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Forum Post: We Want,

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 6:47 p.m. EST by Wewant (2)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

We Want ,

Both parties of government has failed to represent it's people for far too many years. They have put their self interest ahead of the country. Obama has been far to cordial asking congress to pass a jobs bill . We want a president with balls and a my way or the highway attitude to get things done. a President that can lead by example by cutting his pay first before asking others to do the same.

We want a government that improves our lives not impoverish it. We want a government that cuts our cost of living expenses by lowering taxes, food, energy cost , health insurance and the cost of housing. We are tired of working a whole month only to be broke and more deeply in debt.

We want affordable college tuition's so everyone can get the same opportunities and not walk out of college owing a home mortgage even before they even own a home. It does not make any financial sense to get a loan for 170k to go to college and after you graduate get a job that pays 40k. For this you are better off not getting into debt and just getting a job or starting your own business.

We want tax reform that is simple and so that every one pays the same amount regardless of income, an example would be a flat tax let's say 15% so this way you know what your tax liability is regardless of how much you make.

We want a Wall Street that benefits Main street. We all know that the laws of supply and demand do not really reflect the price of the commodity . Wall Street is not a free market system when you have speculators controlling 70% of commodities market without even producing or taking physical delivery of the commodities they trade . Wall Street will continue to manipulate the prices commodities such as food and gasoline prices at our expense so they can profit from it.

We want justice to be served to those responsible for causing the financial crises that have affected many innocent people who have lost there job , home and business for no fault of there own. It is morally unjust that we have bailed out Wall Street and left Main street to fend for it self.

We want elected officials to be barred from owning stocks of companies in which they legislate about, This is by far the biggest insider trading scandal of all times.

We want to be able to afford the same health care coverage our elected officials give themselves at our expense.

We want a more efficient government that can act quick and decisive in the interest of its people and not there party or self interest.

We want the government to know we will no longer stay shut on the issues that affect our lives. It is not that the people should fear it's government but the government that should fear it's people .



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[-] 1 points by c0lex (40) 12 years ago

Rather than every individual of the movement trying to speak for every other individual without consulting them first, why don't we all come together in a common venue and discuss our opinions to come to a consensus?


There are 1,000 declarations a day on these forums and in other places all over the internet. We don't need more opinions, we need conclusions. We need an open discussion. That's why the wiki format is so important. Participate, don't dictate. Thank you <3

[-] 2 points by Wewant (2) 12 years ago

This is a start to the conclusion of the groups demands. with out a cause or demands it is simply chatter ..

[-] 1 points by c0lex (40) 12 years ago

I concur.