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Forum Post: What the 99% of us want

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 10, 2011, 7:22 a.m. EST by kingofdemocracy (0) from Accokeek, MD
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

We want any organization to cease to have any political impact in the democratic process. One person one vote is corrupted by any organized group speaking as one person, one vote, with their money or any other influence. Corporations are not people.

We want every dollar earned in the US to stay in the US, and we want imports to be equalized as far as the cost of production with tariffs, so they compete on quality and innovation, not simply on price.

We want all the necessities for life, including food, shelter, clothing and healthcare to compete on cost, not for profit.

We want a safety net for all people based on a dignified living wage. If a person can work, they must work on community service projects to receive the living wage.

We want our government to stop creating wars and evil targets to justify the military industrial corporations to profit from killing people.

We want an end to the death penalty and a decriminalization of drugs, treating crime as a symptom of inequality of opportunity and economic injustice.

We want our public schools and school teachers to be funded more than the military as the better investment in our social and economic security.

We want to move from oil and other fossil fuels to non-polluting energy production in the next 10 years, which is how long it took us to get to the moon, once we put our minds to it.

We want our natural environment and ecosystems to be protected from deteriorating more than 10% in any one year.



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[-] 2 points by motherof4 (44) 12 years ago

When you, who dare to name yourself "KingofDemocracy", say "we" the 99% "want" the above list of items, how did you go about determining that? Because, I am part of the 99% and I disagree. Indeed, who elected you our spokesperson (or our King, haha)? Some of what you say, is so economically pie in the sky it sounds like it was written by a college freshman.

The OWS movement is on the verge of complet dismissal if it doesn't focus of real goals and express them in adult language. Stop talking about abstract notions of constituional justice and focus on modern day crony capitalism; target Fannie Mae and officers and directors of banks that pay themselves obscene bonuses after having received public bailout funds in the wake of the mortgage fiasco caused by undocumented loans underwritten by the government. Focus on affordable health care. Focus on campaign finance reform.

OWS needs to get a realistic list, keep it concise. And don't ever claim to speak for everyone under the name "KingofDemocracy" with such blather.

[-] 1 points by FuzzyThinker (112) from Jacksonville, FL 12 years ago

YES. Please sign the 99% Petition:


We need a congresswo/men to be a sponsor of each Demand. I have more Fighting Points:


[-] 1 points by JPB950 (2254) 12 years ago

The constitution guarantees us the right to petition the government, you start with a demand then would ban your group from being heard. Smoot-Hawley was a tariff bill that tried to make american goods more attractive, it also gets credit for extending the Great Depression. Goods and services are traded based on their value. Someone gets $10 an hour because anyone can do that job, it's not worth more. A CEO fires a thousand people and saves his company tens of millions, the stock holders think he's great and toss him an obscene bonus. To them he's worth it. Athletes and entertainers too, millions for playing or pretending, but it's worth it to someone.

Everyone seems to want things that cost money to just come out of the sky for them. You can actually get the education, health care, living wage if you're willing to be taxed to pay for it. We need to stop being greedy, it's not free and there aren't enough evil rich people or government waste to pay for my free stuff. Today's Wall Street Journal had a poll, 53% of americans don't want anyones taxes going up. They want free stuff, they just don't want to pay for it.

[-] 1 points by JadedGem (895) 12 years ago

I think when private people and corporations control pretty much everything needed to sustain life and a life has no value except for what can be gained for from exploiting said person then human beings are reduced to something less a slave. A slave had value. If you owned them, you had to take care of them. It was wasteful to damage them or disable them, not so with workers today. I think the poll about taxes is bogus.that has been repeated over and over for years showing that the majority wanted taxes to go up. There is no reason for me to care if Well Fargo has to pay their taxes this year. Closing loopholes and ending subsidies to extremely profitable companies that do not need them at all isn't gonna hurt 99% of the the people. Besides the whole promise of low taxes to the masses of voters is a joke, they get a nickle the billionaire saves billions. If taxes were low, you couldn't bribe voters with promises of lowering them. If wages were higher, people could easily pay more taxes. It would seem wages are the problem. But if you raise wages, the 1% raises the cost of living threw their control of the resources needed to sustain life as we know it.

[-] 1 points by JPB950 (2254) 12 years ago

Wages come from the employer, big or small business doesn't matter. The business doesn't print their own money, if your pay goes up, of course prices on what a company sells go up. I don't see the level of conspiracy here that many others seem to. I don't see myself as a slave except in the sense that all life has to do something to get what it needs to live. If I work for a company and agree to a wage their profit isn't my concern, only my agreed on salary is. As far as taxes go, no one wants to pay them, they want other people to pay them. Tax the rich at 100%, will it won't pay for all the things people want from government. If you move the 1% into poverty it won't significantly change life for most of the rest of us, maybe just reduce our envy of them or give us a new group to denigrate.

[-] 1 points by zoom6000 (430) from St Petersburg, FL 12 years ago

I've always found it funny how capitalist indoctrination has made otherwise sane, peaceful human beings equate global cooperation and general welfare with violence, starvation and enslavement.

[-] 1 points by jamzwayne (14) 12 years ago

All I know is, I work 40 hours a week, sometimes even 7 days a week. My wife works for the county attorneys office and she hasn't had a raise in 4 years. We both work really hard, and have nothing to show for it. We don't drive luxurious cars, live in a huge house, or have any money left after paying bills to do anything recreational with our children. We work paycheck to paycheck. I provide a service for our local community that protects them from disease, and protects the wild life, rivers, streams, and lakes. My profession saves more lives than doctors every year, but I make nickels. The people who work way above me, make close to $250, 000 a year and do absolutely nothing for our community. So, tell me....am I one of the 99%? I believe so, and I'm sick of not being able to give my children all things they deserve.
