Forum Post: What are you learning?
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 25, 2011, 8:55 a.m. EST by bugsy57
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
What are we learning from OWS? This movement has been shaped by social media but what are we actually learning from reading the forums, the tweets, the status updates? Do you think the information conveyed via these ways is accurate and coherent? Is this a good way to learn?
What do you think? Share your thoughts....
I've learned more about the problems we face in our country and through that knowledge it has helped formulate my own personal hopes and goals as follows.
Elimination of lobbying in all forms, revocation of Citizen's United, revocation of the Commodity Futures Modernization act, stiffer regulations on banks, speculators and campaign finance reform.
The OWS has inspired me to do my own research to find out the facts and I am learning alot about how our political system works.
I have learned that our media does not tell the truth and to find the truth it takes excessive research to find the truth hidden in all of the BS on the internet.
So I thank OWS for making me do my homework.
Same here, it's been a real crash course! Here's where it's gotten me so far (cut and paste from my comment on another topic)
Your top priorities differ from her top priorities differs from his top priorities. Therefore the priority is to hold a National General Assembly (NGA) where a list of top priorities can be hammered out coming from the roots, what I call the congressional District General Assemblies (DGA's) or 'spokes councils'. It is the final 'official' act of the NYCGA to announce the NGA.
OWS exercised its 1st Amendment right to peaceably assemble.
OWS MUST exercise its 1st Amendment right to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
This is the one thing 100% of Americans will understand.
You won't learn anything without going out and taking part in an occupation.
It's an interesting study in what people believe. They tend to get wrapped up in one way of thinking and will cling to it no matter what. This seems equally true for people on either side of the issue.
Not a whole lot. Personally I learn a hell of a lot more when I'm actually at an occupation, which is what I advise others to do. Unfortunately, I can't be at an occupation as often as I'd like because of proximity, having to work and health considerations (I'm not quite willing to die or even get sicker for the movement yet, though, depending on the circumstances I may be at some point)..
I think this forum would be a hell of a lot better if everyone on it was at an occupation for as long and as often as they were able and that everybody who has not yet been to an occupation refrain from posting until they actually were at an occupation at least once.
I live in Phoenix, Az and Sheriff Joe will make it impossible for to occupy anything.
I agree and disagree. There are far more people supporting OWS from the sidelines than able to attention occupy events. Occupiers are .01% (if that) claiming to represent the 99% -most of which are absent for various reasons and who support or don't support OWS. Whether people do or don't support OWS doesn't change their status-most unsupportive are ignorant of their own true position, the paradigm shift OWS potentially represents, and there is an URGENT need for all OWS activists to recognize each other and figure out how to support each other instead of drawing artificial lines in the sand. I am here educating people about how we got into this mess to begin with. Unless, and until we learn how the gordian knot was tied-there IS no way to fix this mess with occupations. Most of you are out there protesting symptoms-don't address the cause. Please join our conversation and let's all learn and teach each other how to defend our existing liberty, while clawing back what's been taken.
The notion that occupiers represent .01% of the voting public is a huge inflation of the movement's actual strength on the ground. The last reliable figures that I saw put the total number of movement activists somewhere around 200 K. We need to organize, organize, organize, Once we have 10 to 20 million people occupying then we can begin to talk about a next step, if any, Before that it is way too premature.
You are probably right- as 85% of all statistics are made up on the spot(Stephen wright:)-you overlooked my point which absolutely agrees with yours-education is the first step. Please visit out forum and weigh in