Forum Post: What is it about getting elected to the White House that turns every president into a Horace Horsecollar ???
Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 29, 2011, 5:32 p.m. EST by AtomicZ
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peace AtomicZ...
Politicians don't just crawl up out of a sewer. They come from us..and some of us vote for them.."The people get the government they deserve”
Simply put, the shadow government lets the new president in on the simple point that unless he plays the oligarchies game, he and his family will be killed.
Seems to be something like that going on - and occasionally wonder about JFK and all the mystery in his leaving office... peace AtomicZ...
Could be some secret information that could psychologically change someone's mind.
In this site the text is enough to scare you.
This is one example of something that may change you psychologically.
The informations that the president got could be worse or deeply affecting in someway. There are filters in our head that downplays fiction. The one that the president got might not be fiction. Voting sometimes feels like good cop bad cop interrogation. They are both cops however the good cop is just pretending to be good.
Politicians get where they are by selling bits of themselves along the way. Those that get to the top don't have much left of the original person. If you want to change the system with the system, we'll need to find people to run for congress that have never run before. You can hate what the tea party stands for, but they got people into office and have caused a change. Their thing is no taxes, if you want to redistribute the wealth held by the 1% you need to elect people to vote that way, not a professional politician that says he agrees with you then takes money and support form the very thing you're protesting.
You know I really agree with this concept [ now since we are strangers sharing information over the super duper #OWS forum hyw here... I wonder if the solution might be found in making the politicians COMPLETELY TRANSPARENT [ data has a way of turning over all the rocks and open up all the closet doors - just look around you these days... ] What a future IT person should want to address is a Julian A. moment along with a complete history of everything any person running for office has ever done everywhere [ scare the living daylights out of the backroom deals / political cronyism ] along with the demise of lobbying money & most of the great ideas posted here on #OWS etc... peace AtomicZ...
A fourth branch of government perhaps? Charged with digging up the truth on every candidate and government action. The press should fill that role now, too often a candidate simply says the right things to the public and the media feels something like a "thrill going up my leg" with the result that a tax cheat is appointed secretary of the treasury. I don't know who gets credit for saying it but politicians are like babies, they should be changed often, and for the same reason.
Any one connected with the government is prone to corruption - this must become Open Source ... dynamic and planet wide ... peace AtomicZ...
Not #OWS , #NWO (new world order)
NWJ... (No Way Jose) trying to rule the world got us into this mess... peace AtomicZ...
Not #OWS , #NWO (new world order)
NWO this is all planned. The economy free fall will open the door for a central bank (world bank). It takes a drastic situation to impose a drastic change for the masses to allow it. They make it appear as though they are protecting us when they are really destroying our freedom, our economy and our future Ron Lawl 2012 OR WE ARE TO IGNORANT TO SURVIVE
I simply must believe your position is viable and quite possible - however thinking along these lines I have the feeling of impending D O O M ... which is no way to start the morning [ I prefer yoga ] As we go forward with the Occupation it is also important to recall that no rulers or governments have ever contained a people for very long - much like the new sunshine of each and every day there is a new ray of light which always seem to fall on a new and different part of our planet - this "morning song" is as ancient as we and holds the unique nature of completely spoiling any desire to know or predict where and what it will illuminate tomorrow ... peace AtomicZ...
Fcc is regulating our internet to "protect" internet speed from being controlled by corporations, they are having Google remove anti government content not anti america ( which still wouldnt be ok). Main stream media is dictating what information we receive. I learned about the Occupy on aljazeera. China threatened the US any attack on Pakistan will be considered an attack on China in May 2011 every media source I could find reporting this was foreign . This is the propaganda Germany was given pre WWII.
We are supposedly spreading democracy in the middle east while they are crushing it here . I am sooo not political I am just a mother who is scared for here children and I believe knowledge is power.
It's because they are bought and paid for by the politicians before you even here their name in the national media. We need to get the money out of politics, then we may actually get some true statesmen running for public office - people who love their country more than their own pocketbooks!
