Forum Post: We, the Redheaded Stepchildren
Posted 11 years ago on Feb. 11, 2014, 10:19 a.m. EST by shoozTroll
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
We are the redheaded stepchildren of OWS. The last of the loyal forum posters.
Ignored from the beginning by those we came here to learn from, we bravely faced abuse from right wing trolls of all stripes. Bigots abounded, as did conspiracy stuff about things as varied as the Illuminati and Ron Paul and so many other forms of attack, but there in the middle of it all, there were threads full of ideas. Threads full of support. Threads full of information. All were calling out to the larger body of OWS.
All were ignored by that body.
With the exception of jart, who would stop by occasionally to give us updates and talk about anarchy. We didn’t all agree with everything she said, but we sure liked hearing from her, judging by the upvotes she would get in an instant. And I like to think we learned a few things.
Thank you jart.
There are those that have called you an egoist. They are wrong. You could have “ruled” this forum any time you wanted.
Thank you too, for all the informative threads you’ve put on the front page.
As time went on, attrition from boredom, troll attacks, both on the forum and in PMs and schoolwork, took it’s toll on the forums user base. As that happened the bots and puppets of the trolls became a glaring problem, accelerating the user loss.
Still, we redheaded stepchildren hung on, pretending it didn’t hurt.
It did.
At this point, I would like to say that for various reasons, we redheaded step children are not in a position in our lives that allows us to actively protest on the streets. We take a lot of abuse from the few posters here that claim to be “on the street” too. They call us names, while telling us they are intimately involved in the movement.
That hurts too.
Current events, have seemingly put the forum in the spotlight, as it is part of the .org domain.
So I would like to take this apparent window of opportunity to tell the larger body of OWS, that we are still here.
We are still in support, in our own rag tag way.
We still Occupy this forum. 2 1/2yrs and running.
In conclusion, I will call out to the geeks, nerds, hackers and idea experts in the larger movement.
Help us to help you.
Find ways for us to do internet actions. It’s why many of us came here in the first place.
Use your knowledge and expertise, in all things internet, it’s not too late and it just might fuel something bigger.
In solidarity for a better future,
All remaining members of
Tuesday was amazing. Working with scores of organizations, and thousands of sites, and hundreds of thousands of activists, we organized the largest online privacy protest ever.
Nearly 100,000 calls were placed to Congress on that day, melting the phone lines and making it clear that we will persist in the fight to end mass surveillance.
Please click here to check out the stats.
And please share them widely, so the whole world knows just how strong we are when we work together:
Share on Facebook by CLICKING HERE.
Share on Twitter by CLICKING HERE.
On Tuesday we sought to make a dent, while laying a foundation for escalation over the months to come: It was a tremendous success.
We demonstrated that civil society organizations, hundreds of thousands of activists, and major corporations are willing to bring coordinated pressure to bear on lawmakers.
Just a few highlights:
Scores of organizations from across the political spectrum banded together.
Thousands of sites urged their visitors to take action.
Google formally endorsed the USA FREEDOM Act, which would end bulk data collection.
Twitter tweeted to nearly 30 million people in support.
Dozens of lawmakers issued statements of support.
NSA acolyte Senator Dianne Feinstein was on the run from her own constituents.
We will persist, we will escalate, and we will win.
Please click here to check out the stats.
And please share them widely, so the whole world knows just how strong we are when we work together:
Share on Facebook by CLICKING HERE.
Share on Twitter by CLICKING HERE.
-Demand Progress Paid for by Demand Progress ( and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Contributions are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.
Following up on the Day of Action:
Today we’re giving a major boost to a pair of petitions in support of NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden. Please add your name to one or both.
Click here to tell Secretary of State Kerry: Give Snowden back his passport!
Click here to tell the Obama administration: Hands off Snowden!
RootsAction is getting ready to publicly deliver these petitions to officials in Washington. The more signers, the greater the impact -- as we reach out to news media everywhere.
Truth must be told: Edward Snowden’s “crime” was to educate Americans and the world about the dangerous growth of the U.S. surveillance state.
Last summer -- after Snowden released documents on the NSA’s mass surveillance programs -- the State Department suddenly revoked his passport in an effort to prevent him from reaching any country willing to grant political asylum.
Snowden didn’t get the due process he deserves.
Freedom to travel requires a passport. It’s a basic principle.
Tell Kerry to reinstate Edward Snowden’s passport now.
But returning Snowden’s passport isn’t enough. The U.S. government should make an ironclad commitment to fully respect his legal rights to seek political asylum.
You can send a clear message that insists the U.S. government must not engage in any abduction or other foul play against Snowden. Your name can go on this petition right now: Mr. President, Hands Off Edward Snowden!
You can also help by forwarding this email to people you know who care about civil liberties.
Thank you!
-- The team
P.S. RootsAction is an independent online force endorsed by Jim Hightower, Barbara Ehrenreich, Cornel West, Daniel Ellsberg, Glenn Greenwald, Naomi Klein, Bill Fletcher Jr., Laura Flanders, former U.S. Senator James Abourezk, Coleen Rowley, Frances Fox Piven, and many others.
