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Forum Post: What a shock. YET ANOTHER bizarre circumstance IMPLICATING the EBOLA BITCH Kaci Kickox. Her roommate in Africa TESTED POSITIVE.

Posted 10 years ago on Nov. 1, 2014, 4:55 a.m. EST by StillModestCapitalist (343)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Get this. In YET ANOTHER bizarre and incredibly suspicious circumstance regarding the spread of Ebola and it's IRRATIONAL FEAR in the United States, it is now being reported that the former roommate of Kaci Hickox in West Africa has tested positive for Ebola.

It gets better. Check this out: It's being reported that the former roommate of Kaci Hickox in West Africa has NO IDEA HOW SHE BECAME INFECTED.

The bizarre and incredibly suspicious behavior of the 'no quarantine for me' Ebola bitch Kaci Hickox is now coupled with a bizarre and incredibly suspicious circumstance involving her former roommate in West Africa.

The red flag is now visible from outer space.

Is there a sinister link to explain the bizarre behavior of Hickox and the fact that her roommate in West Africa has tested positive?

Did the 'no quarantine for me' and 'you may as well expect more like me' Ebola bitch Kaci Hickox know ahead of time that she would become the ideal candidate for another commercially motivated Ebola fear mongering stunt PLANNED IN ADVANCE for the purpose of spreading a wave of Ebola fear to cash in on? In part, by securing the upcoming government purchase of Ebola vaccine?

I'll go one step further: Did the 'no quarantine for me' and 'you may as well expect more like me' Ebola bitch Kaci Hickox DELIBERATELY INFECT her former roommate in West Africa? Is Kaci Hickox involved in a scheme to spread as much Ebola fear as possible in order to help secure and justify the upcoming government purchase of Ebola vaccine? Did she conspire with a key player or two from the pharmaceutical industry in order to do so?

After all, it's highly likely that their paths have crossed more than once.

Before any of you answer, remember this: A number of doctors, pharmaceutical researchers, pharmacists, and medical test workers have already been charged and convicted with corrupt, illegal, and FINANCIALLY MOTIVATED activities related to their work in commercial healthcare. Many have conspired together for the very purpose of illegal profit.

It happens.

If there is one thing that we should all be aware of by now, it's that all bets are off once the opportunity to become rich presents itself. What I'm suggesting isn't even far fetched. It would only take a bribe or two and a sample of Ebola body fluid.

It's only a matter of time before that US government purchase is announced. A purchase that if not for Ebola and it's irrational fear in the US, would never take place.




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[-] 5 points by ShadzSixtySix (1936) 10 years ago

This hysteria over Ebola is a construct and it is part of 'The Strategy Of Tension' designed to keep most Americans agitated, anxious and even easier to control, distract and manipulate. Try calming down a li'l.

Just how many people have died of or contracted Ebola in The U$A compared to Liberia, Sierra Leone or Guinea and exactly WTF does the word ''crisis'' mean ?!!! How and why - is the most powerful country in history so easily fkn frightened {of its own Shadow?} & wtf is wrong with you people ?!! Switch off the b-s corporate, rolling news & read a book or something ! Here are 3 books for your possible perusal :

ad iudicium ...

[-] 3 points by trashyharry (3084) from Waterville, NY 10 years ago

It probably wouldn't take much digging to discover a heavy MIC or SIC connect in Ms.Kickox's family background.Or a totally sketchy work history featuring known or supposed Front organizations associated with CIA,MI6 or Mossad.Or a Dual American/Israeli citizenship.Often an American Intelligence assets' first job when they graduate college is as an Intern at a front organization or Law Firm controlled by the CIA or State Department.Sometimes such people are found to have been awarded generous Scholarships after having spent a Summer in Israel after finishing High School.The behavior of Ms.Kickox is very nonsensical.Most people seek to avoid,not provoke controversies that don't involve some form of self enrichment or self aggrandizement.Also,there is a very heavy and long term colonization of the State of Maine by the CIA and important 1% Families.Any examination of modern era Psyops will lead to Maine sooner or later.Martha's Vinyard is another such place.Barack Obama's first Job after College was with a CIA connected Law Firm,and he is basically a Part Time Resident of Martha's Vinyard.Probably one of his first acts upon finishing his Term in Office will be to purchase a Home on the Island.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 10 years ago

Allaying fear and promoting confidence - would be - In My Opinion - the very thing that every single health care worker would want ( Dr. to janitor ) and in so doing - would promote a 21 day precautionary quarantine - as it hurts " them " not - and reassures the public at no cost.