While I agree with your everyword. Unless we remove money from the existance of man, or anything that is used to equate greed or the need to have something to suvive. Then, sadly we will always be screwed over. Morals and duty of a man are destroyed when he has to worry about a means to survive.
A sad fact is that presidents are simply jokers and side shows to distract us from who is really pulling the strings.
I agree with you that there will always be those that are dishonest or will game the system. In those cases all we can do is be ever-vigilant in identifying and punishing those that do so. That said, I think the first step is to make the bribery illegal. Right now it is legal because those benefiting from the system have set it up that way. While we will not get rid of every immoral and dishonest person, we should take steps to make it more difficult for them to practice their craft.
Just remember how it was done in Rome. Bribery was illegal and I recall punishable by death. However gift given occured almost daily. Man there were alot of gifts given..
And... are not afraid of the M E D I A - too much massive power there [ the media needs to get it's video clopped off - scaled down sanctioned ] peace AtomicZ...
Here's the solution.
Unions can bankroll a 3rd party read more
Instead of union leaders pissing away the members' money by giving it to the Democrats who have stabbed the unions in the back when Clinton created NAFTA the minute he got inaugurated the members money can finance a 3rd party that would end globalization. Unions need to bargain for their members by completely excluding all nonunion employees from any benefits when they negotiate contracts.
The OWS protests could influence this process if OWS would nominate candidates for the unions to finance. The OWS strategy that refuses to nominate any candidates is self destructive for the protest.
OR... might be too soon for the #OWS to show it's hand [ the enemy wants that hand so it can cut it off ] peace AtomicZ...
America is in a bottomless pit of lies by crooks and liars.
Americans are in a deep brainwashed trance. How much more shit will you liberals eat until you wake up? This is making me puke.
Delay is the liberals scared shit. There's nothing to fear except wasting time. OWS is uninformed and too arrogant to seek advice.
OWS better start getting informed.
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The expert economists destroyed the economy
The score doesn't count when people are in a trance by the writers who are expert brain washers. Ron Suskind wrote a book and he's giving a speech that makes Obama a genius who manages this "complex organism". They are expert with words that are lies proven by the busted banks and foreclosed families in the street.
You can watch this hoax on the C-span Book TV website. If you watch this you will believe every word because you have no clue. "Confidence is the coin of the realm. Reagan is the master of exuding confidence no matter what the facts may be," says Suskind.
Stunning, breath taking speeches by Obama. This guy is full of shit while he's jerking off dreaming about Obama. He's the smartest guy you'll ever meet, but he can't manage it. This bastard is a smug scheming shill for Obama who wrote this book to trick everybody about Obama. I'd love to crack him with a baseball bat. I'm not a liberal whiner, sucker.
Dear Steve, I love you're music !!! Baseball bat [ yea we just finished the world series - I can see that reference ] Ron "silver-tongue" Suskind - born upstate NY - kinda in the sticks up in Kingston - I like the sticks - Borscht Belt comics and the like - lots of camping in the summer up there in Kingston NY ... But a heavyweight political writer he ain't ... read someone else - take a load off ! peace AtomicZ...
Dear Atomic. I won't read the book. To understand my point you can watch his speech on the C-span Book TV website or he will be on again at 10 PM tonight. Suskind wrote the book to deceive all Americans about Obama. His performance was incredible deception -- off the chart. If I was allowed by law I would use the baseball bat on this liar, traitor. I'm not a liberal. I have never hit anybody with a baseball bat.
America is too lovable to let it be destroyed
It’s Up To You To Save America from itself.
I have solutions for:
1) Jobs, 2) Simple & fair taxation, 3) Health care, 4) Energy, 5) Justice, 6) Stop the bribes, and the liars -- Obama
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Yo Steve - shout out to "Song For Our Ancestors" great tune dude!!! and if I may 7) bring all the troops home !!! peace AtomicZ...
He was on Austin City Limits last night.
I caught that ! thanks ! peace AtomicZ...