P.P.S. This work is only possible with your financial support. Please donate.
Reuters: U.S. Revokes Snowden's Passport
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Washington Post: NSA Collects Millions of Address Books
Ray McGovern: Snowden Accepts Whistleblower Award
Signed, like you knew I would.
Damn Straight - nice follow-up 2fer action - Hey?
Looks like it's just you and me so far, but that's still better than nothing.
Nah - more than just U & I - not everyone leaves a comment.
I suppose, and then there's some that shouldn't, that do.
Without a doubt
GR8 Post - And in Compliment:
Tuesday was amazing. Working with scores of organizations, and thousands of sites, and hundreds of thousands of activists, we organized the largest online privacy protest ever.
Nearly 100,000 calls were placed to Congress on that day, melting the phone lines and making it clear that we will persist in the fight to end mass surveillance.
Please click here to check out the stats.
And please share them widely, so the whole world knows just how strong we are when we work together:
Share on Facebook by CLICKING HERE.
Share on Twitter by CLICKING HERE.
On Tuesday we sought to make a dent, while laying a foundation for escalation over the months to come: It was a tremendous success.
We demonstrated that civil society organizations, hundreds of thousands of activists, and major corporations are willing to bring coordinated pressure to bear on lawmakers.
Just a few highlights:
Scores of organizations from across the political spectrum banded together.
Thousands of sites urged their visitors to take action.
Google formally endorsed the USA FREEDOM Act, which would end bulk data collection.
Twitter tweeted to nearly 30 million people in support.
Dozens of lawmakers issued statements of support.
NSA acolyte Senator Dianne Feinstein was on the run from her own constituents.
We will persist, we will escalate, and we will win.
Please click here to check out the stats.
And please share them widely, so the whole world knows just how strong we are when we work together:
Share on Facebook by CLICKING HERE.
Share on Twitter by CLICKING HERE.
-Demand Progress Paid for by Demand Progress ( and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Contributions are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.
I had an opportunity to share my thoughts on health care:
I was asked = Should MoveOn support this petition?
I say - HELL YES
The following was the e-mail I received:
A MoveOn member named Gregory Kapphahn recently created a petition on our public petition website entitled "Our state needs a public option"—and we'd like to know what you think of it.
The petition is addressed to The Minnesota State House, The Minnesota State Senate, and Governor Mark Dayton, and reads:
Support and introduce legislation for a public health insurance option in our state.
Sign Gregory's petition.
Here's what Gregory wrote about it:
Private insurers will always put profit and executive compensation above the well being of their their customers. With Wall Street downgrading any insurance company that does otherwise, we'll never be able to overcome that attitude, but we can make insurance companies compete with a public option that takes a very different, much more customer-centered approach. Such a true public option would provide better care for less money, because policyholders wouldn't have to subsidize shareholder profits, big CEO bonuses, or expensive marketing campaigns. Let's create that public option, the sooner the better!
Can you click to let us know what you think?
I want to sign this petition.
I don't think MoveOn should support this petition.
We'll decide whether to send this petition out to additional MoveOn members in your area based on your feedback.
In case you haven't heard about it, MoveOn's petition site allows anyone to start an online petition and share it with friends and neighbors to build support for their cause.
Thanks for all you do.
–Milan, Rosy, Manny, Bobby, and the rest of the team
What I said:
Minnesota Care as it was when I was Homeless 2009 - 2010 was very good - AND - better - as well as less expensive than Medicare. Let Minnesota be THE LEADER in PROPER HEALTH CARE FOR "ALL".
Keep pushing, from any angle you can find.
As long as the angle is a proper angle - it is not always a source that should be questioned - nope - but the action or inaction presented by a source - the action of supporting a public health option to get good service at good cost for ALL is a good issue/action.
As long as it pushes public health care forward.
You will find few improper angles pushing that forward.
One would be for "for profit" ( or any system ) mandating differing levels of care - all should receive the same level of care = The Best Possible.
The libe(R)tarians have been pushing their profitization model into Canada and England these days.
You can find plenty of "grassroots" testimonials against universal care all over the net.
t fuckers
Yeah, but mostly, they are libe(R)tarian, profiteering, A-holes.
A land where rules about coercion only count when there's no profit involved.
So Never Hey?
So it would appear.
Let's hope that "that" is changing - there is so much more happening today ( protests ) than was happening 2 years ago - we are - I believe - approaching a public critical mass. No doubt things will get worse before they get better - but some issues actually seem to be moving forward - like addressing the lack of a minimum "living" wage.
For real?
100,000 marched on Charlotte.
It was against teabagge(R)s, so no one noticed.
How many millions were spent and how many threats where offered by (R)epelican'ts, just to secure 86 votes against unionization in Tennessee?
Suddenly coercion doesn't enter their conversation.
Even though, it was all they did.
