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Forum Post: What do we want? FAIRNESS! When do we want it? NOW!

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 21, 2011, 8:58 a.m. EST by Einar77 (0)
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What do we want? FAIRNESS!
When do we want it? NOW!



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[-] 1 points by PatriotSon01 (157) 12 years ago

Again, blame the corporations more interested in bucks than people. The way economics works though, in time, they'll come back home. China people will get smart and start demanding more pay too...

[-] 1 points by gestopomillyy (1695) 12 years ago

american power has been sold off to China ,, you think thats fair? China has more money ,,more power,, and more people. corporations and the governments lack of power over them did this.. And you want to blame the citizens?

[-] 1 points by PatriotSon01 (157) 12 years ago

Communism didn't work then and it won't work now. Democracy is a proven system, but it requires vigilance, understanding, activism and much blood. We, as Americans, appear to have left the ship of America on auto-pilot and the rats have begun to run the helm.

[-] 1 points by communistbob (0) 12 years ago

This is why communism will save us from this capitalistic mess.

[-] 1 points by PatriotSon01 (157) 12 years ago

Life ain't fair. If you hold up your hand to a charging Grizzly Bear and say, 'You're not being fair?', will it help? Not likely. In life, if you want action - you take it or make it. Otherwise you get trumped by others making their actions. Stop using your mouths. Start using your brains, hands, legs, bodies... whatever it takes!

[-] 1 points by heyshell (2) from Plymouth, MA 12 years ago

Has anyone ever answered with any clarity the question of why the press was restricted during the eviction of Zuccotti Park? Press agencies should be trying to get answers if not pressing charges! This is a serious issue and I haven't found any discussion. Any suggestions?

[-] 1 points by PatriotSon01 (157) 12 years ago

The press is owned by the top 1%. Why else are those in the movement shown as hooligans? Why else has the news been twisted to the support of the establishment and the vilification of the protestors. Like many states and countries where the elite run thew show, so it is here. The problem is that many Americans have become apathetic and disinterested in their politics. The result, the 'dumbing down' has allowed those in positions of power to show and influence the masses just be twisting facts a bit. The apathetic are unlikely to worry about it as it doesn't affect them - at least, not yet!

[-] 0 points by Perspective (-243) 12 years ago

Fairness? What do you mean by that?

[-] 0 points by Jimboiam (812) 12 years ago

Life isn't fair you primadonna. Get used to it. Where does it say you are born with a right for everything to be fair. Maybe ugly people should protest that pretty people have an unfair advantage. How about handicapped people? How about mentally retarded people? None of those people have it 'fair'. Unless you can somehow generate 100% equality, there is no such thing. And since that is a utopian dream, get used to it. Take off your diaper, pull up your big boy pants, and solve your own problems.