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Forum Post: what can we learn from this tragedy?

Posted 11 years ago on May 19, 2013, 8:29 a.m. EST by bensdad (8977)
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A good man with a gun - a highly trained, professional police officer confronted a armed man with a gun - threatening to kill his victim, Andrea Rebello, shot HIS gun to protect the victim - and killed Andrea Rebello.

Now imagine -
last week's shooting incident in New Orleans ( state with the weakest gun laws & the most guns per capita ) where a man shot into a Mothers Day crowd and wounded 19 people
Now imagine four citizens in that crowd pulled out their guns and fired

How many innocents would have died?

MINEOLA, N.Y. — A Hofstra University student being held in a headlock at gunpoint by an intruder was accidently shot and killed by a police officer who had responded to the home invasion at an off-campus home, police said Saturday. Junior public relations major Andrea Rebello was shot once in the head early Friday morning by an officer who opened fire after the masked intruder pointed a gun at the officer while holding the 21-year-old student, Nassau County homicide squad Lt. John Azzata said.

In a tense confrontation with the officer, gunman Dalton Smith "menaces our police officer, points his gun at the police officer," Azzata said. The officer opened fire, killing Smith and his hostage.

Azzata said the Nassau County police officer fired eight shots at Smith, who police described as having an "extensive" criminal background. Smith was hit seven times and died. Rebello was shot once in the head. "He kept saying, `I'm going to kill her,' and then he pointed the gun at the police officer," Azzata said.

The veteran police officer, who was not identified, has about 12 years of experience on the Nassau County police force and previously spent several years as a New York City police officer, Dale said.

The officer is currently out on sick leave. He will be the focus of an internal police investigation once the criminal investigation is completed, which is standard police procedure in any officer-involved shooting, the commissioner said.

Earlier Saturday, police announced that Smith, 30, had been wanted on a parole violation related to a first-degree robbery conviction and had an arrest history dating back nearly 15 years.

Rebello was in the two-story home with her twin sister Jessica, a third woman and a man when Smith, wearing a ski mask, walked into the house through an open front door, Azzata said. Smith demanded valuables and was told they were upstairs, Azzata said.

Smith, apparently unsatisfied with the valuables upstairs, asked if any of the four had a bank account and could withdraw money, Azzata said. The intruder then allowed the unidentified woman to leave and collect money from an ATM, telling her she had only eight minutes to come back with cash before he killed one of her friends, Azzata said.
The woman left for the bank and called 911, according to Azzata.
Minutes later, two police officers arrived at the home and found Rebello's twin sister Jessica running out of the front door and the male guest hiding behind a couch on the first floor, Azzata said. ne of the officers entered the home and encountered Smith holding onto Rebello in a headlock, coming down the stairs, Azzata said. Smith pulled Rebello closer and started moving backward toward a rear door of the house, pointing the gun at her head before eventually threatening the officer, Azzata said.



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[-] 2 points by Timex (-3) 11 years ago

We can learn that we need a better parole system.

[-] 2 points by bensdad (8977) 11 years ago

We just need the private companies to build more prisons
and more citizens to carry more guns

[-] 1 points by Timex (-3) 11 years ago

I bet Andrea's mom wishes there had been room in prison for at least one more bad guy.

[-] -2 points by AlwaysWiIIBeAlwaysRight (-96) 11 years ago

How does carrying more guns help? The vast majority of gun accidents in homes are not caused by intruders, but by a member of the family who owns the gun and shoots him or herself, or someone else in the family. Statistically speaking, guns hurt owners more than they protect them.

Look up north. Gun related deaths and injuries are much less in Canada, and you can only buy hunting guns. I never saw or touched a real gun in my life, and I feel perfectly safe.

[-] 1 points by bensdad (8977) 11 years ago

You are missing the point -
if everyone carries a gun, there will be more shootouts
if there are more shootouts, there will be fewer people
if there are fewer people, there will be fewer bad guys

it is on page 145 of wayne's nra manual
"we need more guns & fewer people"
published by straightjacket press
many liquor stores in the confederacy give a copy free
with any $100 order for moonshine

if you cant find this book,
go to your parents room while they are asleep,
find their money in their wallet or purse, and mail me the money

[-] -2 points by AlwaysWiIIBeAlwaysRight (-96) 11 years ago

I'm not interested in the NRA and their lies. Sorry.

[-] -2 points by AlwaysWiIIBeAlwaysRight (-96) 11 years ago

A good man with a gun - a highly trained, professional police officer confronted a armed man with a gun - threatening to kill his victim, Andrea Rebello, shot HIS gun to protect the victim - and killed Andrea Rebello.

That, my friend, is one confusing sentence.

What we can learn is that Americans are nuts for guns. They just love them. They give them to their kids. They shout the 2nd amendment from rooftops. They put them in every single film they make. Americans just love guns. It's like a natural extension of their bodies. Dogs feel naked without collars, Americans feel naked without guns.