in these forums just as much and nobody condemns those comments. I do not like murders, cheats, nation wreckers and liars - this has nothing to do with racism....
patriot76... antisemitism is being a racists.
0bama is the head of the snake at this time. You're right, elect someone else.
I have now spreading my post all over this forum, Go in front the White House is the main message, it has good reaction , here is one , and my answer to it: [-] Windsofchange 2 points 29 minutes ago They are all corrupt in D.C. I don't single anyone out. I am all for a million+ man march in d.c. and many protests in front of Congress. OWS needs to spend more time in D.C. This country is going in a really bad direction. It is alarming. ↥like ↧dislike reply permalink [-] DusanfromSerbia (Београд, Централна Србија) 1 points 0 minutes ago Its the only way, the critical mass should be built. And than, anything is possible, than those guys in congres will gather their guts or scare to hell of people or their just hang with the flow