Forum Post: What Makes a Union Strong?
Posted 11 years ago on Aug. 22, 2013, 11:44 a.m. EST by TropicalDepression
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Not just worker unions, but unions in general.
Whats the ultimate underlying aspect that determines its success and/or failures?
Lets put it out there.
If you have a hateful message, try to refrain. This is for characteristics of a strong union, whats the fuel?
Staying away from CATO fed ideology like yours.
Why did you start another thread, when you never addressed the questions already asked of you?
"right to work" is the biggest impediment to unionization along with the rewriting of union history by conse(R)vatives and libe(R)tarians.
So right to work is the biggest obstacle.
Whats the biggest benefit. This isnt another hate post. Its for genuine idea and discussion.
Here, try reading that again. You seemed to miss a bunch.
Staying away from CATO fed ideology like yours.
Why did you start another thread, when you never addressed the questions already asked of you?
"right to work" is the biggest impediment to unionization along with the rewriting of union history by conse(R)vatives and libe(R)tarians.
It would seem, that you are taken with the history rewrite.
Unions cannot 'thrive' in today's globalization, free trade paradigm. That really, REALLY! should be obvious.
Our Govt was pirated by Globalists long ago. Since the fall of the USSR there is no longer a global counterbalance to impede their actions. They are now emboldened to overtly force their agenda.
Unfortunately too many still believe the false Good cop/Bad cop political dichotomy.The elite owned MSM is already pushing their vetted candidates for 2016. Hillary, Christie, Rubio, Bush III, etc. Only candidates "Cleared" as puppets by the elites will receive money and positive press.
I agree that free trade has made it near impossible to form a strong union, although I think they underestimate their power if they were to decide "fuck it, this is it".
This is opinion, based on some experience. A union is strong only when an overwhelming majority of its members will willingly sacrifice for the group. The number or percentage of members alone isn't much of an indicator. You won't know if your union is strong until the time for action arrives and you see how many are willing to stand out there on the front line with you.
I appreciate the good insight. Thank you.
Well as a "card totin Union Member" I can say that what makes a Union strong is people who work instead of trying to screw the people they work for.
They give a "decent days work for a decent days pay"
And that's no longer happening - todays society are lazy and everyone wonder why unions are no longer as strong as they once used to be.