[-] 2 points by trashyharry (3084) from Waterville, NY 10 years ago

Like I said-somethin' don't compute.

[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 10 years ago

It is unlikely that Kaci Hickox spread Ebola fear for her own profit. People who have spent years learning to care for others usually are distracted enough not to have acquired the keen sense of money that you have. Translated for you: many health care workers are probably financial suckers but I believe that they have a different value set.

Diseases often spread due to inadvertent mistakes. Try food-coloring your hands and go through a day and you will see where you may have spread contact-spread diseases like Ebola to.

Here is an article which talks about who pays for the costs of Ebola. New York City can treat at least 10 Ebola patients because there are 10 designated hospitals for handling Ebola. This answers your question about handling capacity for Ebola in your vicinity.

If Ebola contagion exceeds more than a handful in a number of cities, we are very likely to get community-spread Ebola leading to a pandemic in the U.S. I will get VERY nervous if the U.S. gets more than a few dozen cases.

[-] 0 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

I disagree with you about the lack of 'keen sense of money' among healthcare workers. Most doctors are members of the 1%, a group which owns roughly 1/2 of the publicly traded market. A growing number of doctors have decided to work in small closely affiliated groups making referrals to each other thereby dancing their way around Stark Law, which was enacted to prevent doctors from billing the Federal government for self-referrals, an obvious conflict of interest. This growing trend among doctors is downright calculated for maximum profit. One of several which prove that doctors are in it for the money and determined to reap as much as possible.

I'll agree with your point about 'value sets' regarding nurses in particular. From what I've personally witnessed having an 81 year old step-dad, nurses are in fact, a hell of a lot more compassionate, sincere, and down to Earth than doctors. In general that is. The mindset I'm suggesting with this page does exist among them as well. It was just reported a few weeks ago, that a multi-million dollar fraudulent billing scheme involving doctors, nurses, and others working together was busted by the Federal Government. If you search the web using the keywords 'doctor' and 'fraud' you will find dozens of high profile cases involving healthcare workers (primarily doctors) working and often conspiring together with others (including a few nurses), for the purpose of defrauding the Federal government of millions. In fact, it has been happening so often and for so long, that Obama created an agency a few years back tasked specifically with responding to that crisis of corruption within the industry.

I have no problem with your point regarding inadvertent mistakes. It's a good one. Perhaps Hickox inadvertently infected her former roommate in Africa with a sample of Ebola body fluid meant for someone else. Or it may have been intentional. After all, the very fact that her former roommate is reported to have tested positive does make her current attitude even more effective at scaring the hell out of her fellow citizens. It's yet another bizarre circumstance that benefits the healthcare industry in particular by ramping up irrational Ebola fears. Those fears, growing as we type, in part because of Kaci Hickox, certainly make the government purchase of Ebola vaccines more likely.

I'm not suggesting that this circumstantial evidence is anywhere near compelling enough to prove complicity on the part of Kaci Hickox. It is entirely possible that she is simply a self-centered bitch too stuck-up to sacrifice another three weeks of her time with no perk of traveling this mostly poor but astonishingly beautiful world.

But the circumstances regarding the Ebola outbreak in West Africa, the sudden and repeated delivery of Ebola to America just days after Obama made the 'unlikely' Ebola comment, the outrageous hype and fear mongering going right into the yearly cold/Flu season, the timing of several Ebola related incidents and circumstances, the irresponsible actions of no fewer than four Ebola workers to date, who should all know better, and now, the former roommate of Kaci Hickox being reported to have tested positive are more than enough to warrant an investigation in my opinion.

Over all, the circumstances surrounding Ebola are incredibly convenient for the commercial healthcare industry, timed perfectly to drive millions right into their commercial arms to have their common cold/Flu symptoms checked for Ebola and of course, to secure and justify that upcoming government purchase of Ebola vaccine.

There is a shit load of Ebola money to be reaped from hypochondriac morons and US taxpayers in general. My very strong suspicion is that one or more individuals close to the Ebola crisis in West Africa saw this as a golden opportunity to put themselves in a position to profit by deliberately infecting one or more US bound travelers, and/or seeing that a number of legitimate Ebola cases were flown here thereby setting in motion the chain of fear mongering events just right for driving up their own profits.

