Forum Post: A Sweeping Vision Of A More Just Society. More Democracy, More Jobs, More Fairness...
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 22, 2011, 9:43 a.m. EST by DavidGilbert
from Tampa, FL
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
More Democracy - Real campaign finance reform with public financing of federal elections. A constitutional amendment reversing the Supreme Court's bizarre rulings that under the First Amendment money is speech and corporations are people. End the "revolving door" of politicians and their staffs from ever becoming becoming lobbyists. End the filibuster - the continued tyranny of 40, the number of senators who can block action—perhaps representing as little as 10 percent of the American public.
More Jobs - Put 30 million people back to work with a ten-year federal program rebuilding America that includes infrastructure banks run by engineers, not politicians and a massive clean energy initiative that links those some of those new jobs to workers in fossil fuel industries who otherwise would be displaced. Pay for it by taxing all Wall St. financial transactions at 1% raises $400 billion a year, end the wars and reduce military spending.
More Fairness - The fast-growing occupations in America are lower-paying service jobs, like home health care and food service, in which it’s all but impossible to make a living. To lift wages requires generous tax credits for low earners, a higher minimum wage, and guaranteed health care so that wages are not consumed by medical costs. Job training efforts must also focus on the service sector, helping to build so-called career ladders, say, from home health aid to licensed vocational nurse.
Fewer Foreclosures - An anti foreclosure plan that is up to the scale of the problem would include principal write-downs of underwater loans, expanded refinancings for borrowers in high-rate loans, and forbearance for unemployed homeowners.
Less Financial Risk - Break up the biggest banks. Reenact Glass-Steagall. Abolish credit default swaps. Derivatives must be traded on transparent exchanges. Ban "flash" trading.
Progressive Taxation - A federal tax code where the marginal tax rate should be raised to 50 percent on income between $500,000 and $5 million, 60 percent on income between $5 million and $15 million, and 70 percent on income over $15 million. There should be a 2 percent annual surtax on all fortunes over $7 million. The estate tax should be 55 percent and kicks in after $5 million. Capital gains should be taxed at 35 percent. End the home mortgage deduction on first homes over $1 million. End the home mortgage deduction on all second homes. Corporations should be taxed by a variable amount based on the percentage of their payroll going to US workers. A small business employing 100% US workers should be taxed somewhere between 15-20% while a company that has completely shifted its production overseas should be in the 50% range. Eliminate corporate loopholes, unfair tax breaks, exemptions and deductions, subsidies, end offshore tax haven abuse. Expatriation of capital should be subject to a maximum tax-rate penalty with violation considered a felony act.
Better Schools - Copy Finland. Finland draws its teachers from the top 10 percent of college graduates, and teaching regularly beats out finance, law or medicine as a top career choice among high performers. It doesn't hurt that Finland's teachers study education at government expense and receive strong professional support throughout their careers. Properly compensate effective teachers. End tenure and LIFO for k-12 teachers nationwide and weed out the bottom 10%.
So, you want the government to "create jobs", and determine who has hiring preference? No "Private Ownership" I presume making sure that there are people who want to maximize efficiency? just government union workers with no real incentives for performance, yet a high degree of job security and high reimbursement with union "protections"?
""""a higher minimum wage, and guaranteed health care so that wages are not consumed by medical costs.""""
All raising minimum wage does is cause inflation and make those wages, whatever they are, virtually nothing. And you want it to cost employers MORE to hire employees they don't need?
""""Progressive Taxation """""
SO the "rich" should be penalized more for hard work, risk, and success?
""""The estate tax should be 55 percent and kicks in after $5 million""""
So money that has already been taxed should be taxed AGAIN because someone DIES?
""""Capital gains should be taxed at 35 percent"""""
So you want to make it more DIFFICULT for people to accumulate wealth. Instead of bitching, why don't you incest some and make that "easy money" yourself?
Geez oh willikers! Why not just have the government tell us what to eat and tie our shoes for us??????
Are you rich? Are you one of the 1%? Doesn't sound like it, "Instead of bitching, why don't you incest some and make that "easy money" yourself? i have never advocated "incest."
We are not a democracy. We are a representative republic. PERIOD.
Yes, great post, I agree with you 100% I agree with DavidGildert, not earnyours that is!
idiot - do you see anything you agree with?
More free shit! More walking away from loans! More keeping the shit you bought with borrowed money even if you don't pay it back! More someone else paying for government! More transfer payments and price controls on wages! More someone else paying for healthcare! In sum, I get more and you pay for it!
are you whacked? please reread!
I did. Now you should re-read it. It's full of government taking and giving. It's full of government decisions rather than our decisions. You mention price controls on labor, subsidy, and healthcare as freebie, and loan write-offs for deadbeats. More free shit! More someone else pays!
That is the socialist mindset of this "organization"...... Gimme gimmee gimmmeeee, and let someone else pay for it!
They can stand for anything, I just wish they would organize and do more then just protest. For a national movement they are just too content to demonstrate and wait hoping someone else will change laws for them. Unless you're willing to vote out the bad ones and vote in new representatives to change things every to-do list you make up will be ignored.
Get out and there call email and write your leaders. Tell them them to change the laws. Get out there and vote. In the mean time if we stop protesting the nation and power brokers will win and the spot light will shift to more celeb gossip.
I wouldn't be bothering to comment here at all if I didn't vote. OWS is national, I'm one vote in one district. A national movement could get many candidates to run, pressure many more with the votes of people across the country. It's a shame to waste that power.
Someone posted on here that OWS seems stuck wanting only to be the lapel ribbon for change instead of an actual agent of change. Its distressing to feel he may be right.
did i forget anything?
i don't think so
I like it. Good post.
thank you
These demands will go nowhere. They are window dressing that don't address the causes.
Are you nuts?? This goes directly to the cause - Real campaign finance reform with public financing of federal elections. A constitutional amendment reversing the Supreme Court's bizarre rulings that under the First Amendment money is speech and corporations are people. End the "revolving door" of politicians and their staffs from ever becoming becoming lobbyists. End the filibuster - the continued tyranny of 40, the number of senators who can block action—perhaps representing as little as 10 percent of the American public.
I can see you mean well, but you are woefully uninformed. And that's precisely how they want you. Ignorant and squabbling with strangers about hand-outs that will never be given.
the problem with ignorant people like your self is that they have severely limited imaginations
You're just a boy who, when told he might not know everything, feels rejected, and has a fit. Typical teenager.
knucklehead, i turn 60 in January!
He was talking about your mentality, not your physical age!