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Forum Post: What is your point - Wealth,Change,Occupy WSt, ZuccottiPark, or tents?

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 16, 2011, 11:09 a.m. EST by curlyismyname (45)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

As a non-OWS'r, what the hell are you protesting?

Watching the news it is all about some tents in a little tiny park with a few hundred people in it.

I have posted and posted on here asking what the beef is and there are hundreds of different things. The big story in all the papers is "tents" and public crapping. If that is the movement you want, YOU GOT IT. People, get a clue. I'm watching another news report with a hippy talking about his stupid TENT. My God you have all lost your minds. Go home and take your stupid tents and knit caps with you and run for congress on the nut case party.

Second, it appears like admin can easily disable accounts. With their comments of THOUSANDS of people logging in each day it would be pretty hard to track THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of people.

Based on my assumption and reading many of the posts for several weeks now, I would bet money that there are only a couple of hundred people that actually visit this site. It is the same people posting day and night. This site is a piss in the wind with very very few people on it. You can also trick the IP address and cookies to create a new username.



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[-] 1 points by gjarvi (63) 12 years ago

But you've stayed on here for several weeks now. What keeps you coming back? If you think this movement is stupid, why are you spending so much of your energy here, without truly participating. Do you really want to know what the beef is? Or are you just interested in complaining and listening to your own voice? There are many beefs. You apparently don't have any beefs and your life is working for you. Be grateful that it is so. But it is not so for others, and so be respectful and listen. You might get answers to your questions, if they are sincere questions.

[-] 0 points by curlyismyname (45) 12 years ago

Is protesting in front of MY face respectful? Why do I need to change my walking path so these people can make a point? I counter stupid comments with my own STUPID comments to make a point. If you want to protest, allow me to protest to. Change can only happen when people come to agree without a fist in the face.

[-] 1 points by gjarvi (63) 12 years ago

I am assuming by your post that you live or work around the Park. Many people from the neighborhood around Zuccotti park protested at city hall, did you participate? The judge voted in their favor.

[-] 1 points by Biker (-5) 12 years ago

Tents but should be warm plus free food & drinks and do not forget sleeping bags! Believe me they are losers only without any goal in their life.

[-] 1 points by MisguidedYouth2 (165) 12 years ago

Lol. This movement is a complete joke. Thank God it's over and they've been kicked out of the park. Bye bye OWS, you're gone and will soon be forgotten!


[-] 0 points by curlyismyname (45) 12 years ago

Pretty dead on here today. I bet all the OWS'rs are taking dumps today.