I don't know if Kaci Kickox is complicit or just a self-centered bitch but there is no doubt in my mind that Ebola and it's irrational fear in America are no accident.

Again, it would only take the motive to profit, a bribe or two, and a sample of Ebola body fluid to set forth that chain of events which as we type, unfold as if they were planned to coincide perfectly with the 2014/2015 cold/Flu season.

Ebola, the latest in a long line of 'it' diseases for Americans to fear unnecessarily. CH'CHING!

[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 10 years ago

There are indeed differences between doctors and nurses. Nurses tend to have far more direct impact on the medical outcomes than doctors. Nursing care is where the rubber hits the road.

Calm down about Kaci Hickox. She lives in one of the remotest places (northern Maine next to Canada) in the U.S. She is not cruising around on subway trains in New York City!

Timing of Ebola fear is far from being evidence that it was planned as a conspiracy. There were mistakes made but to say that the U.S. had wanted to appear as an idiot in medical care is a bit too far-fetched.

[-] 0 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

Kaci Kickox has become a public figure. She has gone out of her way to garner attention for herself. She is spreading more irrational Ebola fear simply by exhibiting such an irresponsible attitude. Also by assuring her fellow citizens that more like her, fresh off the plane from West Africa, will be fighting quarantine measures.

I'm not accusing Congress of submitting proposals designed to make the U.S. an 'idiot' in medical care. I'm accusing a few individuals, of working together to deliver Ebola to America INTENTIONALLY for the very purpose of obscene profit. I'm also accusing THOUSANDS within the media and healthcare fields of Ebola fear mongering in order to maximize their own Ebola profits.

When greedy pig men and women see opportunities to reap obscene profits, they lose all regard for their 'country'. This has been proven a thousand times over.

The series of very convenient, profitable, and well 'timed' Ebola related events and circumstances aren't just curious. They are astonishing.

This is no accident.

[-] 0 points by grapes (5232) 10 years ago

Up to now, the people bringing Ebola to the U.S. have valid reasons to be here. Medical care workers repatriating from West Africa is to be expected. We welcome veterans home for the same reason - they ARE Americans! As for Patrick Duncan, he has a son here and intended to marry here. At that time, there was no travel ban in effect so those were good enough reasons.

I think that he KNEW that he might have contracted Ebola but not for sure. After all, even Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital did not suspect Ebola initially even with his symptoms and history available.

The repatriating medical care worker did not come back to spread fear among the U.S. populace. They came back because this is their Home. I see no conspiracy. As far as the pharmaceutical companies and the media are concerned, it is Status Normal: AF U, befitting a communication-intensive chicken-little superpower.

[-] -1 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

I can't prove that Ebola has been delivered to America intentionally for the very purpose of obscene profit and you can't prove that it hasn't been. But what I'm suggesting isn't far fetched at all.

I'm a relatively smart guy but I'm not the smartest and I don't sit around all day scheming up ways to become rich. Some people out there do. It's called greed and it has become a true epidemic. Some of the most greedy pigs on Earth, unfortunately, are very smart. In fact, they are downright calculated. The worst of the worst will do anything, I mean ANYTHING to become rich or get richer. They don't care about humanity. They care about money.

The point is this: If I'm able to suggest a scheme to deliver Ebola to America and hype it up for the purpose of obscene profit, and explain how it could have been done, then you can bet your ass that someone out there came up with the idea long before I did.

What I'm not able to prove, is that they actually did it.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 10 years ago

Ebola "is" being used in last minute attack adds - one from Minnesota against the incumbent Governor - says with an international airport and no stance on quarantines - that he leaves Mn unprepared to fight Ebola.

The fuckers - using hysteria to influence elections.

[-] 6 points by turbocharger (1756) 10 years ago

Attack ads? Theres no reason, its the whole purpose you fool

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 10 years ago

Fool = You

If you can not see clearly enough to know that if to do nothing else this voting cycle than to remove reps from office - then you are a dedicated fool to the defeat of your liberties and any chance at health and prosperity.

[-] 6 points by turbocharger (1756) 10 years ago

Right , and replace them with the same scum, you are insane.

Go beg for savior someplace else. This is OWS

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 10 years ago

U R against removing the most virulently actively evil?

What does that say about you?

Where else does the public get a chance to make a healthy change - than by removing the worst of the worst - to gain a beach-head?

[-] 4 points by turbocharger (1756) 10 years ago

The public has options every single day, through their actions, do affect more change than these weak ass politicians ever could.