For Real ! For instance:
You voted, we tallied the results and the corporation of 2013 that you want to challenge most is … Koch Industries. So that's exactly what we're going to do together.
The competition was stiff in the Corporate Hall of Shame this year, with Koch Industries edging out runners-up Coca-Cola and Wal-Mart. But I'm hardly surprised at the results. For years, the Koch brothers have been lavishing tens of millions of dollars on federal campaigns, lobbying and front groups. They've been funding front groups to bust unions, blocking campaign finance reform and denying climate change.
In addition to setting up dark-money groups to funnel corporate cash anonymously into elections nationwide, the Koch brothers are also determined to shape public opinion. Repeatedly they've used their deep pockets to influence the media -- from their ownership positions and ties to major media outlets1 to sitting on the boards of key PBS stations2.
That's why we're joining our allies at Forecast the Facts in calling on Boston's PBS affiliate, WGBH, to remove David Koch from its board of trustees.
Don't live in Boston? This still affects you. That's because WGBH brings us national programming like Frontline and NOVA -- educational programs based on sound science and factual reporting.3
So why does infamous climate-change denier David Koch help oversee the station? He shouldn't. And that's why we're working with Forecast the Facts to ratchet up the pressure to tell WGBH that someone like David Koch with a history of promoting junk science should not have an influential position at a well-respected institution like WGBH, which is dedicated to educating the public.
If you help generate enough pressure, we can win. Until last year, David Koch was also on the board of New York's PBS affiliate, WNET. He resigned4 after a New Yorker exposé5 uncovered the embarrassing revelation that WNET staff refused to air a documentary critical of the Koch brothers, fearing that doing so would jeopardize a major planned contribution from David Koch. It's time for WGBH to follow suit.
Thousands of members like you voted Koch Industries as the worst corporation of 2013 for a reason. It's bad enough the Koch brothers have repeatedly lied to the public about climate change6. They should have no role in making key decisions in public education programming.
Add your name right now to the petition calling on WGBH to remove David Koch from its board of trustees.
Patti Lynn Deputy Director Corporate Accountability International
Corporate Accountability International is working toward a world where decisions affecting people and the environment are based on public interest, not maximizing corporate profits. Learn more about Corporate Accountability International's campaigns here.
Here's an example of what's happening to PBS local stations.
When did ANY former Enron exec. become legitimate?
Shouldn't they all be working at Micky Ds? Flippin' burgers?
U want a Koch wit dat odor ? ummm order?
DKAtoday @DKAtoday
T More U Know - T Better Off U "Can" B …
Public Broadcast Service (?) or Dis-service ?
Yep or at walmart.
" According to the Center for Economic and Policy Research, those shortfalls are miniscule, less than 0.2% of the next 30 years’ projected gross product. Nowhere near as expensive as the massive corporate subsidies that state and local governments dish out. We never hear suggestions to cut those, though. There is no evidence to support the claim that public pensions are busting state and local budgets."
Oooops, I missed posting the link.
sorry about that.
It certainly starts off well:
In Why Higher Education SHOULD Have a Leftist Bias, author Donald Lazere surveys the means by which American corporations render their own political and economic power invisible while diverting blame for social ills to "the government."
No problemo - gives me an opportunity to show off a - TWEET
DKAtoday @DKAtoday
Remove David Koch from the Board of Trustees at @wgbh … via @ForecastFacts
PBS is 4 people/society - Koch is NOT.
DKAtoday @DKAtoday …
Thimk bout it!
T more U know - T better off U can B !
This has been a public service announcement
The page is down for now.
I'll sign when I can, but know that due to coercion, PBS isn't what it used to be.
Nor is 60 minutes.
See the Leslie Stahl interview from '95'.
Watch as a libe(R)tarian PROUDY lies in an effort of coercion.
In an effort of profit.
He died, not too long after the interview.
What I said on the petition:
PBS is for the Public as in People - Koch is not - The Koch's are for themselves at the expense of the Public/People/Environment/World. Kick Koch to the curb
Moyers and company beats the drum for healthy change.
You mean libe(R)tarians would lie to us??
Doesn't lying go against their no coercion mantra?
Only every time there's profit in doing so, and the coercion can be meet their end game.
It's in quotes for a reason...............................:)
Thanks for that!
There are far too many STILL in denial around here.
"civilization will cease", and the nihilists will get their way and the battle begins all over again.
Can't we find a way forward in the here and now?
society should care for its people
Names were taken ( for e-mails ) - and we are still kickin butt = Today We Fight Back. {:-])
" We, the Redheaded Stepchildren " of the internet R kickin some on-line tail today - over 131,142 e-mails and soaring - just since last night.
it's all talk
a call for inaction
I'm sorry. Have we met ?
He is still a funny guy.
It's a metaphor, or something like that.
Senator Dianne Feinstein was on the run from her own constituents.
search Matt Holck if you need them
it's too bad this label has an L in it
does come up with the other searches
can google do something about ?
Amen indeed.