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Forum Post: What do you stand for? Take a survey to find out.

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 6:06 p.m. EST by MichaelMoosman (48) from Murray, UT
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A survey is a good way to show what we stand for.

Take this quick anonymous survey to add your voice to others.




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[-] 1 points by Abridge3141 (117) 12 years ago

DEAR INDIVIDUAL READING THIS, What must we as people do to fight this grave injustice inflicted upon us, by the ones who lust for power? How can we end the reign of the wicked and immoral and mete JUSTICE upon the oppressors as we have suffered from their hands-their blood stained hands... An idea of REVOLUTION-no, the act of revolution enacted by the proletarians! Must we as individuals ,as is always done, remain pawns to these people, these monoliths that we alone as individuals cannot surmounted...I surmise that we are not ignorant to the woes inflicted upon us by their enormities? We must UNIFY! Unity will be the way in which we assert ourselves!...While I realize all are not are not without income or funds and many cannot unify with this growing movement do to reasons of possible opposition and they being the people I'm question who we oppose (Wall Street), and many have responsibility they must tend to that take precedence. We must rise and vanquish this behemothto restore the equilibrium, for when disturbed it causes much chaos and strife in the hearts of man( man being neutral to represent all genders) in his mind and when mans mind and soul are in chaos as many are they rise to vanquish the pestiferous wealthy. However we should not just target these individuals, each of us individually must confront the corruption in our hearts, how can we judge the corrupt and deem them so when we cannot be amenable for ourselves we will surely be deemed hypocrites as we will be.....I am not meaning to say that this protest is in any way unjust, for far too long have we suffered, I mean that we are expected to expiate our sins -assume our parts in the problems we face and how we may have caused it. Yes, the Bankers on Wall Street are corrupt in ways we don't have evidence of without an investigation. But as we suffer soshall they, for we will make it so. But what of our government I say, my fellow citizens do not neglect to Confront the complicit in this affair for the roots of corruption are deeply seated, we have silent enemies amongst us-be warned that although succession in our goals will happen we may face a greater threat to our rights granted unto us from birth be prudent and circumspect. Another issue I wish to address is the idea of mans continual corruption as all things will be permeated with this darkness Inside our hearts.......when a system is created it always deviates from the righteous path, for nations we have learnt of in our education are littered with tales of nations that became corrupt and faded Into the ruin of collapse, we know that a society without corruption is utterly inconceivable, impossible in ways each and everyone of us know...for as long as men exist so shall our inner evil....but I digress from my original Intent of this passage and I ask forgiveness as we must forgive all in all eventual....the rising potentiality of this movement is quite an astonishment, I thought we were not capable of such things and thus I admit I had less faith in my fellow man. I see that we have all come to the realization of the need to bring the greedy to justice, although the reasons for your protesting may be unique to you, you share many goal, I had prognostications, inklings seems more appropriate of a term, that one day man would wake to realize the greater truth outside of his/her reality, and break the cycles of obsession with superficial base needs and trite motives, a dull and predictable lot we were but we've surpassed that I hope....for if not we will founder and fall Into the patterns we had grown so accustomed to, living such prosaic pedestrian lives stultified by the elite and of our own ignorance we always have the means to educate ourselves in this age, we have no limits to what we may learn based on our status in society, the powerful can no longer succeed in keeping us stupefied we have freewill to reason and learn and form our own ideas, ideas that would otherwise have died by the hands of the bigots! Our endeavours shall be crowned with fruition of our goals for our will allows it, we have broken free from the will of the oppressors.... part...now it is your turn...as Desmond Tutu stated "If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor." YOURS TRULY- Aaron Thomas Bridge

[-] 1 points by thoreau42 (595) 12 years ago

If you gotta take a survey to find out what you stand for, you obviously don't feel very strongly (nor have a very good idea) about what you claim to stand for.

[-] 1 points by MichaelMoosman (48) from Murray, UT 12 years ago

Thanks for your post. I tried to change the topic to better explain that I'm not trying to help you understand what you stand for, as much as helping other people understand what you stand for. I wasn't successful. It won't let me change the topic.

A great way to tell them is to show them statistics that can be gathered using a survey.

[-] 1 points by c0lex (40) 12 years ago

Michael, I understand you are excited to share your link, and I have no problem, personally, with you doing so, but please do not spam new topics for this purpose. It is not fair to others, who are trying to express heart-felt opinions, who spend time and energy writing a genuine post, only to see it scroll down the list into oblivion because people are spamming links.

Keep the links to their respectful locations, and only where they are appropriate. Please do not turn this forum into Google Adwords. Thank you.

[-] 1 points by MichaelMoosman (48) from Murray, UT 12 years ago

I respect the opinions of others and I understand your concern. I will keep the spamming to a minimum. I feel strongly that statistical polling is a great way to build a unified voice and let outsiders gain a better idea of what we are trying to accomplish.

And thanks for taking the survey.

[-] 1 points by c0lex (40) 12 years ago

No problem. I think the survey is a bit vague though. One of the biggest problems with surveys is that it isn't a two-way street. If you ask someone "Are you democrat or republican?" and they happen to be Libertarian or Green Party, or maybe they're Socialist or Anarchist. How are they supposed to answer? But they also can't tell you why they answered the way they did. Therefore, the information collected may represent a vague sense of the truth, but it will be far from the truth itself.

[-] 1 points by MichaelMoosman (48) from Murray, UT 12 years ago

The survey has an option for "Other" for people that aren't Democrat or Republican. Now that I think about it. I should have went with Convative vs. Liberal.

It is very important to aggregate the people's opinions. People in this movement have 100 different opinions. We need to determine a central message, and a survey is a good way to do it.