The entire system is evil. Replacing one sap with another in the scheme of corruption is simply spinning your wheels.

Dems and Reps have pay masters. To deny that is to deny reality.

[-] -1 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

Yes, it was. There were also a number of cheap and absurd shots taken on talk radio.

By the way, I spent two days in Minnesota back in 2012. What an eclectic and beautiful state. I seriously considered moving there. If I had it to do over again (I don't), I would be living in Minnesota.

[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 10 years ago

Looks like either the insanity worked or there was some major voting fraud success yesterday - as - well you no doubt have already seen some of the awful results. Minnesota did not fall prey to the insanity - but - DAMN - it is just unbelievable the insanity that ruled in other states.

[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 10 years ago

Future bio-weaponizers of Ebola don't care about humanity. They care about power. Why, even after the horrors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, are maniacs still pursuing even more nuclear weapons?

For an Ebola attack, a vaccine can limit the level of warfare engagement but for a nuclear attack there is only Mutual Assured Destruction. Men's depravities know no bounds.

[-] -1 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

A few of the sociopaths in positions of power around the world care about power IN ADDITION to their obsessions with personal wealth but those who stand to reap obscene profit from any aspect of Ebola are in it for the money.

There will never be any legitimate need for a mass batch of Ebola vaccine anywhere in the world outside of a poor undeveloped country.

One Ebola death inside of America does not justify a $9.5 million government contract. One Ebola death inside of America per day would be a different story.

That will never happen.

I have no problem with $9.5 million worth of aid to West Africa.

[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 10 years ago

The U.S. should have helped out West Africa much earlier. World Health Organization was downplaying the severity of this Ebola outbreak in spite of Doctors Without Borders' crying again and again for more effort. I saw this happened before with people away from where the action was thinking that things were much better than they truly were.

Wherever wishful or preordained thinking dictates an answer without boots-on-the-ground facts, the answer is liable to be describing non-reality.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 10 years ago

But But BUT - where is the long term profit?

[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 10 years ago

I consider smiles on children's faces as good enough profit for me. Damn the "disgusting domestic violence drugs" aka GDP.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 10 years ago

Smiles on children's faces = priceless

To engender those smiles - beyond - to everyone who sees - unbelievably precious.

[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 10 years ago

Give them a future that we and they can all be proud of - let no one hop onto the new-and-improved Orient Express to China through the long-sought-after fabled Northwest Passage because:

the Ignorati are ascending to power to steal their future: http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2014/11/141105-united-states-congress-election-climate/

Was E-lain the actual Orient Express to join with China?

[-] -1 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

My guess is that the WHO is corrupt with relevant ties to 'for profit' interests. Maybe certain members of DWB as well. I'm still absolutely convinced that this is no accident. I'm not sure if the Ebola breakout itself is man or nature made but I am sure that something about this is very deliberate.

You know how I feel about Ebola in America.

[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 10 years ago

Ebola's outbreak is natural but how bad it got was man-un-made.

[-] 1 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

Citing concerns over “aerosol exposure to Ebola,” the Pentagon has awarded a $9.5 million contract to a biotechnology company to manufacture an Ebola vaccine.



Hold onto your hats for a few more weeks. This isn't the big one.

[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 10 years ago

Apparently, the Pentagon and CDC have recognized that Ebola can spread through airborne droplets. Technically, it is not airborne transmission because the Ebola is in the bodily fluid in liquid form and falls to the ground not far from the source. However, most people would not care about the technicality but whether they can catch Ebola from a cough or a sneeze.

It is good that the authorities take the threat seriously because the potency of Ebola droplets likely stays longer in the U.S. than in Africa increasing the reproductive number. That is, we may be more vulnerable due to our temperate climate.

[-] 0 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

I understand the difference between airborne and aerosol transmission. I also understand that the probability of aerosol Ebola transmission has been exaggerated to an absurd, ludicrous, and laughable degree in order to secure and justify the $9.5 million Pentagon contract.

There will be no Ebola infected soldiers on the front lines directing their body fluids at US forces. Soldiers around the world prefer firearms.

There will be no Ebola bombs, Ebola guns, or Ebola clouds.

Thomas Duncan failed to infect a single person except, reportedly, for two nurses who reportedly, came into direct contact with his body fluids. Both transmissions took place in a hospital setting.

Thomas Duncan didn't even infect his own fiance.

