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Forum Post: Website Run By Koch Whores

Posted 12 years ago on Sept. 29, 2011, 10:12 p.m. EST by MayFrock (28)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

This website is owned and operated by rightwing teabagging Koch whores



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[-] 1 points by MayFrock (28) 12 years ago

No, I think you have to order them a pizza


[-] 1 points by patriot4change (818) 12 years ago

Actually, there is 1 poor lady who is slaving night and day just to put this website together. She's a computer genius type. And I just found out that the people who are "leading" this movement are so busy there on the streets of NYC that they rarely get on this site or read the posts. So, in reality, the people you are posting your comments to are just regular folks like you and me. If you really want to express your concerns, maybe you would get the feedback you need from Ground Zero there in New York. I wish I was there to see what's really happening.

[-] 1 points by MayFrock (28) 12 years ago

I was in Liberty Plaza talking to them today and they struck me as teabaggers. They are in the center of the square with their laptops. When I joined the chat earlier to discuss capitalism, I was shut out by them. Something stinks, I'm telling you. Genius or not, she's a teabagging fox news rightwing P.O.S.

[-] 1 points by patriot4change (818) 12 years ago

I don't doubt your initial experience here at all. In fact, there is a video on YouTube where some of the organizers admitted that they are "frazzled" and that they suddenly look 10 years older (bags under their eyes and such). You were probably trying to get a feel for the people involved and they had no desire to take time out to engage you. Which is exactly what is to be expected after sleeping on the ground in the park for 11 days straight. But, don't take in personal. You actually have some good comments on this site.

[-] 1 points by Eastoc (26) from New Orleans, LA 12 years ago

Forum owner: justine@occupywallst.org

[-] 1 points by patriot4change (818) 12 years ago

Thanks justine! As an ex-computer-consultant, I'm impressed with all your efforts. This format lends credibility to the movement world-wide. :o)

[-] 1 points by revg33k (429) from Woodstock, IL 12 years ago

Please provide proof of your claim, please do not just post inflammatory statements with out some proof to back them up.

[-] 1 points by CensuraUmbra (7) 12 years ago

Ohohohoho reeeeaallllly now?