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Forum Post: What is it all about?

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 6, 2011, 5:36 a.m. EST by thespark (16)
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What is it all about?

It is not just about America, Wall Street, corporate greed, crony capitalism...Its about these and a whole lot more. Its about the whole of humanity. As humanity progresses further into the 21st century, it has yet to find the answers to some basic problems affecting its survival. How should all human beings live together in our habitat of earth? How should we organise ourselves to share its resources and maintain its habitable state? The answers to these questions become more desperate in the face of a perpetually growing world's population.

Until now, we have been living in conflicts, fighting to grab as much as possible for ourselves. To fight more effectively, we organise ourselves first as clans, then tribes, fiefdoms, kingdoms and now, nations. While we organise and fight throughout our history, we have seen humanity thrown into periods of war and peace, territorial expansions and contractions and the rises and ebbs of power and influence. The current state is a world of independent nations. In it, we continue to compete and fight for the earth’s resources. It may not be a zero-sum game, but it is a finite-sum game. As one nation gets more, it leaves less for the others. So we have nations wishing the worst for the others. This cannot go on forever. It endangers the existence of the whole humanity. More and more nations are having more and more destructive weapons. There are now enough weapons of mass destruction to destroy the whole world many times over.

Capitalistic economy ultimately depends on consumption for growth. It has to encourage mass consumption. The more the masses consume, the more the economy grows. The faster they consume, the faster the economy grows. The masses are incessantly encouraged, even conned into consuming, even if it is beyond, or way beyond, their means. Only a small percentage makes the most gain out of this frenzy of intoxicated consumption. The system ends up with a small percentage of very rich living above and beyond masses of poor, disadvantaged and deprived. This small percentage do not and cannot feel for the injustices felt by the masses. When the government too is controlled by this small percentage and is not able to help the masses, then the time is ripe for a social revolution. The whole system has to be overthrown. Unlike social revolutions in the past which started from a locality and spread slowly, in the open and well-interconnected world of today, a social revolution can start nationwide, and even worldwide, instantaneously, in a parallel, distributed model. This is what the “Occupy Wall Street” movement is about. Will it result in a new and better world model? Let’s hope it does because humanity is craving for one.



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[-] 1 points by Greenman99 (1) 12 years ago

You really hate the ordinary people, don't you? You think we, the great unwashed, the poorly-educated, the POOR are so much unlike you and are so stupid that we need your terrible ideas foisted upon us. If we don't grow the economy we are all dead. We need economic growth like a sunflower needs the sun. We don't need organic food, fair trade nonsense, we need jobs and growth. Consumption is not necessarily bad. Humanity is not a poison.

We also need revitalised political parties, not unrepresentative, self-appointed spokesmen for the people - the ordinary people you know nothing about. The majority of those in OWS are well-off, living on Daddy's earned riches. We don't need a revolution, we just need people to take the system seriously and use it. Revolutions always result in the leaders dictating what the rest of us do, anyway, and that's a very bad thing.

There are massive resources in our planet, they are only as finite as our imagination and technology.

[-] 1 points by drfeelrotten (18) 12 years ago

Well, in order to "overthrow" the king you'll have to kill him because the king is totally and utterly convinced he has been chosen by GOD and only GOD can unseat him and nobody anywhere will ever change his mind and if they try he has their head for lunch. To bad GOD is out to lunch apparently to busy messing up other universes somewhere beyond the power of our telescopes and no longer interested in the kings petty problems or where he plants his dick nor our problems either. Not surprisingly the king also controls the biggest army on the planet with the biggest guns so to kill the king you first have to plant the seeds of discontent in his army or they'll defend him and his diabolical plans to the death.