Our soldiers and civilians alike are more likely to break their necks slipping in puddles of runny dog shit than they are to be infected with Ebola sneezes.

The $9.5 million Pentagon contract was awarded in order to transfer wealth. This is what our leaders from both sides of the aisle as within most government agencies do best.


[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 10 years ago

The world has outlawed chemical weapons for nearly a century but they have been used by both Saddam Hussein and Assad. Men's depravities know no bounds.

[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 10 years ago

Although it is true that kinetic-energy weapons are more direct and preferred by belligerents, it is ALSO true that germs were and will probably be used in warfare again. There are poor man's "nuclear weapons" such as chemical and biological weapons. Imperial Army of Japan's unit 731 engaged in germ warfare "experiments" in China during World War II. As often happens, there were people in critical positions who called out the insanity of unleashing biowarfare because of unintended consequences on potentially everyone.

The U.S. military needs to stay ahead of this "game." Without the preparation for biowarfare having created the handful of BSL-4 containment centers, the U.S. would probably have got Ebola transmission in the community already.

[-] -1 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

I'm not against preparing for the possibility of biological warfare. I just don't see the 'Ebola sneeze' as a legitimate threat to our troops or civilians. In fact, I see it as a fucking joke.

[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 10 years ago

Ebola if it comes as an intentional weapon will not come in the form of an "Ebola sneeze." There were the anthrax cases shortly after 9/11/2001 attack. They did not come in the form of diseased dead animal carcasses lying in the wilderness. Ebola may be weaponized just like anthrax was so the U.S. military needs to prepare for that.

[-] -1 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

There have only been a handful of anthrax cases worldwide. None of which resulted in mass infection.

Ebola doesn't spread anywhere near easily enough or live long enough outside of a host to justify a single mass purchase by the US government EXCEPT as an aid to West Africa.

Anyway, the bogus Pentagon concerns regarding Ebola are specific:

Citing concerns over “aerosol exposure to Ebola,” the Pentagon has awarded a $9.5 million contract to a biotechnology company to manufacture an Ebola vaccine.



Hold onto your hats for a few more weeks. This isn't the big one. But it is one of several US handouts, err, 'investments' that will ultimately go to waste.

[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 10 years ago

Both anthrax and Ebola can be weaponized but let us not get into that for obvious reasons. Money is not the only driving force behind events.


[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 10 years ago

Viagra(R) does not fall under the aegis of national defense. I am sure that for some folks it is absolutely necessary for personal offense.


[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 10 years ago

Yes, it is not the manhood that is hostile/dangerous - it is where the thinking is done, lower "walnuts" or upper ones.

[-] -1 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

As long as I live, I will not put that ridiculous pharmaceutical crap in my body. I also won't compare myself to men who do. It's a rotten trick being played on us and I refuse to fall for it.

[-] 0 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

Anthrax, no doubt. But Ebola? I'll believe it when our armed forces start reporting mass Ebola related casualties. Not one moment sooner.

No, but money is by far, the single most powerful force of corruption worldwide.

[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 10 years ago

The lust for power is the most important, money being just a representation manifested in a currency economy.

[-] 0 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

In the late 90s, there was a movie plot which involved certain characters planning to leave town after getting rich illegally. They were planning to do so in order to avoid the complications which would surely be caused by curious friends and neighbors.

Now the 'no quarantine for me' and 'you may as well expect more like me' fear mongering Ebola profit driving bitch Kaci Hickox has decided to leave Maine with her current boyfriend (they will split up later).

Of course, the cover story was to be expected but Kaci Hickox chose ahead of time to make herself a controversial public figure. She chose a position ahead of time which would surely anger, offend, and WORRY her known hypochondriac fellow citizens. Not only those of her hometown and state but over 70% of Americans polled.

Now, instead of simply waiting for the spotlight to fade, the 'no quarantine for me' and 'you may as well expect more like me' fear mongering Ebola profit driving bitch Kaci Hickox has decided to relocate in a big and surely expensive way.

What are the odds that neither Hickox or her current boyfriend would have a single close tie within their home state worth preserving?

I'll cut to the chase.

Mark my words: Kaci Kickox will soon be living in a more expensive house in a more expensive neighborhood, driving a more expensive car and living a more expensive lifestyle.

Meanwhile, the healthcare industry including one or more drug/biotech companies with pending government contracts will be reaping a full season of obscene Ebola profits.


If my predictions regarding Kaci Hickox do not come true within 12 months, I will issue a formal apology.